Walgreens Coupons & Deals

$5 Gift Card for a Survey Catalina

by Christie Bisbee on July 19, 2010

Brenda e-mailed me to let me know about a special catalina she received. This is for a short survey that you take on-line and if you qualify for the survey you’ll get a $5 Walgreens gift card! I haven’t received this so I’m not sure what triggers it.

You may or may not qualify for the “real” survey based on your initial answers so just keep that in mind.

I bet a lot of people who get these just toss them so I’ll be keeping my eyes open for one of these around my store. I’ve found Register Rewards in the carts, on the floor, crumbled up into a ball in the parking lot and even in the garbage. (Don’t worry I’m not digging around in the trash but if it’s sitting right on top, then it’s fair game. 😉 )

(Thanks so much Brenda for letting us know and for the picture!)

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Francoise Van Heusden July 19, 2010 at 7:10 pm

My experience with one of these was not good. Like you, I’ll take a RR discarded on top of the trash, and that’s how I got this one.

When I took the initial survey, which took me over 10 minutes, I was told I qualified and was taken to an even more detailed survey. After about another 15 minutes (when it showed I was about 70% done), a pop up suddenly appeared (as pop-ups do) and informed me, “Sorry! you do NOT qualify!” And closed the survey. Needless to say, I was miffed and immediately spent another 5 minutes emailing Corpoate about my dissatisfaction and thoughts about how they might want to consider changing how they go about doing business and mining your personal information.

I’ll let you know if I hear back from them. By the way, I’m in the Portland, OR test market and suspect this may have something to do with this experience. Hope others are more successful than I was. I know I did one of these about a year ago without a problem.


Brenda July 19, 2010 at 11:16 pm

The same thing happened to me! I live in the Portland, OR test market to and received one of these yesterday. I spend 42 minutes taking this “short” survey and it also told me I qualified for an even more detailed survey, but, then I suddenly did not qualify to finish the survey. I tend to be pretty pessimistic when it comes to Wags these days, but I find it highly suspicious that I no longer qualified when I started to give negative responses to the questions regarding Walgreens. I also will be contacting corporate and will let you know if I hear anything back from them.


Francoise Van Heusden July 20, 2010 at 5:03 am

After your experience, Brenda, I really do think it’s because we are in a test market.I didn’t give negative responses regarding Walgreens that I was aware of. And, by the way, I haven’t heard anything back from Walgreens corporate.


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