Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Weekly Ad Coupons & Register Rewards

by Christie Bisbee on September 22, 2010

For those of you who have been told that you won’t get a Register Reward if you use a coupon, here’s another ad you’ll want to keep in your binder. This is from the current weekly ad that came out Sunday, 9/19.

You’ll notice that Walgreens is advertising “Coupon Savings in Most Sunday Papers” right next to the product! If you look at the ad on-line and you click on this product it will again say “Coupons in Most Sunday Papers” and right underneath it describe the register reward that’s printing when you buy it. Just more ammo for your arsenal! I have quite an extensive collection of ads like this one in my binder and I’m not afraid to use them. 🙂

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Patti September 22, 2010 at 8:18 am

Ok, never carried the coupon policy around before, ’cause never had problems. This week, not so. Yesterday at a rarely used Wag’s, was told I couldn’t buy 2 of the same item and use 2 coupons (one for each). And the next was I couldn’t use a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon (from their weekly flyer). Yikes! So the manager came over and agreed with the cashier. I was stymied and didn’t want to argue ’cause I’m basically chicken, so I walked away from purchase.

I’ll go back to my regular Wag’s where they know the coupon policies!!
Will also put the policy in binder and see if I can get my courage up for next time.


Nancy September 22, 2010 at 9:29 am

Went to Walgreen in central Florida yesterday. First transaction included the Whisk with a $2RR, used a $3 MQ and the RR printed out just fine. Second transaction was identical to the first, making sure that I did not use any of the RRs from the first transaction because I did not want to lose any my RRs. After second transaction was complete I informed the really friendly, but clueless cashier my $2RR for the Whisk did not print on the second transaction. “Mmmmm”, she says and called for the manager. I explained to the manager the situation and was informed that the reason the RR did not print was due to the fact that a manufactuer’s coupon was used on an item that also included a RR. I showed him an example of an advertisement encouraging Walgreen shoppers to use a MQ AND receive the RR. He then explained to me that he was in the process of programming the registers and that beginning in January 2011 if you use a manufacturer’s coupon you will not receive the RR advertised. He overrode the machine and handed me the $2RR and told mne not to expect this after the end of this year. I’ve had cashiers try to explain to me not the use the MQ because the RR won’t print, I usually just smile and tell them I’m a big gambler and I’ll take the chance, but I have never heard of Walgreens changing their RR policy after the end of this year. Does anyone else know anything about this?


Christie September 22, 2010 at 5:38 pm

Nancy – I haven’t heard about that. But I have heard of individual managers rigging their machines, which in my opinion is nothing less than stealing from their customers. I’d call corporate and complain. They can’t advertise one thing to bring you in and then change it when you get to the store. There are laws against that sort of thing!


Maria September 22, 2010 at 10:11 am

Thanks Christie!

@Patti – I know how it feels. I experienced that last Sunday for the ThermaCare.


Drew September 22, 2010 at 3:53 pm

Sometimes coupons do say limit 1 coupon per purchase (which I take as a total transaction & not per item purchased).

They were just wrong about not being able to use a mfg & store coupon.


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