Woo Hoo! So the Glade Expressions deal is actually printing two $1 Register Rewards!!!! My guess is that there is an overlap between the $1 RR that’s been printing all month as part of the Catalina deal going on at multiple stores and the one advertised this week. This may not continue through the week so I’d go out and grab this one as soon as you can!
There are no prints left for the $3 coupon (just as I expected) but hopefully you all printed it when I posted it or after my reminder on Friday.
Also, the $3 coupon will need to be adjusted down since the product is $2.99. Bring your Walgreens coupon policy with you just in case your cashier is unaware of the policy.
Walgreens Deal
Buy Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist Starter Kit $2.99
(1) $3/1 Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist Starter Kit (no longer available)
TOTAL = FREE, Get Back (2) $1 RR
If you don’t have the coupon, it comes out to be just $0.99 each with no coupons. Be sure to check out my Walgreens Shopping Scenario which will now be an even sweeter deal, guaranteed to keep your house smelling fresh for months!
So how did your shop go? Find any awesome deals? Let us know!
(Thanks so much Laurel, Doug, Marcie, JT, Angela and Catherine!)

{ 114 comments… read them below or add one }
Also, if you don’t have the coupon, check for a $1 hangtag on the bottles. My store had these in two different places (on the shelf, and also at the end of an aisle in a special display box), so make sure to check both.
Also, at my store in MO the crest rewards were rolling!!!
went to wags early today..it did print 2 1.00 for me
has anyone used the buy a refill get a starter kit free coupon on this one?
Just used the refill coupon. Paid $3.19 for both starter and refill and received $2 rr.
I bought the refills and I bought 2 – used 2 coupons – got them free and 1 RR. You have to buy the refills in groups of 2 to get them free – but since I got 2 RR from the regular ones…it was worth it to me
2 refills 2/$6
1 kit $2.99
– free kit when you buy refill
2 -$1 refills
$4 out of pocket
-$4 Gillette RR from last week
Receive 3 $1 RR
I didn’t have the $3 coupon for the kit, so this was the next best thing.
Glad to see this does work. I’m going to try tomorrow.
I used the buy one refill get a starter kit free, and it worked out that I got two $1 rewards and so utimately, but also used a $1.00 off coupon to buy the refill so my receipt came to $1.99 plus .32 tax or 2.31 but getting the two dollars of rewards, I got both for .31. Yeah.
I did a separate transaction with the starter kit only, used the $3.00 coupon off coupon. They did struggle with the $2.99 price so thank Christie for encouraging me to tell them to adjust the coupon…they had to call mgt, but got it figured out. So made the $1.00 reward money maker thanks….I did couple this transaction with two Crest White toothpaste for $6.00 less 2($.75 off coupons), bot a $4.00 reward, so got both tubes for total of $.50. So got everything for a money making $.50. Thanks Christie.
You can use that coupon but no in conjunction with the $3/1 ! Lake Stevens wa. Walgreens printed (2) $1RR
Nope you can’t!! Even if it doesn’t beep it doesn’t make a valid use of the cpn. manufacturer’s do not allow additional cpns with a BOGO Free cpn. Walgreens will not get reimbursed for both.
Again, as I’ve said before…if it was ethical do do it I’m sure Christie would have it as part of her post …but she dosen’t so that should be a good clue
Keep your comments about ethics to yourself. No one said they were going to use the $3 off Q. It is perfectly fine to get 2 refills and a kit and use the bogo q and ONE $1 off q as was previously mentioned. There is nothing unethical about that. This site does not cover every deal that can be done in Walgreens so just because she hasn’t written about it, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done.
Oh and here’s a
so you don’t take it the wrong way
I went this morning, and in IL it printed out 2 $1 RR.
Also, the crest whitening mouth wash is 2 for 6 but, they are buy one get one 50% up until Aug. 25 so instead of 2 for 6 you get them 2 for $4.50 plus cpns and RR you are making money!!!
What coupon for mouthwash?
Mine were in a box of toothpaste from a while ago for $1 off. Great money maker.
