Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Great Deals on Coffee!

by Christie Bisbee on September 20, 2010

If you are a coffee lover like me you can get a GREAT deal on coffee from Gevalia. Get 3 boxes of Gevalia coffee, a stainless steel coffee scoop and FREE shipping for only $3 HERE.

You can select whatever 3 flavors you choose. I tried both regular and decaf and they were both super tasty (especially the Chocolate Raspberry!).

Once you receive your coffee you can cancel and have no further obligation. It’s the best $3 I ever spent on coffee. You can’t even get a Latte at Starbucks for $3! You can check it out HERE.

They also have awesome deals if you’d like a FREE coffee maker. You can get 4 boxes of coffee, a travel mug and a coffeemaker for $19.95 HERE. You’d pay more than $19.95 for 4 bags of coffee, so it’s like getting a coffeemaker and a travel mug free!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

H September 21, 2010 at 8:56 am

Does anyone know if I can get this deal even if I’ve done it in the past? Probably about a year ago, it was the deal like this with the free travel mug. &I’ve moved since then, but still have the same credit card. don’t know if that matters… thanks!


Christie September 21, 2010 at 9:24 am

If you have a different address, I’d give it a shot. The worst they can say is no. 🙂


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