Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Updates From the Field 6/3

by Christie Bisbee on June 3, 2012

Here are some updates from my shopping trip today to help you save at Walgreens.

REACH DEAL: If you need Dental Floss, I’ve got some great news for you! Be on the lookout for these displays in your store, they contain a $1/1 Any Reach Floss coupon. You can use it to grab FREE dental floss this week. (Thanks Marica for the heads up! :))

Buy (1) Reach Total Care Dental Care Floss 30yds or Toothbrush $2.99
$1/1 Reach Floss, any coupon found in store
Total = $1.99, Get Back $2 Register Reward

Plus I found a coupon good for any Reach toothbrush in my coupon binder, I think it was a tearpad from the dentist office.  So if you’ve been to the dentist lately, check your coupon binders. You might have one too!

BRAINSTRONG DEAL: I had no problems using the Brainstrong coupon in the new Walgreens Vitamins & Supplements book for this deal. The Gummy vitamins are pictured on the coupon. This makes for a fabulous $4 Money Maker if you can find the coupon!

These booklets are normally found in pharmacy or over by the vitamin section. I even found people selling the coupons on ebay. So, if you are fortunate enough to find the booklet, please be considerate and just take one or two. 🙂

Buy (1) Kids’ BrainStrong DHA Gummies 30ct $10
$4/1 Brainstrong Supplements Wags Vitamin & Supplements Book (MQ) exp 5/1/13
Total = $6 (Get Back $10 Brainstrong)

PEDIASURE DEAL: I have had some questions about this deal so I want to clarify. The PediaSure Sidekicks Clear Nutrition Drink is FREE after a Mail In Rebate many of you should have in your Smart Source inserts today. You have until 7/15/12 to purchase these for the rebate and it’s good up to a purchase price of $12.99. So you don’t have to purchase this at Walgreens, you can get it anywhere.

How did your shop go? Find any great deals? Let us know! 😉

{ 74 comments… read them below or add one }

anna June 3, 2012 at 2:12 pm

My shopping went great today. First 2 stores had no Brainstrong but the 3rd had plenty. Same for the fish oil. My parents are going to be happy 🙂 Just a FYI, the new registers at the last store I went to did not accept coupons which are expiring the same day !!


Vaden June 3, 2012 at 4:42 pm

I had the same problem today too at my Wags with them not accepting a coupon that expired today, and we have the new registers too. Stinks! Is this in writing anywhere??


Brenda June 3, 2012 at 5:26 pm

I ran into this yesterday with a Colgate coupon that was expiring that day. Luckily for me, grumpy cashier pushed the coupon after getting approval from the manager. Hopefully, this is just another glitch in their new system that they will get worked out and will not be a common occurance!


rodney June 3, 2012 at 7:13 pm

happened to me also they also pushed it through for me


Debra June 3, 2012 at 2:18 pm

I work at Walgreens and I had the same problem ringing up customer yesterday , he had a coupon that expired June 2nd and register said expired. I jut manually put in the coupon.


Amber June 3, 2012 at 10:12 pm

I had the same issue with the new register not taking a coupon that expired the same day. I had someone mention that maybe the registers didn’t take the leap year extra day into account. Just out of curiosity could this be the issue, since you work at walgreens is there any way to check this out? with One of my walgreens with the new registers, this happened and the manager tried to tell me that he couldn’t take the coupon becuase they wouldn’t get reimbursed due to it being expired. I know this isn’t true but maybe if i had some explanation next time as to why the register did what it did I could prove him wrong.


Debra June 4, 2012 at 7:30 am

I think it is just a Computer glitch. They should be icing it soon though. Just print out walgreens coupon policy and bring in next time. I would also call corporate if they still do not accept.


