Walgreens Coupons & Deals

$15 for $30 in Custom Kids Gifts!

by Christie Bisbee on January 19, 2011

Eversave has a really cool deal today! You can get $30 worth of customizable lunch boxes, children’s books, placemats, puzzles, stickers and more at Frecklebox for just $15. Plus if you are NEW to Eversave you can get a $2 credit when you sign up so it’ll be just $13 for new members.

Frecklebox has really cute stuff for kids. I really love the lunch boxes and storybooks.  They also have great customized Valentine’s Day stickers, books, folders, notebooks and coloring books.  This save is good thru December so you can always save it to use for a birthday or other special day.

If you are NEW to Eversave CLICK HERE
If you are an Eversave Regular CLICK HERE

Details: Expires Dec 31, 2011, Coupon Code available 2 days after purchase at 12:00:PM EST, Limit 1 Save per person, Not to be combined with other offers, Coupon code cannot be used toward shipping or taxes; $7.95 flat rate shipping

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