If you’re needing to stock up on personal care items then check out this hot deal! Right now at Walgreens the Register Rewards for select P&G items seem to be overlapping which means you’ll be able to grab $50 worth of P&G Products and actually end up making $2.08!
Walgreens Deal
Buy (1) Gillette Venus ProSkin Razor $10.99
Buy (1) Gillette Venus 4 ct box of Cartridges $12.99
Buy (2) CoverGirl Single Eye Shadows B1 @ $3.99 G1 50% Off
Buy (1) Olay Foaming Face Wash $3.99
= $33.95
(1) FREE Venus razor with refill purchase coupon exp. 6/30/12 (P&G 06/03/12)
(2) $1/1 CoverGirl Product, exp. 6/30/12 (P&G 06/03/12)
(1) $1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Facial Moisturizer, exp. 6/30/12 (P&G 06/03/12)
= $19.96, Get $8, $5 & $3 Register Rewards
TOTAL = $3.96 or $.79 each!
Register Rewards You’ll Receive:
Get $8 RR WYB (2) Gillette Venus Razors or Cartridges
Get $5 RR WYB (3) Olay, Cover Girl AND Venus Product
Get $3 RR WYB (1) Cover Girl Product AND Olay Product
Also, if you complete this transaction twice you’ll then be able to submit both receipts to receive this $10 mail in rebate when you purchase $50 worth of P&G products! The rebate is valid through today (6/5) ONLY so be sure to fill it out and mail it off quickly. After completing two identical transaction then submitting for the rebate you’ll have turned this deal into a $2.08 money maker!!!
(Thanks for the deal & the pic Hip2Save!)

{ 102 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi, I have a question about the rebate. I have purchased over fifty dollars worth or items but are they going to be going on pre coupon amount or after? For example, I had 5 of the B1G1 free coupons for pantene and used all 5 on bottles that were $4.97 so should I purchase more items to account for the 5 I got for free? Thanks!
P&G is normally pre-coupon amount for their rebates which is awesome!
Quick question. The scenario has Venus, but the coupon says Sensor. There is a Venus coupon, that’ll work, right?
Yes – I’ll change…
thanks for the great deal will try today and let you know wife will be pleased
Instead of buying the eyeshadow, can I purchase 2 Covergirl mascaras instead?
Ditto on this…anyone?
yes! any covergirl product. You don’t actually need to buy 2 eye shadows, one will suffice. I’ve done it twice!
This is just for buying items right? Not for reaching totals?
we have a BOGO free coupon for cover girl mascara, will that be a better deal Christie if we purchase those instead of the eyeshadows? because I know it will deduct the other one, just not sure if they will deduct the 50% price for BOGO coupon though, my walgreens did that one time at my BOGO free coupon with their BOGO 50% off they have on sale, so I wasn’t happy they didn’t take out the full price
also if you buy and use the BOGO free coupon of covergirl mascare you can use the $1/1 any cover girl coupon for both mascara right?
Only one and that’s for the one you’re actually buying. You cant use a $ off coupon on a product that you’re getting free from a BOGO mfg coupon too.
Actually, yes you can use a $/1 coupon along with a BOGO coupon.
Most stores won’t allow you to use a coupon even on the one you are buying with a BOGO free coupon. Manufacturer’s call this “double dipping” and are not reimbursing stores when they do this
Jane – I’m not sure where you heard that, but I’ve worked for manufacturer coupon redemption centers and they DO reimburse. The item you are buying is coupon worthy, and the free item is given by the manufacturer. Both coupons are valid to use and the stores are reimbursed accordingly. This is true for P&G, too! That’s good news! You just can’t use another coupon on the free item (because the BOGO coupon is attached to that item).
Jennifer-so that means I can still use $2/1 any venus razor or cartridge/refill in conjuction with my coupon Buy Venus cartridge get Venus razor free when I purchase the Venus cartridge and Venus razor right? the $2/1 off coupon is for Venus razor or refill and the other BOGO coupon is for the razor(the free item) that means I’m using the $2/1 coupon for the cartridge/refill not for the razor right? Sorry newbie here
I did this deal yesterday and bought 2 mascaras, used the BOGO Free mascara Q and a $1/1 CG Q. The BOGO mascara Q auto deducted 6.99 for the full price mascara without a beep or prompting the cashier. Also the BOGO free razor wyb cartridge Q is auto deducting for the price of the cartridge and not the razor.
