Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Good Deals on Sally Hansen La Cross

by Christie Bisbee on July 21, 2010

You can get a good deal on the Sally Hansen LaCross Eyebrow shapers this week. These are B1G1 50% off and you can use the $1/1 coupon that’s available.

2 – Sally Hansen La Cross Eyebrow Shapers $2.99 each B1G1 50% OFF
Total $4.50
1 – $1/1 Sally Hansen La Cross item $2+, any – 07-11-10 RP or PRINT
Total = $3.50 or $1.75 EACH!

My store also had tweezers and nail buffers priced at $2.59.

2 – Sally Hansen La Cross Tweezers $2.59 each B1G1 50% OFF
Total $3.88
1 – $1/1 Sally Hansen La Cross item $2+, any – 07-11-10 RP or PRINT
Total = $2.88 or $1.44 EACH!

If your store doesn’t take off the discount for the 50% till the end they may allow you to use (2) of the $1/1 coupons but that’s a total YMMV.

That would make the Eyebrow Shapers $2.50 for both or $1.25 EACH and the La Cross Tweezers or Nail buffers $1.88 for both or $.94 each!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Katie July 21, 2010 at 4:05 pm

Why can’t you use 2 coupons on the first deal scenario?


Mary July 21, 2010 at 6:54 pm

I was at a Walgreen’s in the St. Louis area today. I bought 2 Pilot G2 pens and used the 2 Pilot MQ’s and the Wags coupon from the coupon book. I am a newbie to using coupons but didn’t have anyone question me until today!! The cashier told me that there is a new Walgreen’s policy (she claimed it was a few months old) that states the coupons in the monthly Walgreen’s booklet are actually MQ’s and cannot be combined with other MQ’s. I tried to inform her that she was incorrect, but she claims that she received her information from “top management”. The cashier said “I’ll let you use all of your coupons today, but never again”. Is she right? Should I carry Walgreen’s coupon policy in my purse? Please advise!!!
BTW, I started following your website two weeks ago and have saved at least $75.00 so far! You are amazing!!! Thanks!


Sara July 21, 2010 at 9:30 pm

Walgreens does not have an official coupon policy that you can print out and carry around with you. Each store manager is allowed to use their own discretion on how they choose to accept or not accept coupons. The cashier you encountered was wrong though. Next time I would ask to speak to a store manager, especially if this is a store that you go to often. Good luck!


Michal David July 22, 2010 at 2:20 am

I agree with Sara, the cashier is wrong, but they are making their own rules, so you can’t really play with them with a coupon policy…..
Next time i’ll ask to talk to the manager….

I remember that other peoples said something about Wags coupons being mnf coupons…..hopefuly it’s not something that will become official….


CG July 22, 2010 at 1:22 pm

Hi, Mary! Did you happen to visit the Hampton cor Chippewa Wags in St. Louis? That’s the “coupon UNfriendliest store” I have been to. If it’s convenient for me, I will only go there if I’m picking up free print outs I ordered online. I’m an honest couponer and I totally loathe (sorry for the word) shopping there. They don’t say it but they make couponers feel like shoplifters. 🙁


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