Mine were in a tampons box for 1 off and also in toothpaste box both from target and both were on clearance at the time.
Amada…Mine rang up 2 for $6.00 but it was the Crest Vivid I believe.
I got 5 at my store this morning (ohio) and the manager was shocked that (2) $1 printed so I definately would get these today. I used my $3 off coupons! Yay!
For the Glade Expressions,
One of the $1 RR’s is from the Walgreens deal.
The other $1 is a catalina advertised on coupon network.
Do you have to do separate transactions for each one that you buy? Or could you buy say 4 in the same transaction and still have all of the register rewards print out?
Separate transactions
I got two $1 RR’s as well.
When my store tried to mark down the $3 coupon to $2.99 it locked up 2 different systems. I ended up just using a $1 coupon (that came with the diffuser kit) and it did print 2 $1 rr’s (still free). I tried at the next store and that’s where we figured out that if you add an item and your total is not $0 the register won’t lock up. I added a $.20 mini memo book and it worked perfectly. Just thought I’d share in case anyone else is having the same problem.
My stores usually mark the price of the item up. They changed the price of the mist to $3.00 and it accepted the coupon with no problems.
My store marks up as well
I went to a Walgreens before church and bought 4 of them and they had no problems adjusting the price of the product and giving me both RR’s. Usually when I know I am going to buy more than 4 items of a product I go to different walgreens so that there is still some for the next person, So I went to a different Walgreens after church and they wouldn’t adjust the price of the product or the coupon. After discussing it the the manager I just decided to go to a different (3rd) Walgreens but they wanted to keep my 2nd RR because the manager said it was a glitch in the system. She said she would let me have it this time, so I just ended up doing the one transaction at that Walgreens. I am glad that I have several nearby where I live and go to church but it is annoying that all the Walgreens cannot be consistent about their coupon policy.
I did a similar thing…I went to one Walgreens before church and they started to give me problems about it but the cashier did it anyway and I got the 2 RR. I went to another Wags on the way home from church and the woman refused to do it. I didn’t really want to get all into the policy with her so I said that I I would pass.
They tried marking the coupon down…locked up…then adjusted the item UP to 3.00 worked perfect and got the 2- 1.00 RR
The manager at my Wags kept one of the 1$ RR from Glade Expressions. She had also printed a sign that was taped to the register stating that although two 1$ RR would print, customers would only be receiving one. Also, the Dial RR did not print for me. Ugh.
‘went to Walgreen’s today and they did the same thing,they said it’s not right to give me the other $1 RR.
My store kept my 2ND RR Im not happy!!
I wouldn’t let that happen
Mine did too
If the store keeps the 2nd RR(which I don’t think they should), what do they do with them? I think I would insist on watching them rip it to pieces and throw it away!
Mine 2nd RR was kept too! The cashier wrote void over barcode.
(2) 1RR printed here in OK! I was so excited!!!
My Walgreens cashier would accept the $3 off until I said I was going to call corporate to figure it out.
It’s in the coupon policy that they can adjust the price of the coupon down
The first store I tried this morning wouldn’t accept mine either because they said they could not adjust the coupon down. I just went to another store…
You didnt sound like a bully to me. Ignore comment.
Printed 2 for me too but the cashier told me I was only supposed to get 1
Evelyn you sound like a bully, maybe there was a reason that the employee thought they couldn’t take the coupon, new employee, unsure ect. So instead of having then call a manger you threaten to call corporate and potentially get the employee and store in trouble…congrats on being a jerk for $3.00
She said she was going to call them to figure it out. I don’t see how that was being a bully or a threat.
LA, I don’t consider Evelyn a bully for threatening to call corporate. It is not Evelyn’s fault that a walgreens employee didn’t know their own company coupon policy! I myself am sick and tired of going to Walgreens and having to teach their employees how to follow their own policies! If the employee flat out refuses to follow their own policy then the customer has EVERY right to call corporate and complain. You must be an employee if you consider her a jerk.
Gee….LA, try looking in a mirror.
Sounds like you are an uneducated Walgreens employeee.
