Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Dove VisibleCare Body Wash Just $.75!

by Christie Bisbee on February 23, 2011

You can grab a good deal on Dove Visible Care Body Wash right now at Walgreens. I found Dove VisibleCare Body Wash in a 10oz size in a special display in cosmetics, priced for just $2! That means you can get this for as low as $.75 if you have the printable coupon and $1 with the insert coupon.

1 – Dove Visible Care Body Wash, 10oz $2
1 -$1.25/1 Dove VisibleCare Body Wash, 10oz+ PRINT (no longer available)
TOTAL = $.75!

Or you can use the insert coupon to get them for $1
-$1/1 Dove VisibleCare Body Wash, 10 Oz. +, Any – 01-30-11 RP x2/27

Look for these in and around the cosmetics area, on endcaps or on those shorter shelves just off of cosmetics. If you don’t see them be sure to check with the cashier at cosmetics!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Anh N February 23, 2011 at 2:14 pm

I tried to print the coupon but after register, I got the message the coupon is no longer available.


Christie February 23, 2011 at 4:04 pm

If you have the insert coupon you can grab them for just $.25 more. 🙂


Darlene February 23, 2011 at 5:09 pm

Meijers have them on sale 3/$5. I used 3 $1 off coupons and it came out to about 67c each. I also received a $1 Dove coupon from Meijers at check out.


grace February 23, 2011 at 6:08 pm

don’t waste your time registering, there are no coupons, that use the insert


Sherrill February 24, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Can you use the $1.25 off Dove body wash 10 oz or larger from the same insert?? Doesn’t say it excludes Visible Care… hmmm


grace February 24, 2011 at 11:44 pm

I looked everywhere and they were just the regular price, I went to two Walgreens


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