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NEW Chance to Earn With Recyclebank

by Christie Bisbee on April 20, 2011

There is a new easy way to earn points that you can redeem for coupons over at Recyclebank today HERE! If you log into your Recyclebank account you will see another room has been unlocked in the “Green Home Challenge”. This time it’s the yard.  Each room provides new ways to add points into our account. Look under the “earn points” tab if you don’t see these when you first log in and look for the “Green Home Challenge”.

Not Using Recyclebank?

Recyclebank is a great way to grab high value and free product coupons. You earn rewards in many different ways, such as answering quick questions, playing games, or purchasing specially marked products and then inputting the code of the product onto the Recyclebank website. Once you accumulate enough points, you can choose your reward. I’ve redeemed points for coupons for Coke products, Free Cat food, Free McDonald’s Lattes and more! Just go HERE to check it out!

(Thanks Couponing to Disney!)

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