Congrats on being a jerk for a one sentence comment.
Evelyn, you are not a bully! I usually have to remind my WAGS about adjusting a coupon when necessary, too. Usually they just adjust the price of the item, instead. And I think most of us would agree that $3.00 is a lot of money, LA. That’s why we are so thankful for sites like this that help us stretch every dollar.
LA, its not the customers problem that the employee has not been trained correctly. She has every right to call coporate and ask why they would not accept the q when the coupon policy says otherwise. I has to deal snotty manager who thought he didn’t have to follow the companies policy.He actually had the nerve say that he would not take my carefree coupon because it made the item free and it wasn’t fair even though walgreens own ad had ADVERTISED this excellent deal in thier weekly circular with the q that you would use to get said deal.He refused to honor his own stores ad. Pretty apalling to say the least, which is why I drive the extra mile to go to a store whose manager actually has read the coupon policy more than once.
How many of you know every SINGLE answer in your job??? You don’t ever have to ask for help?? You are never unsure?? You were perfect from day 1?? There is not one person that should be able to say that. There are going to be cashiers that don’t know everything or are misinformed. It is very frustrating for me to hear people talk about lack of training for cashiers. There is no way that we can prepare a cashier for every single different type of problem or situation. I have been with the company for 10 years and there are still things that I don’t know the answer to or that I probably do wrong. You sometimes have to learn as you go and learn from your mistakes.
Great comment Remy!
I agree with evelyn if a store cant keep their customers happy call corporate…so thay can educate you employees on these situations…Customers 1st…and LA says over only $3 …it’s a shame walgreens rather upset customers over only $3!!!!
Josie – thanks. My actual savings would be $8. The Glade was free, 2 $1 RR, plus I have the TRY ME FREE hang tag. I can make a great healthy meal for my family for $8.
I agree that no one has all the correct answers in their job. I worked retail for over 15 years and I never knew all of the rules or changes in policies. When Evelyn said she was going to call Corporate to figure it out, I believe she meant that she wanted clarification to the coupon policy. If the store/employee doesn’t know the answer, they should be calling corporate and asking for clarification. If the employee isn’t willing to find out the correct answer then I don’t see why it’s wrong for the customer to call to find out.
Believe me, I get that most cashiers are trying their best to do their jobs correctly for both the customer and the business. However, if the cashier is unwilling to help answer a customer’s question then what other option does the customer have but to call?
I’ll admit, my response to LA was a bit snarky, but I was suprised that she was able to “read” so much into someone else’s experience when they left a one sentence comment.
LA – Not that I have to justify or explain myself to YOU, I was very polite to my cashier (who was also the manager on duty). When the coupon wouldn’t scan, and he said I couldn’t use it, I showed him a copy of Walgreen’s coupon policy that clearly states that they will adjust the price on sale items. He read it and still looked very confused and said he couldn’t do it. I very casually said, “Oh well, I’ll just call corporate when I get home to figure this out”. It wasn’t until I said this that he looked up how to adjust the price and honor the coupon and their company coupon policy. I have worked as a cashier and I am very polite. When I encounter pure laziness, I have every right to call upper management. I went there at 5:30 am and I am sure there would be many customers trying the same transaction. Better to get it straightened out early. I hope I made things easier for the customers that came after me.
I let my hubby go & get a MM Glade this afternoon, but he said the cashier refused to take $3/1 coupon b/c of the value of the coupon exceed to the price and she said she couldn’t adjust the coupon down. He added some UP2U gum on clearance for $0.39 to cover it, but still coupon beeped and she didn’t take it. Well, I’ll try it again at the newer Wags later this week. Oh by the way, if you have $1/2 UP2U gum coupons from 8/5SS, you can get them free after that coupon!
I tried to do the Crest with Scope 2/$6 plus get the bogo 50% off and it didn’t work, in TX.
if youre referring to the toothpaste that was last weeks deal.
For the crest mouthwash did u use the bogo q?