Karen June 3, 2012 at 2:44 pm

bought 2 boxes of the brain strong today. Came home and gave my kids one…. all 3 said “EWW, THESE ARE GROSS!”. So, heads up… they are gross haha


Andrew June 4, 2012 at 12:38 am

I tried these with my 12 year old cousin when they had it on clearance a while back, and we both made the same grimace. It has a funky aftertaste that makes you reach for your tongue scraper! But can’t complain for a free item right? 😛


Angyl June 4, 2012 at 2:05 am

My five year old didn’t like the taste either but I told her that they make your brain smart, that is why they are called brainstrong so she said she will have them. LOL…


Nancy June 3, 2012 at 3:03 pm

Got the brainstrong too. They do have a fishy after taste/smell to it. My 2yr old didn’t like it, but my other did. I tried one & it tasted ok.


Toni June 3, 2012 at 3:26 pm

My store had the brainstrong, fish oil and the Goody ouchless. Coupons worked perfectly and using the Nice jello as a filler allowed me to use up some of my RR’s from last week. And, found some clearance Nivea for men, too! A great day.


Bobbie June 3, 2012 at 4:08 pm

Thanks for the info!

I’ve been wondering about something when it comes to mail in rebates and the new registers: a lot of times if you use a coupon it will list the product the coupon is for on the receipt, and I’m thinking this will cause problems with the rebate. ALSO sometimes even when you don’t use a coupon for that particular product AND use an unrelated, previous RR to pay, the receipt often “titles” that RR with the name of the product you’re getting on the receipt, and often it seems to happen to be the MIB product. Making it look like you used a $10 dollar coupon for Pediasure for example. I’ve never actually tried to submit anything with a receipt like this, but I’m vary of even trying to use a coupon (manufacturer for the actual product, or any RR for that matter) with a rebate item. Which is a shame since the Pediasure would be a good one to use one of the 10RR we’re getting this week… Anyone else notice the same thing?


Brenda June 3, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Yes, I’m concerned to do any MIR products at Walgreens (or at Safeway for the same issues) because of this new way of ringing up coupons. It seems that the RR’s always attaches to one of your products and I’ve even had regular coupons attach to the wrong product and it lists out the wrong product name, not what is printed on the coupon. It’s not worth taking a chance with being reimbursed correctly with the MIR.


vay June 3, 2012 at 6:16 pm

that happened to me at rite aid. I used a $10 up for Prevacid they gave me $1 back for my mail in rebate. I was furious and they won’t do anything about it. Be careful!


Lisa June 4, 2012 at 1:07 pm

Vay, Prevacid did the same thing to me. Fortunately, my OOP was a little over $11 (I was told they could not reimburse me for more than my OOP.), but the way I see it, they did not give me free Prevacid, as advertised. The woman I talked to on the phone read a prepared statement to me, saying that they were not allowed to convert my store coupons into cash. In other words, the CVS extrabucks I used for that purchase were completely wasted. I went back and read the official rebate form I mailed in, and there was no mention about the rebate amount being reduced by coupons. I told the Prevacid woman that I wanted to lodge a formal complaint, and she said the only way I could do that was to mail in a letter. I could not file a complaint over the phone or by email. Needless to say this really soured me on Prevacid brand and Novartis, the manufacturer.

Kellogg’s also recently cut off a rebate unexpectedly before the deadline. I think the Kellogg’s rebate form had some disclaimer about the deadline OR while supplies last, but wth does that mean? Apparently, manufacturers can change the rules anytime they feel like it. I have become very skittish about mail-in rebates in general.


Kent June 4, 2012 at 1:37 pm

BEFORE the cashier scans the item, ask for a ‘rebate receipt’. It will show ONLY that item, selling price, and WILL NOT show coupons/rewards.


Bobbie June 4, 2012 at 4:53 pm

Thanks, I’ll consider this! I’ve been reluctant to try (and kind of forgot about it) since I was unsure if all cashiers knew about it. But it probably would be worth a shot.


mary June 4, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Both Walgreens and Target have told me the don’t do rebate receipts. Target management actually offered to make a photocopy for me. I just laughed. Surely a store like them, that can predict my buying habits and with the computer system it has could print a rebate receipt.


