It’s feast or famine with the Huggies coupons! I’ve got even MORE Huggies coupons to share with you! There are a total of (6) different Huggies coupons you can grab right now. If you use these be sure to grab these while you still can!
-$3.50/1 Huggies Diapers (60 ct+) PRINT
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers (60 ct+) PRINT
-$3/1 Huggies, Any PRINT (Facebook)
-$3/1 Huggies, Any NEW LINK PRINT
-$3/1 Huggies 60ct+ PRINT
-$2/1 Huggies, Any PRINT
And remember we have a Walgreens coupon in the Infant Care book to stack for the larger size Huggies Big Packs! And ANOTHER in the April Coupon book. So you can grab these for $12.49 this week!
Huggies Little Movers Big Pack $19.99
-$3.50/1 Huggies 60ct+ PRINT
-$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Box Diapers (5947) April Coupon Book
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers Big Pack or Wipes 184 or 216 ct. (5519) Infant Care Booklet
= $12.49 EACH!
(Thanks Printable Coupons and Deals!)

{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
I am a little confused, I did not realize you could stack the Infact Care Q’s with the April Q’s AND the MQ. Could someone please explain this to me. Thanks!!
Can you stack 2 store coupons??
I thought with Walgreens you can only use 1 Wag. coupon and 1 manufacture coupon. This will require 2 and so it will beep, right?
You can sometimes use (2) store coupons together (like the Colgate last month) but ALWAYS only 1 MQ.
Hi Christie,
Just a quick question about these, can you use BOTH those 2/1 walgreens coupons at the same time to get those diapers for 12.49? I thought that it was 1 walgreen coupon and 1 manu per item.. that would make it 14.49. Am I wrong?
My store wouldn’t take both WQs… I’m betting YMMV…
The baby book coupon beeps. The 15% off worked though. Still a good deal with the $3.50 and other $2 wags coupon.
Help me with this one. I am only getting $14.49? Do some Wags take both Wags coupons and a mani?
I did this deal today and it worked great. In fact I also used the f&f 15% off coupon and it took off 15%. so they were only about $9.50. Neither wags coupons beeped for me.
Nice buy Shelly! Just wondering what state are you in? I’m in Minnesota and not sure if it will work but I’m gonna try. Sometimes I wonder if different run there coupons differently???? Still a nice buy.
This worked for me today. I bought 2 large packs and used 2-$3.00 $2.00 from the infant care book(took off $4) and the store coupon from the April book( took off $4). and save 15% F& F.
I did this deal yesterday twice. They had a hard time with the infant book coupon but we figured out it was because the big boxes they have are bonus packs so it creates a beep. But they still pushed both wags coupons through!! Plus a man. coupon!
My boxes weren’t the bonus boxes and they still beep. Lucky you got someone to push it through. I tried two stores and neither would do it since it beeped.
Well I tried doing this last night, and of course the manager who is anti-coupons was working. The infant book beeped, and I politely explained that I could use both Wags coupons per store coupon policy. I even showed her the policy, and she wasn’t understanding the Wags coupon(s) PLURAL part of the policy. I stood my ground, and she still refused to push it through (and was starting to draw attention to and embarass me). I told her “I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. It’s fine, I’ll just call corporate and take my business elsewhere.” Boy did her tune change real fast after that. You’d think she would have figured out a way for me (a frequent customer I might add) to get my other 4.00 off. It shouldn’t surprise me though, because I had an issue with her a couple months ago. I e-mailed corporate about that and never got a response. I’ll be calling about this incident today though. I’ve had it.
Well I called corporate, and just got off the phone with one of the store managers. He tried telling me the infant care coupon is a manufacturer coupon (which we all know is not the case). He couldn’t get past the “manufacturer coupon good only at Walgreens” part written on the coupon. I explained that manufacturer coupons start with a 5 or 9, and all of the coupons in that booklet have a 4 digit code at the end like the IVC’s. He tried telling me that “he’s done this for a quarter of a century, and that’s not always the case.” Really? You’ve been a manager for 25 years and you still don’t know how coupons work? What a joke. I really wanted to say that, but kept my cool. I told him I appreciated the call back, but I’ve obviously wasted my time. Seriously, how does a company not properly train their employees on the proper use of coupons when there is a written policy? It almost makes me wish they would spell out in the policy that a walgreens coupon has a 4 digit code, and actually picture examples of what a Walgreens coupon looks like vs. a manufacturer. It’s so frustrating, and it seems like Walgreens is the only place I ever have an issue with using coupons.
I could only use the IVC and the MQ as well so I used the other $2.00 coupon for the big bag of Huggies wipes. They are not on sale but when bought with the coupon the wipes are 2.3 cents ea as opposed to 3.4 cents ea for the ones on sale.
I went into my wags and they didn’t know anything about a infant coupon book…do I need to look somewhere in the store for these?
I found a whole stack of them last night at the pharmacy counter. Maybe try there?