Walgreens Coupons & Deals

LAST DAY Custom Cards $.33 Each!

by Christie Bisbee on September 17, 2011

Today is the last day to take advantage of that fabulous Walgreens code for $5 off a $5+ photo gift order. I ordered cards and they came out very cute! I’m ordering (3) more today before the code expires. You should be able to use the code 5 times. Just make sure they give you envelopes when you pick up your cards (thanks Shelly!)

You can grab (3) custom made 5×7 folded photo cards from Walgreens for $.97! Plus, many Walgreens offer FREE store pick up for greeting cards, so you won’t even have to pay shipping. They have a ton of designs to choose from including Birthday Cards, Thank You cards, Halloween Cards and more.

Just select and create 3 custom 5×7 photo cards priced at $1.99 each. Then use the Walgreens coupon code 5OFFANY at checkout to take $5 off your photo gift order of $5+. That will bring your total down to $.97 (plus tax). Then select the pick up in store option (if available in your area).

Plus if you use ShopAtHome.com they are offering 9% cash back from Walgreens on photo orders (every penny counts!). If you are new to ShopAtHome.com you’ll get a $5 credit as long as you make a purchase thru ShopAtHome.com within 30 days.

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