Kent June 5, 2012 at 12:13 am

Copy & print the following (I suggest you give a copy to a cashier each time it is needed. If WE educate the cashiers on something it will make it easier on us AND our fellow couponers):

How to get a rebate receipt on the NEW registers:

1. Scan the item first.
2. Hit the ‘Item Functions’ button (upper right hand corner of cashier’s screen) – this will bring up a new set of buttons.
3. Hit the ‘Rebate Receipt’ button.
4. Continue with the transaction – scanning more items, coupons, etc.

After you pay you will receive a seperate ‘Rebate Receipt’ along with the regular receipt.


mary June 5, 2012 at 10:40 am

Thanks Kent. Do you know how to get Target to print a rebate receipt? In both Target and Walgreens it was mgmt that told me they couldn’t do it.


Kent June 5, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Not aware of a way to get a rebate receipt at Target. However, don’t always go by what a cashier OR a manager says if you think there is a different policy or procedure. I’ve actually had THE store manager tell us (almost 2 years ago) that you can only use 1 RR per transaction. After attempting to educate her she said “I’ll let you do it just this once”. I HATE THAT PHRASE!!! However, she now likes and accomodates her couponing customers.


donna June 5, 2012 at 5:47 pm

Has anyone tried blacking out the coupons on the receipts I’ve heard of ppl doing this & I wonder if it works. I have 3 rebates to send out soon & they all have coupon used. And I dont want to have problems or be denied.


noemi June 8, 2012 at 10:27 pm

Thanks for the heads up! 🙂
I have done this today and it worked, got a rebate receipt.


Blanca June 3, 2012 at 4:46 pm

I found the reach display & the coupon beeped but the cashier entered manually also came home with 3 boxes of Brainstrong & my son was super happy.. he says they make him smarter… : )


Kathy June 3, 2012 at 4:55 pm

My store had the Brainstrong but the coupon kept getting rejected by the new register. It said “exceeded the cost of the item”. The cashier thought it was because of the RR which would have made it a money maker. Another frustrating experience.


Lindsay S. June 3, 2012 at 5:37 pm

Both of my Wags had a decent little stock of both the Brainstrong, but one of them was out of the Fish Oil. There were lots of the Goody products in stock too for the RR deal, but to be honest, they just looked kind of cheap. I haven’t tried them, so I can’t say that for sure, but I’m not sure if I’ll go back and get any later. Had no problems with the Brainstrong coupons or the $3/1 fish oil coupons from a few weeks ago. Also I noticed that my stores were very stocked up with the Vitamins and Supplements booklets. Had a great day at Wags today!


ConE June 3, 2012 at 8:56 pm

I would vouch for the Goody flex updo barrettes. I’ve used the goody ouchless flex barrettes for years now. They are so simple to use and do not get tangled in my hair. I have never had one break on me as they are very flexable. I usually keep them in my front jeans pocket for a couple of hours until I need them. They do not break or poke me. I debated today to purchase another set of them for me or the headbands for my Granddaughter. I don’t always put myself first, but did today!. I plan on another trip later in the week for the Granddaughter. I hope the stock lasts.


Shannon June 3, 2012 at 9:34 pm

I have their headbands from a while back…actually wearing one now. I like them because they are not tight behind my ears! However, I have noticed that one of them is bent on the top and leaves an awkward gap between it and my head.


Lindsay S. June 3, 2012 at 11:15 pm

Awesome, thank you both so much for your input! I’m not used to their products and they just made me wonder. Since they’re free, I think I’ll pick one or two products up with my RRs and try them out. Thanks again! It’s great to have some good reviews on their products!


Tammy June 3, 2012 at 5:56 pm

just heads up!!!!! Got fish oil, brainstrong and lansoprazole. Unfortunately could not use the coupon from wagreen book on brainstrong and lansoprazole (not same as coupons). Great news…had to use rewards from last week. I am happy now.