Mines in Boaz AL had an a $1 coupon tag on them so I used those to buy other more and came out like this 4 glade expression -4 $3 coupon = $0 and then 4 more at $2.99 – 4 $1 off coupon tag (tears) I paid $2 for each and got $2 for each so came out to =free after RR
My walgeens finally got the new registers. I tried to use the $1 off planters, buying two jars and using two $1 coupons. I also had a $off coupon from the wag August book and they said I couldn’t use the wag coupon. I did have extra items. Is there an order that I should have given the coupons in? I guess I should have paid more attention when the rest of you were getting the new registers. Thank you
I don’t think it had anything to do with the new registers. You shouldn’t have needed extra items because store coupons do not count towards the total. Did they try and scan the coupon or just refuse it after looking at it? I have the habit of handing all of my manufacturer coupons first and then store coupons because that seems to work the best at most stores. I would be tempted to try your deal again at a different store or with a different employee.
Thank you.
With the new registers, the instruction is to scan ALL Walgreens coupons first before Manufacturer’s Coupons. So you should use the August book first before your manuf. cpns and you do not need to buy anything extra unless you have RRs to spend.
I got 2 of the Glade Expressions in separate transactions today and got two $1 RR for each one! I was surprised to see my Wags had a huge stock, and it didn’t look like they had actually sold any yet for the day. My Wags had no problem with adjusting the price of the Glade for the coupon to work, but they are very coupon friendly and know their stuff, so they always do a great job. Also got the Right Guard body wash really cheap with the B1G1 free deal and a $2/2 coupon…I got them for $1.40 each! Glad to get a few nice deals this week! Thanks for everything Christie!
I got 2 cans of whole cashews 2/$8 and b1g1 free so $4 for 2 cans and 2 chex mix 2/$3 with 2 $0.60 coupons and $1 rr back so only $0.80 for 2!!
Oh, yummy! I will have to go in again this week for the chex mix. Have you tried the turtle one? It is addicting…
i agree about the turtle chex. 1 bag and i was hooked.
My store said no computers can’t adjust the coupon down. But I had some $1 mq from diffuse big purchases a few weeks ago. so still free.Also it printed 2-$1 RR.
Both Walgreens I went to today said that they couldn’t give me the deal. Then one gave in and did it but the second woman I met wouldn’t budge. I really don’t enjoy shopping at Walgreens all that much..mine is almost always sold out of everything on sale. Considering not going anymore.
I am wanting to use B1G1 Free q on the Crest Rinse, but if they are B1G1 50% off and with new registers the q will automatically adjust. Does anyone know how the registers are ringing up the Crest Rinse?
They ring up $3 and $1.50. The bogo coupon too $3 off so it makes it a money maker!
if it’s the bogo coupon that i think your talking about, aren’t the requirements buy the larger one get the smaller one free. It’s only the smaller one that is on sale this week and I don’t remember the price of the big one but it’s not worth it.
yea the volume requirements are different and dont work for that specific transaction, however, one does ring up for 3.00 and the other for 1.50 then use (2) $1 off any crest mouthwash =$2.50 plus 4RR=1.50 money maker!!!
My wags at first wasn’t going to accept my coupons until I showed them their coupon policy. It’s a shame when the manager isn’t aware of the policy!! I also received the extra RR!!!
My store seemed to have an abundance of the Glade starter kits. I had one $3 coup left and I did receive (2) $1 RR. Looks like not everyone was as fortunate. I wanted to do the 2/$6 Oral B floss picks and receive $4 RR deal, only to find out my store does not even carry them, so a little bummed about that. I got some Chex Mix, though, and the .99 plastic spoons for my lunchbox. Can’t even get them that cheap at my walmart!
The Oral-B Glide are in the dark green bags…the Oral-B is written so small! I had to search the entire rack for them! Mine also had $11.50 worth of coupons and a sample of Crest Whitestrips in there. Good luck!
Maybe I will try again. Awesome deal with the added coupons!
I found couple with coupons at my store (Kennewick, WA on 27th) also, but I have to open them to see the coupons. Not really stocking up
Extra coupons is always a nice bonus!!