Hi Christie, just a quick question. Are we allowed to use the $2.00 off One Venus Cartirdge from P&G 5/13/12? Seeing as how the other coupon is for the free razor and we are still paying full price for the cartridges. Thank you…
The register accepts it.
Has anyone successfully completed this transaction yet? I would love to know if it works before I head out.
I just completed exact scenario and only received 8 RR??? Not sure why? Help !
Figured out my issue…the clerk manually entered a price on my olay purchase which cause the 5$ & 3$ RR’s to not print…called the store and the manager said he would fix it for me if I brought in the receipt!
FYI if you buy the Venus proskin razor and the Venus olay cartridges at a store with the new registers, 16.99 is automatically deducted when you use the bogo coupon. Also, you can use the BOGO coupon good for a free olay body wash when you buy the catrtiges .
I bought:
1 Venus Proskin Razor 10.99
3 pk Venus Olay 16.99
1 Olay Body Wash 7.49
1 Cover girl eye shaddow 3.99
BOGO Venus coupon — deducted 16.99
BOGO Olay — deducted 7.49
1.00 off any cover girl product
TOTAL OOP: 14.98
GOT BACK: $8, $5, $3 Rewards
$1.02 Moneymaker!!
I repeated this transaction twice and will now submit for the p&g rebate!
Did the register beep at all? Just so I know if I do it! Thanks!
Just curious, how is it that 16.99 is deducted when the bogo q is only up to 12.99..
I’m wondering that too????
I believe it’s only supposed to deduct the price of the Razor and not the cartridges. The coupon says buy cartridges and get RAZOR free. Also if you use that coupon how can you use the Buy Cartridges, get free Olay. You can’t use 2 coupons on one cartridge purchase
I can help with this. I’ve done the above transaction 9 times so far myself (though I also used the $2/1 Venus cartridge Q too…needed a couple fillers but I don’t mind, candy is always welcome lol). The cashiers have told me that they are instructed to follow the register. The new registers do not ask the cashier to input the amount, it does it automatically. The cashiers I’ve used even commented about it but told me they just do what the register tells them too.
You are correct. My coupon scanned at $16.99 however the cashier realized that it should have been $12.99. She voided the coupon and then re-entered it manually. That is what I had expected and is correct so I didn’t mind.
I actually have done this bout 5 times, each time it took off the price for the more expensive item (twice with an 8 pk – $21.99 -was going to get larger size any way) once they caught it and fixed it, twice they looked at it funny but allowed it to go through, and twice didnt even notice. all have been on the new registers and when they scanned the coupon the higher price came off!!!
Brittany, so you don’t need to buy the venus cartridege twice just to get the free items that comes with those coupons, because one coupon says buy venus cartridge and get razor free and the other one says buy venus refill get body wash free( refill and cartridge are the same right) so I don’t need to buy 2 cartiges/refills to get those 2 items? also for the buy venus cartrige get razor it says up to $12.99 only, so you mean the register deducted the price of the cartridge instead of the razor?
You can’t just buy 1 cartridge and then use 2 coupons on it. Only one manufacturer’s coupon per item and the BOGO free coupons apply to BOTH products on the coupon. That’s like trying to use a $1.00/2 coupon for razors and then trying to use a $.50/2 also…same principle
actually, the coupon does NOT attach to both. The coupon is for the free item, not the full priced one you’re paying for. It’s a MASSIVE grey area in couponing…everyone has their views and opinions on it.
Ive read on other blogs that you’d have to buy two cartridges in order to use both BOGO coupons correctly? Also, since your coupon took off the price of the cartridge instead of razor anyway, you’re not really buying the cartridge at all so is it ok to use the BOGO olay? I’m really just curious; I mustve read over 10 scenarios now and am just trying to plan out the best one. Thanks.
