Walgreens Coupons & Deals

NEW Nature Made Coupons for Rebate!

by Christie Bisbee on July 17, 2012

We have some NEW Nature Made coupons to use for the Nature Made Rebate at Walgreens! These are B1G1 50% OFF plus you can get a $10 Rebate when you buy $30 in Nature Made products.

You can request your rebate on a Walgreens gift card and you’ll get 10% extra back, making it $11. You can find the rebate form in the July Coupon book or on line HERE.

$2.00 off any Nature Made Fish Oil
$1.00 off any Vitamin D Nature Made
$1.00 off any Vitamin B Nature Made

Walgreens Deal Idea
Buy (2) Nature Made Fish Oil Supplements 100ct $8.99 B1G1 50% OFF
(2) Nature Made Vitamin D $4.99 B1G1 50% OFF
(2) Nature Made Vitamin B-1 100ct $6.99 B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $31.45
(2) $2.00 off any Nature Made Fish Oil
(2) $1.00 off any Vitamin D Nature Made
(2) $1.00 off any Vitamin B Nature Made
Total = $23.45, Submit for $10 MIR &(Request Rebate on Walgreens Gift Card)
Get Back $11 on Walgreens Gift Card
= $12.45 for Everything or $2.07 EACH!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

nancy July 17, 2012 at 9:46 pm

Rebate is for Walgreens .com only.


Andy Mack July 17, 2012 at 11:33 pm
Christie July 18, 2012 at 12:46 am



Jannell July 18, 2012 at 10:50 am

Are smaller bottles of the fish oil included in the sale and rebate?


MBC July 18, 2012 at 4:10 pm

Hi Christie!

Question- there is a Nature Made $2/1 coupon allegedly in the Wag vits booklet. Would using this 1 time take $2 off each product automatically or do I need mult. Wag coupons? And, if you use this, would this reduce the amount toward the $30 rebate as this is a WAG coupon? In other words you spend $30 on product, but the Wag coupon takes off e.g. $12, leaving the total $18? Or would the $30 still count despite the WAG coupon?

I found some $2/off Naturemade in a pile at another store and was hoping to use these to make all free…. but let me know as I want to satisfy the $30 amount and not blow that.


glen July 20, 2012 at 2:51 pm

99% of the time, from my experience, it is based on the store price of the item (pre coupon). So if you bought $30+ worth of product, had coupons that took off, say, $12, you should still get the rebate.

Plus, on 99%+ of all rebates, they are only either concerned with the total value of store prices (in this case) or the item(s) which were purchased, not less any coupons.

Lastly, think about when a rebate says to “circle the purchased item(s).” It doesn’t say “circle the net amount purchased or price paid less coupons.” See, the mfgs still like frugal people like us!!

I hope this helps.


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