Whoa! After reading all the varying outcomes of everyones shopping trips I must say I am thankful for how well mine went today! I was able to do the Glade deal- got 2 $1 RR. My cashier was awesome and had no issues with the $3 mq. I even got 4 packages of Up2U gum for free
I’m in CA, South OC…
Worked for me in Arlington, TX, got 2 RRs but q had to be adjusted but manager did it with no problems. I had bought an extra 20c items but I guess I didn’t even need it it would still have beeped. They only have one glade but said they should get more on tue. Since this is a brand new store my ad also had a $3/$10 purchase for that specific location that I hopefully will get to use later this week when I pick up some pics and some oral b (they still had lots and it wasn’t marked).
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous of this one too. It so happens my printer ink was REALLY low when I was printing the coupon last week. I did get the 2 $1 RR’s. The cashier did have to call the manager to figure out how to adjust the price but we walked out +$2
Had issues as well. Cashier #1 will not accept coupons for greater than the purchase price, period. She invited me to use the $3 coupon next week, when the sale is over. Cashier #2 made me buy a filler, which is no big deal since I can always use a cheap Sharpie marker. Cashier #3 initially turned me down but when I begged her to adjust the coupon, she changed the price of the product to $3. Cashiers 2 and 3 both had trouble handing over both RRs to me but I explained that Walgreens had 2 concurrent promos going and that seemed to satisfy them both. I got what I wanted but it took a lot of effort.
We were surprised when 2- 1.00 RR spit out…but I hopped on W4W FB page…saw this post and the cashier handed it over and was so excited for me! lol
Tip for Minnesotans in twin cities area–if your store has plenty of Glade on the shelf, the cashiers are probably not accepting the coupon. Prepare to be a little assertive…Or have the coupon policy handy as Christie suggests.
Worked fine for me… At Store #1 there were a few issues b/c they adjusted the coupon to $2.99 and when the register zeroed out it FROZE it! So, I bought a small filler, they adjusted the coupon and it worked. I got 2 ($1RR). She did question why but I explained that they were overlapping deals and she said OK! She doesn’t like me because I get stuff for free (she’s told me to my face that before). So then, at Store #2 I had no problems, got a filler with each transaction (even though I shouldn’t have had to so) and I got the rest of the Glade Expressions. That cashier was like WOW! I’m going to do that too! She was encouraging me! haha!
went to mine this morniong in mn and worked i also got some gummy vitamins that were on clearence and walgreens has a coupon for 1.50 off in their wellness booklet. got my 2 rr the cashier said oh i guess you got lkucky today it printed double and handed me both
I agree with everyone, Evelyn was not a bully. If it was a new employee than she must have been trained incorrectly along with other employees and corporate should know about that. If she was not a new employee than corporate should also know about a store or atleast an employee that is not following policy. My feeling is that she is not a new employee since in order for her to take the coupon she would have to override tge computer which a new employee probably would not know how to do.
Thanks VB – it was a manager
Can I use last weeks $3rr from the crest for this weeks crest deal and the $4rr still Print?
Since the dollar amount is different (last week’s was $3 and this week’s is $4) you should be fine using it.
I as all excited, got to Wags early to use all my Glade coupons. Well they wouldn’t adjust them down or allow a filler item to add to it. PLus they told me dairy isn’t allowed as a filler item. So I got nada. I knew it was too good.
Are you serious??!! I stopped buying my milk at Costco because I can get it cheaper at Wags and use it as a filler item. Their eggs and milk prices cannot be beat lately!
Dairy product regulations vary state to state, perhaps the state you live in doesn’t have the same regulations as SC Nana does.
I hit up 4 different stores while I was out and about today. I got 2 Glade Fragrance Mist Starter kits from each store. The cashiers easily adjusted the coupon down to $2.99, and received 2 $1 RR for all 8 starter kits that I bought. I spent $1.44 total in taxes but received $16 in register rewards. Gotta love that deal. And I was impressed with how stocked the stores were with the products.