You would need to buy 2 cartridges in order to be able to use both the free razor and free Olay coupons.
I may have used the coupon incorrectly then, but it definitely took them both without a problem
Sorry but your example is coupon mis-use:
1) you need one cartridge for EACH of the BOGO coupon it involves. For for the Venus and one for the Olay. What you suggest is double dipping. Would you try to get Two Venus Razors free by using 2 of those coupons but only one Cartridge?
2) the store is only reimbursed for the max amount on the coupon. Thus the autodeduction for the razor matching a cartridge price the above 12.99 max will short the store. Be nice to your store. Build a trusting relationship and it will go a long way.
3) whether the register beeps or not is not the issue. ethics in proper coupon use is. be strong
Good day and happy savings
This is a HUGE grey area in couponing. There is no rule I’ve seen anywhere with any manufacturer that says you can’t use 2 different BOGO coupons with 1 regularly priced item. For me, the key is that they are different coupons, not the same.
As for shorting the store, all my cashiers have told me that they are not supposed to override the register. What the register deducts is what they’re supposed to go with. I pointed it out to them for that very reason and that’s what they told me. I certainly wasn’t going to fight them over it.
I did the Venus deal on Sunday and YES, the register automatically deducted the cost of the cartridges, $16.99, instead of the razor. I was super excited!
hi, i did this transaction and only $8 RR came out.. i wonder what i did wrong. Here are the things i got:
1 CG eyeshadow
1 Olay Bodywash
3-pk Venus/Olay Cartridge
1 Venus ProSkin Razor
2 Filler Items
coupons that I used:
$2/1 Venus cartridge
B1G1 Free Venus Razor
B1G1 Free Olay Body Wash
$1/1 Covergirl Cosmetic.
I used $10 RR and $6 RR
OOP: $10.32
RR Earned: $8. —- how come?
No beeps! I have no idea why it subtracts 16.99 but it only does on the new registers. Both the 16.99 and 7.49 came off without the cashier having to manually input anything. It was weird. My mother in law had the same thing happen at her walgreens too.
I tried and the $16.99 did not come off. Nothing came off automatically; the cashier had to manually put it in ($11.99). Grrr… You got my hopes up.
Does your walgreens have the new registers? It only works on the new registers.
did the walgreens u go to had the new registers?
Me too, they had to put in the prices. It was on the new registers and nothing came off automatically. Then after I did it, I got to thinking about why I was using two coupons on the cartridges…I try to do things by the book and now feel really bad about doing that.
My Wags has the new registers, and not only did the 16.99 of the cartridge come off, but because they scan the RR before the coupons, I essentially wasted a $10 RR. She scanned my two $10 RR, which took my totally from 44 to 24. I was watching the prices, and this seemed fine. Until I looked at my receipt when I got home. It apparently DID NOT take off my second $10 RR because after coupons and 1 $10 RR, the total was $6! If she had scanned the coupons first, I would have immediately seen that I couldn’t use both $10 RR, and so I wasted my second. UGH. Suggestions?
I have just learned in general that I hand over all of my coupons first like my MQ, WAGS etc. then after they have my “new” total that’s when I pull out any RR’s that I want to use. This has saved me headaches in the past when there have been issues on transactions and using RR for me
Mine took off 16,99 also and the cashier felt “weird” about it. She said she would have to modify it to only take off 12.99 since that is what the coupon says. So instead I bought the refills that were only 12.99 instead of the venus-olay refills that were 16.99.
For the rebate, the items must be purchased by 6/5 and submission postmarked by 7/5. So we have a month to get it mailed.
I just did this deal at walgreens. My buy 1 refill get a 1 razor free rang up backwards and I got the refill for free on both transactions
Computer did not beep and had no problems! Thank you for posting this deal. I had other RR to roll so hopefully I have no problems with the rebate and I will make about $8 off this deal! Thank you!!
Can I roll my register rewards from the first transaction to pay for the 2nd transaction and receive another set of register rewards?? I know most RR wont print if you pay with a RR from the same product.
anything that says compliments of P&G will roll the second time thru and give u the RR
when do the register rewards expire and am i allowed to use thm on medication?