Lacey June 3, 2012 at 6:45 pm

the brainstrong for kids coupon that you can use is in the walgreen vitamin book the one in the june savings book was for adults


Tammy June 3, 2012 at 9:08 pm

I will ask next time I go there. thanks


Lacey June 4, 2012 at 3:39 pm

you’re welcome


Amanda June 3, 2012 at 6:26 pm

To do the spend 25 and get back 5rr on P&G products does it have to be 25 before or after coupons?


K.M. June 3, 2012 at 7:34 pm

The RR on the P&G is before coupns 🙂 Hopefully you can find some great deals!


Becky June 3, 2012 at 7:50 pm

I looked through the new vitamin book forward and backwards and did NOT see that $4 off brainstrong coupon. What page is it on?? These are the coupons that expire 5/2013 right? I had no problem finding anything today. Got the Brainstrong, fish oil and I found some of the 2.29 revlon mascara and got to use my $2 off q that expired today 🙂


Julie June 3, 2012 at 8:00 pm

The book says”vitamins and supplements” on the front and has a woman in a green tank top. The coupon is like 4 pages from the back (no page numbers). It is in the bottom right corner of the page. HTH!


Becky June 3, 2012 at 8:01 pm

Well, I figured out why I can’t find the coupon. Apparently someone decided to just take that page instead of the whole book. Take the whole book! UGH!!


Diane June 3, 2012 at 8:21 pm

I also found the Reach coupons at my wags-nice surprise! However, they do not even carry the Reach Total Care that is advertised, so will save my q for another time-does not exp until 9/30. Also found tear pad with $2/Loreal Root Rescue in the hair products aisle-exp 7/24. The vitamin booklets had all been picked up, so missesd out on those. I got the Goody barrettes and the Omega Smart today. I purchased the Pediasure at Target; it was a dollar cheaper there, and I had a $4 catalina from a previous trip. So I will see how my MIR turns out.


vanessa June 4, 2012 at 12:10 am

i know, so did I and im kinda confused on that mir for the pediasure, im not sure if ill be getting back 9.99 which is what they had advertised or $6 which is what I paid .


Angyl June 4, 2012 at 2:11 am

Do either of you know by chance if target sales different flavors of the pediasure? Walgreens only has tropical and my daughter is allergic to pineapple. Thanks for your help.


Diane June 5, 2012 at 1:39 am

My Target had wild berry flavor only.


angyl June 13, 2012 at 10:36 am

Awesome, thank you. I found some.


Barbara A June 3, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Such a strange thing happened at my Walgreens last night. The Brainstrong vitamins were ringing up $3.25 and printing the $10 rewards. Did it several times and left lots on the shelf. Texted a friend at another Walgreens and they were not $3.25. I went to a couple of other Walgreens and they were $10. I went back to the first Walgreens and there was 1 left and it still rang up $3.25 but the cashier called the manager about the $10 reward. He said to give it to me but the rest had been pulled from the shelf. I have no idea why this one store had them for that price…..


qtipi June 4, 2012 at 4:50 am

I won’t know exact variation until later in the week, but there is Brainstrong’s that were on clearance – I think the Adult ones- that are priced for $3.25 at my store. I found them on Saturday night, and my store is holding them for me.


Lindsay S. June 3, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Hey, just a quick note: I just took a look at the box of Brainstrong I got earlier and the expiration date says 06/12! So my box is expiring this month. Make sure to check really quickly if you can. I was going to donate these, but I’m not really sure if I should now that I saw that. I’m not sure if I should tell the store or what…


Karrie June 4, 2012 at 1:03 am

Mine are good until 9/2013!


Christi June 3, 2012 at 10:07 pm

horrible wags trip 🙁 both the fish oil and the brainstrong were gone with a note saying there was supply issues and they would issue a raincheck for purchase price only. wierd thing was i was there last night for some pepto bismol and when i looked for the products there was a big supply on the shelves. 🙁 so no money makers for me boooo. then to top it off i wanted to do the $5 RR deal with the p & g products so i bought 2 packages of diapers and 3 packages of wipes. my toddler was distracting me tho and the cashier put my receipt in the bag so i just assumed the RR was too but then when i got home nothing 🙁 bummer of a day


arcy June 3, 2012 at 11:34 pm

Return the items you didnt get RR for.


