Walgreens Coupons & Deals

NEW Woolite Coupon & Sale Thru 6/30

by Christie Bisbee on June 14, 2012

We have a new Woolite coupon available today! Now through June 30th at Walgreens, all Woolite Laundry Detergent is on sale for $4.50 off the regular price.

Plus, you can print out this $1/1 coupon to make your final cost just $5.99 per bottle. That’s a really good price for the Woolite brand, since their detergent is regularly priced for way more than that.

Walgreens Deal
Buy (1) Woolite Complete Laundry Detergent 25 Loads $6.99
$1/1 Woolite Detergent 50oz+
TOTAL = $5.99!

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