Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Chocolate & Candy Coupons & Deals

by Christie Bisbee on May 24, 2012

If you love candy or have a candy addict in your home, here are some candy deals for you! Grab the cheap Twizzlers or Rolo this week, and print and save your candy coupons for super cheap Milky Way and Dove bars for 6/3! Hubby gets the Milky Way & the Twizzlers and I’ll hold out for the Dove Bars. 😉

Walgreens Candy Deals
Buy (2) Hershey’s Rolos 2.5oz $.99 each or 2/$1.79
$.50/2 Hershey’s Various King Size (including Rolos 2.5oz) Walgreens Mobile Coupon
TOTAL = $0.65 each

Buy (2) Twizzlers 2.5oz $.99 each or 2/$1.79
$.50/2  Hershey’s Various King Size (including Twizzler 2.5oz) Mobile Coupon
TOTAL = $0.65 each

(Starting 6/3) Buy (2) Milky Way Bars $.59
.75/2 Milky Way Brand Singls Bars 1.76 – 1.91 oz
TOTAL = $0.21 EACH!

(Starting 6/3) Buy (2) Dove Bars $.59
$0.50 off Two DOVE Chocolate Singles Bars
TOTAL = $0.34 EACH!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Brenda May 24, 2012 at 4:42 pm

You are not good for my waistline giving me these deals! 🙂


Tpv May 26, 2012 at 8:32 pm

I got all excited about the deal. I was at the store and when I read the q and it does say king size for the rolos and those are1.39 each or 3/3.00. I bought 2 for 2.78 and wag q took off .50. I don’t think I will keep them. I will return them.


Tpv May 26, 2012 at 8:39 pm

ok..my bad …I checked my bill and it took another.99 so I did get them for 65¢…ok I will keep them!


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