Question! If I can print off one of those daily feats $5 off $35 coupons this month, would i be able to use it in conjunction with this deal and a few other RR items? Therefore getting all the money back!?
If the total after coupons is 19.96, and if I use two $10 rr of kid’s brainstrong to pay it off, will I still get the $10 rebate from p & g….?
Your RRs apply to the subtotal, not tax. So you couldn’t use both, because your sub would have to be $20. Throw in some cheap gelatin or candy, then you’ll be ok. And you’ll be able to get the rebate.
Also, make sure you add 2 cheap items for the 2 RRs you’re using, because they count as coupons (1 per item).
thanks Betsy….!!!
you can, Wags corp policy on coupons is to adj a coupon down if it’s more than the total. So if the total was $19.96, you could use both $10RRs, the last one would be manually entered for $9.96 is all.
could I purchase different items besides the ones listed and still get all the rewards?
I notice that there are 5 items and 4 coupons, could I use a register reward also or do I need a filler
The BOGO coupon for the razor and cartridges applies to both items. So you need a filler for each RR you use.
actually, it doesn’t. The BOGO coupon only attachs to 1 item. HTH
Great deal! I bought a venus razor, venus cartridge refill, 2 cover girl mascaras, and an olay facial wash.
Used the BOGO razor and cartridge coupon, a $2 off cartridge coupon, the BOGO mascara coupon, and a $1 off olay facial cleanser coupon.
I got the 3 RRs for $8, $5, and $3.
Sweet deal! My mom did the same except for 2 cover girl eyeliners and used 2 $1 coupons. We are gonna combine the receipts for the rebate.
I also used the $2 off cartridge coupon with no problems, but when I looked at my receipt when I got home, I noticed the BOGO cartridge and razor coupon took off for the price of the cartridge and not the razor.
what kind of cartridge and razor did you buy? just wanna make sure I’ll buy the right ones to get the 8RR
I got the Venus proskin razor for $11.99 and the Venus cartridge for $13.49. Also got 2 CG eye shadows and 1 olay toner. The Venus cartridge is for the plain old blue Venus razor in blue packaging. Awesome deal!
Actually you could have used the $2/1 Venus razor in addition because you can use a coupon on the other item in a b1g1 scenario- says so in the ocupon policy
I did it last night!
you could have used another coupon $1/1 for the BOGO mascara for additional discount:)
funny thing….you just mentioned on RR each razor, oil of olay, cover girl. I did not aware of it and did not see anything like that at walgreens twice this week. all I got is razor and got rr $8. wish I knew about this sooner. Please advise. I already sent out PG promotion last month ago and got $10 back last couple of weeks ago.
If your like me and can’t do the rebate(only had one of each coupon) and you have one of those $5 off web order catalinas they are always printing, you can get these for free! I placed my web order tonight it was super easy, I had
Venus Proskin Razor 11.99
Venus 4pack 13.99
Olay Face Wash 3.99
2 CG eye shadows 5.98
2 No Nonsense Knee-highs(Fillers for my 2RRs) 1.29 = $37.24- $5 code= $32.24
Coupons-I used my coupons in-store when I picked it up
BOGO Venus- $12.07 (No idea why it took off 12.07)
2 CG-$2, 1 Olay-$1, in-ad for knee highs-$.62, 2 RR-$16
Subtotal=$.55! I got back all three RR it worked perfectly, if you pay w/o RRs you could leave out the fillers and its free!
So, after many scenarios and input, I think I’ll just stick with Hip2Save’s scenario. I’m slightly disappointed because I’ve seen many scenarios that involve coupon mis-use and I agree with a fellow commentator. It’s not about if the coupons go through or not, it’s about being ethical and making sure that you’re using coupons right and not shorting your store. I’m a regular at my walgreens and cvs and I would feel terrible if I was the one that made them lose money or even an employee because I used my coupons incorrectly. Just because the system accepts it doesn’t mean that it’s right or that my store will be reimbursed correctly for it. I don’t mind spending an extra 2-3 dollars on this deal if it’s done correctly. Don’t get me wrong, this is an amazing deal and there probably are a lot of different ways that it can be done, but I really believe in coupon karma and therefore, it’s important to me to be an honest couponer. Sorry for the rant, but I do appreciate everyone’s input. It’s given me an idea of how the transaction will go down and how I will and will not conduct it. Thanks.