I went to the 24hr WAGS 6292 27th street & college ave, milwaukee, wi
They had only cotton scent left, about 5 or 6. The cashier happily gave me the 2 $1 RR She said it was prob. a glitch and the system would fix itself soon
I thought I would mention that the Kerasal Nail treatment has a $2/1 coupon on their website http://www.kerasalnail.com/
only printing 1-$1RR in So Cal this morning.
I have extra hang tags for Try Me Free offer, if any one wants them. (Not you – LA)
I would like one. I can send you a stamp. Please email me: airnayh@yahoo.com
I would love to have one, please. Thanks! Hcxlv@yahoo.com
I would love to have 2 my email is jane.couponp@gmailcom. I will be more than happy to send you a self address self stamped envelope.
Got 1 $1RR this morning in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Anyone know if the crest RR are rolling in FL
In ID we had 2 RR’s printing for the Glade. I got 3 with the $1 coupon from the diffusers. The cashiers at my Walgreens paid no attention to the extra RR printing…I guess because I had others printing too from the Mach 3 and the floss picks. Got lucky and my floss picks had a free sample of whitening strips in the bag along with extra coupons for mouthwash and a couple other things. Woohoo! I’m going to try to go back today and get a few more, we’ll see if they’ve figured it out yet.
Good morning everyone, My experience with the Glade Expressions was unique
I purchased 3 made 3 separate purchases each time used a $3 coupon. 1st purchase no problem an had 2 RR’s print, 2nd purchase register locked up an the ast. manager finally figured out how to unlock for the purchase to go through, then when it printed the 2 RR’s she said well it is only supposed to print the one, so she took 2 of the RR’s back. Then when she left the associate ran the 3rd purchase an when it printed 2 RR’s she said “here keep them”. However she could not give me back the 2 the ast. manager had told her to keep.
Today I went back and told the manager what had happened yesterday and he said well take $2 off your purchase today to make up for the RR’s I didn’t get yesterday.
So my daughter was getting some Dickinson’s original Witch Hazel which was $2.99 so they let us have it for 99 cents. The witch hazel had a hang tag MIR on it so it will really be free.
I also printed my Hormel chill coupon this morning an turned it in on the Hormell Chilli that was 2/$3. Our store only had 2 cans of Hormel Chili so could only buy 2 cans.
All in all thought I did good.
Thank you Christie for the awesome site
Does anyone know if this is a ROLLING deal?
My Wags in NE WI only printed one RR, but no problems with the $3 coupons. They didn’t say a word and adjusted them without me having to ask. 99% of the time I am completely happy with my store. Now if only they’d get my Slip Ons back in stock
Definitely going to go back to get some more later this week.
Just did the glade deal and only 1 $1 RR printed out
My store is in the Chicago suburbs.
Just did the glade deal, only 1RR printed in Houston, Tx.
Only 1 RR in bay area and cashier had an issue with the $3 MQ. She said with the new registers, I had to get a filler item before the system would allow her to adjust MQ down. Oh well, still a small moneymaker at the end of the day!
went to walgreens today and bought one of the glade starter kits and it only printed 1rr. and im in michigan
Has anyone tried to roll this deal? Has it worked like the Scope mouth wash deal? I would love to stock up on these like I did with the Scope. Thanks bunches!!
Crest deals is rolling. Got 2 toothbrush, 2 mouthwash, and 2 toothpaste and rolled rr each time! Glade is only printing 1 rr now.
My Walgreens outright refused to honor the $3 Glade coupon and wouldn’t adjust it to 2.99. I even had a cheap item with the Glade so that I would have to tender some cash. I told the cashier that their own policy was to adjust the coupon but he said they ‘didn’t do that anymore’ and they’d been told to refuse them.
Honestly I find Walgreens much more trouble than it’s worth. I’m glad for those of you who get the great deals but I always get excited over them – and then get denied.
I was also told that line at a Wags in Jax., FL. Wouldn’t adjust the coupon and couldn’t charge one cent more for the item so I could use my coupon. This was on a different item last week. Said “we don’t do that anymore”. I said that was what I understand from their own coupon policy and was told NOT anymore. crazy!!