Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Goodies In My Mailbox!

by Christie Bisbee on October 13, 2010

One of the things I love about couponing is finding little surprises in my mailbox. Today was a good day for goodies in my mail! Here’s what I got…

-Coupon for a FREE Tub of Cottonelle
-Coupon for a FREE Bottle of Advil (boy that was fast!)
-Coupons for Bounty and Febreze
-Coupons for Pampers, Duracell, Vicks, Dreft & Braun
-A check from PineCone for taking a survey
-My $34.99 Check from the Neutrogena Rebate

Hope I get some more good stuff tomorrow! 🙂

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

Flufferwuffer October 13, 2010 at 11:28 am

I got some of the same awesome stuff in my mailbox! LOVE free product coupons! I also got a PineCone check as well.

Where did you get the coupons for bounty, Febreze, Duracell, Vicks, etc?


Christie October 13, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Duracell & Vicks came from Pampers believe it or not. Febreze was just a P&G home mailer.


michell October 13, 2010 at 12:02 pm

I so dislike MIR becuase i do exactly what they ask and I have never gotten a check sent to me. I have wasted more postage than what I could ever get back


Donna October 13, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Alot of people found they were receiving the Neutrogena rebate shorted by coupons and store discount vouchers. I was one of them. However, talking about little surprises in the mail, I received another check from them yesterday for the balance that was originally shorted. Sweet! Now I received that rebate in FULL.


Christie October 13, 2010 at 1:03 pm

Donna – I’m SO glad to hear that!


Lindsay October 13, 2010 at 1:21 pm

I had a great mail box day yesterday too! Last week I received my free Cottonelle wipes coupon, super excited, I put it together with the toilet paper deal from last week and made out pretty good 🙂 However I did get a denial letter from Aveeno saying I didn’t purchase enough product to get the $10 rebate (the rebate from JUNE!!!), which I knew I had, but I though there was nothing I could about it. A lot of people were getting unjust denials so they actually created an e-mail address just for this issue. I e-mailed them and I got a response yesterday saying they looked into my rebate and I should have received a check, so they will be sending me my $10 ASAP 🙂 I also got the 6 pack of deli bites samples from Johnsonville, free advil coupon and a gift pack from Que Rica Vida with a 5.5oz Bisquick mix, Nature Valley Granola Bar and 2 samples size Cinn. Toast Crunch and Fiber One Cereal!!! Great to come home after a 12.5 hour work day and see those suprises!! Thanks for passing on all the great info about freebies and the wags deals!!!


lacey October 13, 2010 at 1:59 pm

I have to agree the advil coupon came tooooo fast…. I was so surprised


Cari October 13, 2010 at 2:05 pm

I got the Cottonelle free coupon yesterday–but I don’t want to use it because it is- oh my gosh- the most fascinating thing for me to look at. I love the 3D effect that the foil and holograms give it. I will at least wait til I can show it to my sister when she comes to visit next. I am so easily amused:)


vanessa October 13, 2010 at 2:06 pm

Glad to hear you got your Neutrogena check. I am still waiting on mine. Hopefully today. I got the cottonelle and advil coupons as well.


Brenda October 13, 2010 at 2:36 pm

I went out of town for a 4 day weekend and come back to a huge load of mailbox goodies. I got the Johnsonville sausage sample (I was suprised that the sample was so large-6 packages!)Crest toothpaste sample, Nivea lotion and body wash with two coupons, Similac coupons, the Advil free coupon, the Pampers mailer with loads of coupons in it, and free M&M’s coupon.
The best was the 28lbs. of cat litter I got to sample for a survey company (not allowed to give the name of the company, but it has been shared on this site before.) Oh, I got an odd package as well. Similac sent a bubble mailer with only one piece of paper in it. It was about the recent recall issued by them. I’m not sure why I received it or why they needed to protect a single sheet of paper with bubble wrap. I don’t buy Similac products, but I have received samples before…maybe they are part of the recall too?


Christie October 13, 2010 at 3:58 pm

Brenda – I am SOOOOOOO jealous of you getting the 28lbs of cat litter you have NO idea! I know the survey you took and it’s one I got bumped out of when I answered the number of cats I have. (I was fostering 2 cats who have now been adopted at the time) and I included them and it disqualified me. I probably should have just considered them visitors since they were only here a month. LOL. Lucky You!


Kimberly October 13, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Did you know that Pinecone will also pay by paypal? Think of the postage you will be saving by not having $3 checks sent to you 🙂


Jennifer Spena October 13, 2010 at 3:57 pm

I am glad you just got your Neutrogena rebate. I am still hoping I get mine. I haven’t gotten my cottonelle coupon yet so still waiting on that and the advil. Although, I did get a survey with $5 in it 🙂 (this is the 2nd time I have gotten one of these).


Sue October 14, 2010 at 3:01 am

I too received my Nutrogena rebate today in full! I was holding my breath, $35 is a lot of money to have “out there.” Thank you Christie for your blog and helpful ideas. My Wags savings has increased since you began this blog.


Becky October 14, 2010 at 11:45 pm

@Brenda- I received the overly-protected Similac recall letter as well and it also stuck me as odd. Can’t imagine that was a very wise budget decision for the company!


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