Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Nivea Q10 Coupon = Low As $2.29 (Reg. $7.79)

by Christie Bisbee on July 23, 2012

Here’s an opportunity to pick up some Nivea lotion at a really good price! Now through July 28th at Walgreens you’ll receive $5 Register Rewards when you purchase just $10 worth of Nivea products.

Plus, if you use the high-value Nivea Q10 Coupon below you’ll then be able to pick up some Nivea Q10 lotion for as low as $2.29 per bottle after RR!

Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Nivea Skin Firming Body Lotion Q10 8.4oz $7.79
Total = $15.58
(2) $3/1 Nivea Q10 Product
= $9.58, Get $5 Register Reward
TOTAL = $2.29 each!

Buy (1) Nivea Skin Firming Body Lotion Q10 13.5oz $10.79
(1) $3/1 Nivea Q10 Product
= $7.79, Get $5 Register Reward
TOTAL = $2.79!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Danijela July 24, 2012 at 9:59 am

Wow, I love Nivea. This price is just HOT. Thanks for sharing.


Patti July 24, 2012 at 10:44 am

Has anyone tried this? the smaller size bottle at my store was 8.99, but it was not marked as being part of the promotion, so I didn’t try it :/

I will check another store today to see if it’s marked.


Marie July 24, 2012 at 1:49 pm

I did this deal:
(2) Nivea Extended Moisture Hand Cream @ $4.99
(1) Nivea Lotion Tin $0.99
Total 10.97
Used (2) $2.00 off Nivea Extended Misture Hand Cream
Total 6.97
Get $5.00 RR
So I got everything for $1.97 or $0.66 each

BTW Cosmetic counter has the coupon of $2.00 Maufacture Coupon for Nivea Extended just asked for it.


Lindsay S. July 26, 2012 at 6:06 pm

I just picked up some of this today for the deal! My store didn’t have any of the smaller bottles in that picture (they were $6.99 at my store), but they did have a few larger bottles left at $9.99, so I got that one and a small travel sized lotion for $0.99. I got both for $2.98 after using the $3 coupon and $5 in RR that I already had. Such a great deal on firming lotion! There were quite a few Nivea products included in the deal, even some cellulite cream, but it was a bit pricier. Thanks for the heads up on the coupon!


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