Christi June 4, 2012 at 7:29 am

i will it just sucks having to make a whole nother trip with a 12 month old and a 2 1/2 year old lol i’m hoping they can just make my RR print because i used 6 coupons and i don’t want to be out those!


Karrie June 4, 2012 at 12:59 am

One of the things that irritates me about Wags is that fact that they cannot generate RR that do not get printed, like CVS can. Apparently, the technology exists, but they resist it. I think that’s one reason why CVS, in my opinion has superior customer service compared to Wags. One time, I purchased a RR item with some other items, got home and was looking over the RRs and found that it was not with my receipt. I called and spoke to the store manager, different from who rung me up. Brought it in to correct and discovered the cashier didn’t even ring up the item, no wonder it didn’t print the RR?! I paid for the item and the RR finally printed.


anna June 4, 2012 at 1:06 pm

They can print the RR after the transaction IF they will !! Yesterday I got 2 hair bands in two different transactions. The 1st triggered the RR but not the 2nd. The cashier rand up the item again and printed the RR for me.


Allison Still June 3, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Goody’s headbands RR’s are rolling in central Arkansas


Jean June 3, 2012 at 10:26 pm

Where in Central Arkansas are you?, I live in Benton


Allison Still June 4, 2012 at 9:27 am

I went to Hot Springs-live in Mount Ida so it made the 1 hr trip worthwhile!! Had plenty @ Albert Pike 🙂


Amy RC June 3, 2012 at 11:42 pm

it would be great to know if this is happening elsewhere too! they are good products and a good price 😉

thanks to anyone who checks it out


Andrew June 4, 2012 at 12:43 am

My favorite store finally told us shoppers they finally have to impose a “limit per customer” rule because 1. Another store in our area cleaned out the warehouse with their orders, and 2. A customer complained to corporate about this store playing “favorites” with their shoppers. :/

That note aside, my store didn’t have that REACH display.
For those who are buying the lansoprazole, don’t forget to swipe your WG Prescriptions savings club card (if you have one!) Each lansoprazole gave me $0.60 good for my next transaction! 😉


Joe June 4, 2012 at 1:08 am

When I went to get the Brainstrong at 5pm today they had a note on the shelf that said limit one and only one transaction. They only had two left.


Answers June 4, 2012 at 9:12 am

I got the V&S booklet but some theif ripped out the brain strong Q’s page out of all of them!! Unbelievable !


mary June 4, 2012 at 6:48 pm

Probably the same person that has them for sale on ebay. All the more reason not to buy on ebay and add fuel to the fire.


Angela June 4, 2012 at 9:18 am

The brain strong gummies are NASTY. Hubby said they tasted like a platic fishing lure. Chunked them and just enjoyed having them as MMs.


ann June 4, 2012 at 10:01 am

Just as an FYI, they are made of fish oil. Fish oil is a great source of omega fatty acids, which are essential to your health. If you or your kids swallow pills, it is ok to do that without chewing. Don’t waste them… I hope you didn’t throw out more than one box… You could also donate them. Ann


pam June 5, 2012 at 12:29 am

Actually, the Brainstrong is NOT made with fish oil, but rather the algal source of DHA. I was hoping that since they have no fish they wouldn’t taste too bad…wrong, they are horrible per my daughter.


Mercedes V. June 5, 2012 at 11:49 am

Fish oil / omega 3 fatty acid / DHA is one of the best supplements you can give your children. Look at infant formulas and the best ones have DHA added. The less expensive supplements do have a fishy aftertaste – freeze them and eat at the beginning of a meal and the aftertaste disappears.


