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FREE Crest Pro-Health Sample

by Christie Bisbee on September 21, 2010


You can get a FREE sample of Crest Pro-Health from Vocal Point HERE. This one should arrive in 4-6 weeks. This offer is not available in Syracuse, Buffalo and Indianapolis.Vocal Point always has awesome samples. In fact I just got a FREE sample with coupons from them for Downy today in my mail box. So if you aren’t a member you may want to sign up HERE.

(Thanks Coupon Katarina!)

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Gina September 21, 2010 at 5:26 pm

I think that my favorite thing about Vocal Point is how neat their delivery is! Like the downy that I got yesterday was so neat! It was like a pop-up book! Or the crystal light that came in a canister made out of cardboard! Or the bounce dryer bar that had the dryer door that you had to open up! Just kind of interesting. I always look forward to what creative thing they will think of next! It is just better than them throwing it into a box and calling it a day! LOL!


Christie September 21, 2010 at 6:04 pm

I agree! I got the Downy today and it was so cute and fun. And the Pantene that was like a gift box, loved that one too. Oh and the huge Olay Pro-X sample, that one was great!


Gina September 21, 2010 at 7:36 pm

And the pamper diaper one that looked like a purse, and the coupons looked like an address/planner book!


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