Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field! 12/5

by Christie Bisbee on December 5, 2010

Here are some updates from my trip today that will hopefully help your transaction go smoother.

Great news on the Super Jingle Cash. I ran a little experiment…I did a transaction that was just over $25 before all coupons and came to less than $25 after an in ad coupon and I got the $5 Super Jingle Cash! Woo Hoo!  I’ll update the Transactions accordingly. 🙂
The Revlon coupon from the Bright & Beautiful Book beeped for me today, which was strange because I tried it to see if it would beep a few days ago and it didn’t. Hmmm…. Also, look for a special display of these nail polishes. I looked on the shelf and there wasn’t even a place for them. I found them in a special display in an isle.
I had a bad time with the Hallmark deal today. Nothing would work for me. The $.99 cards didn’t work, the $1.49 cards didn’t work and at that point I threw in the towel. Some stores have $.49 and $.89 cards but mine did not so I wasn’t able to try those.
Be careful not to use a $2.50 P&G RR from last week (like the one from the Black Friday Olay Body Wash) to pay for the Crest. The Crest Register Reward is coded the same way and your $2.50 RR won’t print.

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

becky b December 5, 2010 at 5:25 pm

I had to hunt for a display too and the only one that would print rr was the red one. The manager kept refunding my money and trying a different color. She finally just reused the red polish and rung it up everytime.


mc December 5, 2010 at 6:03 pm

Employee here, just wanted to say that I had a customer buy (2) 3pk foster grant glasses at 14.99 B1G1 free. He only paid 16 dollars and some change and the super jingle cash printed. So B1G1 might be pretty helpful in reaching the 25 mark as long as the second item doesn not ring up .00!


amber December 5, 2010 at 6:18 pm

My RR would not print either for the bright pink revlon polish. But my hallmark rr printed without a hitch with the 99 cent cards…although it just dawned on me that getting 2 rather than the 6 would have been a better deal. My super jingle cash did not print but I used RR to pay for my purchase…does that prevent the other from printing out?


Gloria December 5, 2010 at 6:20 pm

Thank you for testing out the Super Jingle Cash! I needed to know how to plan. You’re the best!


Julia December 5, 2010 at 6:54 pm

I bought two $0.99 Hallmark cards and it printed the $2RR at my Walgreens.


Darcy December 5, 2010 at 7:52 pm

I just did the deal with the pasta and noodles. i bought 10 Ragu ($15.00), 5 pasta ($7.95), 2 vienna sausages ($1.00 after in ad Q) and a newspaper ($2.00). My total before tax was $25.95. The buy 2 Ragu get a free pasta Q is only up to 1.25 so that coupon took off 6.25 and I used $16.98 RR to get my total down to 2.86. ($.14 cents in tax) The RR for the Ragu printed but not for the Super Jingle Cash. There was a long line behind me and I don’t have much luck trying to explain “before coupons” to the manager at my Wags so I didn’t both even asking about it. Do you know what I did wrong and why I didn’t get the extra $5? I’d like to try it again but want to know what I did wrong first.


maria December 5, 2010 at 8:36 pm

.49 cards worked for me today too. Although not many stores have them.


Kathryn December 5, 2010 at 8:40 pm

99 cent cards worked for me in michigan


Christie December 5, 2010 at 9:04 pm

Darcy – Ok, this is bothering me, the more I think about it the more I think it’s the newspaper. If you go back to Wags this week, speak to a manager. I think if you redo the transaction without the newspaper and with some other item at $2 in it’s place you’ll get the $5.

Amber – I used RR to pay and had no problem getting the Super JC so if you were at $25 before taxes it should have printed.

I got my $5 for the Nail Polish with no problems. I can’t recall the name of the color but it was the sort of salmon colored polish. In the picture it’s the 3rd one from the right in the front row.

Maybe I’ll try the $.99 cards at a different store tomorrow!


amber December 5, 2010 at 9:14 pm

I had 4 papers in my purchase too. That might be the kicker after all. I will try again tomorrow without the papers of course. My store had a huge clearance area of the baking goods that were on sale for Thanksgiving such as the dominos sugar, pie crusts, clabber girl, and pie fillings. I have a ton of those Q’s so I am definately revisiting tomorrow to stock up. Most items were 49 cents each!!!


Shelley December 5, 2010 at 9:45 pm

I did the Hallmark cards – 6 – 99cent ones and the $5RR printed just fine! I also had $50 before register rewards I used to pay for the transaction & the $10 jingle cash printed out – no problem!


Drew December 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm

I bought 4 different nail polishes & all of them printed out the RR & the coupon code 5885 worked fine when the cashier typed it in. The display I got them off of is different than the one in your picture.


Ellen December 6, 2010 at 3:16 pm

My store didn’t have the ‘Top Speed’ nail polish in, but the manager was nice enough to refund me $5 on another Revlon Nail polish instead. It only rang up at $4.79 and he refunded me $5 + tax. Great Manager, he was very helpful today on this and another coupon ‘issue’


tina December 6, 2010 at 3:26 pm

Just so you do not get frustrated, you can’t use a $25 girft card to get the $5 jingle cash. I thought it would be great because I needed gas anyways. It is on the coupon and not in the ad. Oh well…


Diana December 7, 2010 at 12:59 am

Has anyone tried to see if the Crest RR rolled? Thanks so much.


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