Here’s a sign I spotted at a couple of my stores tonight.
-Buy 1 Chandon Sparkling Wine Get $8 off your NEXT Revlon Cosmetics purchase
This offer started 10/31 and runs until 1/1/11. My guess is that they finally decided to put out the sign in anticipation of New Years Eve. (Better late than never I guess). If you are planning on buying some Sparkling wine, why not enjoy some FREE make up too!
The Chandon wine runs anywhere from $19.99 to $29.99 regular price at my stores. However I have seen it go on sale for as low as $13.99 and I wouldn’t be surprised for it to go on sale as we approach New Years Eve. I have no idea what this sparkling wine tastes like (1/2 a glass of wine and I’m asleep!) but it comes in several different varieties.
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did it specify a size for the wine? there’s a 750 ml for ~$14 and the 1.5 L for ~$34. thx
Hi Lily – No, it didn’t specify a size on the sign. The 750 seems pretty well priced at your store.
This wine is awesome! Too bad we can’t get it in Utah!! Haha
This is a decent tasting sparkling wine for the price.