Jill F June 4, 2012 at 9:29 am

My store was out of the fish oil and told me that corporate won’t let them order any extra when they know it will be in high demand. They said that the mgr used to be able to adjust their orders but now corporate is auto-ordering all of the merchandise. They made it sound like that was the new policy for all stores…

Also, had a weird thing happen with a RR I was trying to use… Bought one Goody barrettes $2 and one Nice popcorn $1.99, so $3.99 before tax. Wanted to use a$3.50 RR and it kept beeping and wouldn’t let the cashier put it thru manually. Mgr had no luck either so we gave up with no answers. Has anyone else had this happen? I wasnt using any other coupons and I wasn’t under the amount of the RR. Very frustrating and strange!

Btw-I like the goody barrettes. They work best when you use them to hold a lot of hair.


Angela June 4, 2012 at 3:27 pm

At both of the stores which I bought the Brain strong vitamins at the cashier took the coupon out of the vitamin book and told me that they had to keep these now. Did this happen to anyone else?


Joe June 4, 2012 at 4:23 pm

It is a manufacturer coupon so Walgreens must submit it to get their money back.


Bobbie June 4, 2012 at 5:17 pm

Yes, they have a mail in address printed on them, for store redemption.


Julie June 4, 2012 at 6:59 pm

I bought the brain strong with $4 coupon and then fish oil.
With the Brain strong I bought the goody hair clips, the reach floss (with coupon) and a filler because it’s one cent off of $10. Then used the RR from the fish oil. It made me get $14 in RR and only pay for the filler and tax.


Pam D June 4, 2012 at 11:41 pm

So, this only works at the stores that have the new registers, i tried at the new and old registers. BUY 1 venus cartridge refill (one of the varieties included in the 8 rr deal), one of the venus razors (also one of the varietiesincluded in the 8 rr deal), and 1 olay bw – your choice. Use 2.00/1 razor or cartridge from the 5/13 P&G exp 6/30/2012, B1G1 razor wyb cartridge, and B1G1 olay bw wyb cartridge both from the 6/03 P&G exp 06/30/2012. Here’s where it gets cool. I have done this transaction 3 times – once at a store with the old registers and 2 times at stores with new registers I am not including taxes as they vary and I did work these into other transactions in order to use rr and bring oop down and I dont have the receipts in front of me right now, you guys are making money this week work this into your scenario so that you don’t have to buy 4 dollars worth of crap you don’t need when you buy the brainstrong (lol)

Trans 1 (store with the old registers)
Venus with olay razor – 12.99
venus with olay cartridges – 17.99
olay total effects 7 bw – 9.99 = 40.97

Used 2/1 – 2.00
B1G1 – 12.99
B1G1 – 9.99
= 15.99 Get back 8.00 rr = 7.99 not bad for all 3 products so I did it again at another store

Trans 2 (store with new registers)
Venus with olay razor – 12.99
Venus with olay cartridges – 16.99 (the prices vary from store to store in my town)
olay age defying bw – 7.49 = 37.47

Used 2/1 – 2.00
B1G1 – 7.49
= 10.99 got back an 8 rr = 2.99 for all 3!!!:atnight::atnight::atnight:

Wish I had more of those coupons!


pam June 5, 2012 at 12:35 am

If you would have thrown in a covergirl product, you would have received 3 separate RR… The $8, a $5, and a $3.


pam June 5, 2012 at 12:41 am

Also ….the limit on the free razor coupon is only $12.99… I didn’t realize this either because it is in super small print, but the cashier noticed it after it auto scanned at $13.49, which strangely was the price of my cartridges, and not the razor (as also apparently happened to you.). So, he adjusted the coupon down to the correct price of $12.99, which is what the razor cost.


lucy June 6, 2012 at 4:00 am

I don’t know if its me or my wallgreens because my shopping never goes as planned but tonight it was the worst. For some reason none of my rewards printed out the assistant manager said a lot of the items can’t be combined with rewards. It was super embarrassing. I don’t ever want to go back to walgreens again. But maybe a good deal will change my mind.


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