Walgreens Coupons & Deals

$15 for $30 in SHOES + FREE Shipping!

by Christie Bisbee on November 30, 2010

I LOVE the deal at Eversave today! It’s for one of my favorite things… SHOES!!!!

You can get $30 worth of shoes for just $15 HERE from ShoesGotSole.com. PLUS enjoy FREE shipping!

ShoesGotSole.com has thousands of shoes to choose from and you can also use this Save towards bags and accessories too. You can buy this one for yourself or give it to shoe-loving friends and family as a gift. If you don’t see the deal you can find it as the South Florida deal of the day. It’s an on-line deal so you can enjoy it anywhere! 🙂

Fine Print: Voucher Expires: Mar 2, 2011, Coupon Code available 2 days after purchase at 12:00:PM EST, Limit 1 Save per person, may buy 1 additional to give as a gift, Use one coupon code per purchase, Free shipping is included!

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