Well said. Registers are just machines, and they are bound to make mistakes.The fact that they didn’t “beep” doesn’t make it right. Look at it this way…is it okay to shoplift just because the security sensors at the door didn’t beep on your way out?
The coupons clearly state a max value on them, etc, so if we all abuse this and P&G is having to pay out additional reimbursements (or not reimburse the difference to the stores at all), I’m sure they won’t offer such high value coupons in the future. Then we all lose.
Exactly!! Thank you, Ali.
Did the Gillette Venus ProSkin Razor ring up *$11.99* for anyone else ??
For all of you wondering about coupon misuse, Jennifer above stated that she works at a coupon redemption center. She said it is not misuse to use the coupons the way we are all wondering. Almost directly under the post where she answers the question, someone asks the same question…..again…..and someone answers differently than Jennifer and a random person’s response of no, you can’t is accepted as gospel and Jennifer’s answer is ignored. Then there is a long discussion where the same question is asked over and over and people throwing the word misuse around. Nobody pays attention to the person who processes manufacturer coupons for a living! Why is that? I have seen this on site after site. Someone who knows for sure answers the question definitively and people who are convinced that it is misuse disagree. If you have never done these types of transactions before, then I can see where you might be concerned. The first time I used a coupon and got overage I felt funny. I still do from time to time. But people who KNEW reassured me that I was doing nothing wrong. Sometimes when I use a coupon without a size restriction on a travel size, I feel funny. But people who KNOW reassure me that I am not doing anything wrong. So, I tend to place a high degree of believability on someone’s word when they actually work in an area that deals with whatever I am doing. One site a cashier for Walgreens said it was perfectly okay…this was her EXPERIENCE, not her OPINION. Jennifer gave us her EXPERIENCE, not her OPINION, so why are people still claiming coupon misuse on this deal? Why can’t we just trust Jennifer and Walgreens cashiers?
Lenore…I don’t think people are having problems with the scenario Christie has listed above…it is the one others keep posting in the comments about using the Buy cartridges, get razor in combination with Buy cartridges get Olay wash/soap when only purchasing one pack of cartridges. That is incorrect use and Jennifer that you mentioned does not address this issue whatsoever. In order to use both of those coupons, two packages of cartridges should be purchased. Any other use IS misuse. Also, the issue Jennifer was talking about addresses using a $ off coupon in conjunction with a BOGO coupon. It is completely dependent on the store’s coupon policy and the way the coupon is coded. For instance, I shop at Publix and their policy is that you cannot use a $ off coupon in addition to a BxGx coupon because the BxGx coupon required the purchase of both items. Do people still use $ off coupons with them? Yes, because many people think that if the register doesn’t beep it is OK…or unless their cashier catches it and refuses the coupon, but if it is against store policy, it shouldn’t be done.
Well said! I always wondered but now that someone that works there says it is ok. I believe it is ok.
So, I did a totally different scenerio because I have already sent off my $10 off $50 rebate but there is another rebate for the Covergirl and Olay products spend $20 get $10. So, I knew there were $2 off coupons at the cosmetic counter because I work at Walgreens. I got 2 Covergirl and Olay foundations, 1 Venus and Olay Razor, 3 pk of refill, olay face wash. I used two off the $2 off coupon, Bogo razor coupon (price adjusted to $12.99 because that is the max value of the razor coupon), $2 off any venus razor or refill, and $1 off Olay product. I got fillers to use my $10 RR, and paid $23.84 with employee discount, got back $16 in RR and can send off for the $10 rebate so in the end $7.84 for everything.
Simple question. I am still new and learning. I see the $8.00 RR with the Venus purchase, but not sure where the $3 and $5 RR are coming from? What product are they associated with and where is it shown in the Weekly Ad. Am I missing it or are they shown somewhere else.
I should add I did see the $5 RR when you spend $25. I did not know if that only applied to producets on that page. Also someone mentioned you can Roll PG RR into the next transaction and get RR back. How can one know for 100% sure that will work ahead of time
its worked a whole year for me on the new computers and old computers that the RR will roll for P&G
ok to get to the bottom of this i have called P&G to find out the correct use of these coupons and yes you have to buy 2 cartridges and get the free razor and the free olay you cannot buy 1 cartridge and get the olay and razor free they said thaat was coupon fraud AND DOES NOT HURT THEM BUTS HURTS THE STORE U ARE BUYING IT FROM so just to clarify THIS CAME FROM P&G NOT MY OPINION HOWEVER THEY ALSO SAID ITS TO THE STORES DISCRETION AND POLICIES
Thanks for calling and posting Rodney. I’m all for using sales and coupons to help save money but really isn’t it common sense not to use these coupons together? I’m having more problems using coupons than ever before because people are trying stuff like this. Coupons are to get us to try different products, and if we like them we’ll buy them again. P&G is right in saying that it will hurt the store. Walgreens may not offer deals like this any more if they lose too much money. I’ve seen this happen with Fry’s (Kroger affiliate) that took away a competitor coupon policy because it was misused and they lost too much money.
Thank you, Rodney! I feel that this is the biggest coupon mis-use with this scenario. It’s just so easy to say, “Ok, someone else was able to do it, I can do it too.” But it’s wrong. I already have A LOT of body wash in my stockpile, it seriously won’t kill me if I don’t get another bottle for free. It will, however, hurt my store if I did take advantage of the situation and that’s where it really starts to hurt everyone.
Now that I know that using the bogo Olay is wrong I am heading to my Walgreens to return them. I am there almost evryday and I want my store to trust me and not loose money as well. This way I save money and thy will get refunded
i returned the transaction i did first (the one brittany did) and did christie’s scenario instead. my coupons were all still there and the manager just voided the entire transaction out. Now i got all the $16 RR!
It’s coupon karma. LOL! Good for you! =)
Returned 2 Olay body wash worth $7.49 and the manager was very thankful. He knows me and my coupon buddy as we are at there store everyday. He appreciated my honesty
Can anyone tell me if these rewards are rolling????
Just wondering if this goes through Monday 6/11?
I didn’t get the $3 one and the manager (who is very nice) couldn’t do anything because it was unadvertised and he didn’t know about it
I just did that same transaction today. I got the $8 and $5 rr put not the $3. I really hate doing transaction that include rr that are not advertised.
Hey Me three, I did the same transactions as described and still no 3RR but I did get the 8RR and 5RR. I’m happy with all the savings I did get so no big deal for me. Thanks for all your hard work in posting these savings for us!
Ok So I didn’t get the $3 RR either with that same transaction, So can anyone tell me where the $3 RR come from? Was it un advertised?
I did this deal yesterday (June 8) but did not buy the covergirl eyeshadow. Instead used the Buy one Get one Free lash blast mascara coupon in the June P & G insert. The new register took off the price of the more expensive mascara (-6.99) as the free one and charged me $3.49 for the cheaper mascara. Covergirl is buy one, get one 50% off… I was surprised and excited when I checked my reciept in my car on the way home. I ended up paying around $7.50 for 2 lash blast mascaras, olay foaming facial cleanser, Gillette venus razors (the pink one) and the pack of 4 refill casssette. And I got all three RRs as mentioned above. Yay! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
The $7.50 is AFTER the RRs, not before, just to clarify…
when does this deal end? I am very interested in this deal. I guess I could just hit the store to find out.
I know for sure the $5 rr for the buy venus, covergirl and olay product goes through this saturday, the $3 I’m not sure when that ends, but the $8 rr ended last saturday, but there is a new one this week where you spend $30 on p&g products (the venus olay razors were pictured in my ad) get a $10 rr…I’m wondering if the $10 rr, $5 rr, and $3 rr will still overlap this week
I have coupons for $1/One Gillette Venus razor…does this mean only one razor, or the packs of disposable razors as well?
Is this still going on? Today is 6/18/12
No it’s over it was for one week.