Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 7/18

by Christie Bisbee on July 18, 2010

So, this morning was full of experimenting with different Dr. Scholl’s products. I can say that only the items pictured on the $5 Walgreens coupon in the July coupon book seem to work with that particular $5 coupon. So I have no idea what “Massaging Gel” means other than perhaps a description of the Hidden Arch supports because that coupon didn’t work for any other “Massaging Gel” product.

The GREAT news is that the $5 Register Reward printed out both for me for both the Hidden Arch supports AND the Skin Eraser! I almost fell over! I was doing the happy dance at the register. 🙂

I didn’t have a chance to try the blister packs so if anyone tries those let us know if it prints the Register Reward too. I was especially surprised because there were signs for the $5 Register Reward on most of the Dr. Scholl’s products but none on the items that you could use the $5 coupon on.  So here are what these deals look like…

2 – Dr. Scholl’s for Her Hidden Arch Inserts $6.99 each
Total = $13.98
2-$2/1 Dr. Scholl’s for Her Insert PRINT

1-$5 off Dr. Scholl’s Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz, Massaging Gel, Hidden Arch Support Pair, Blister Defense Stick, .3oz (5358) Wags July Coupon Book (Takes off $10)
Total = $.02 Overage, Get Back $5 RR
= $5.02 Money Maker!!!!

*Remember you’ll have to buy this with something else to absorb the $.02 in overage or it won’t work! So throw in a $.09 filler if you have to.

2 – Dr. Scholl’s for Her Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz $6.99 each
Total = $13.98
1-$5 off Dr. Scholl’s Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz, Massaging Gel, Hidden Arch Support Pair, Blister Defense Stick, .3oz (5358) Wags July Coupon Book (Takes off $10)
Total = $3.98, Get Back $5 RR
= $1.02 Money Maker!!!!

Or you could mix and match!

1- Dr. Scholl’s for Her Hidden Arch Inserts $6.99
1- Dr. Scholl’s for Her Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz $6.99
Total = $13.98
1-$2/1 Dr. Scholl’s for Her Insert PRINT
1-$5 off Dr. Scholl’s Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz, Massaging Gel, Hidden Arch Support Pair, Blister Defense Stick, .3oz (5358) Wags July Coupon Book (Takes off $10)
Total = $1.98, Get Back $5 RR
= $3.02 Money Maker!!!!

I don’t know about you but this is making me feel like a pedicure! 😉

{ 50 comments… read them below or add one }

Elizabeth July 18, 2010 at 3:21 pm
patricia July 18, 2010 at 3:21 pm

thank you gonna try it now!


Michal David July 18, 2010 at 3:28 pm

Christie, can’t you use the 2-$2/1 Dr. Scholl’s for Her Insert (PRINT) for the Dr. Scholl’s for Her Rough Skin Eraser Cream 3oz?

Then you’re $0.02 over and get $5 RR, no?
Didn’t do my trip yet, but will try later


Christie July 18, 2010 at 3:39 pm

The coupon is actually for a “Dr. Scholl’s for Her Insole”not for any Dr. Scholl’s product. So, although the register might accept it, it’s actually not intended for that product. Hope that made sense! 🙂


Elisa July 18, 2010 at 4:01 pm

The print limit for the inserts was 4 for me!!! With two computers, there’s $20 free rr!! 😀


anita July 18, 2010 at 4:24 pm

my coupon says for her insoles. is that the same am inserts.


Christie July 18, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Anita – I meant Insole. LOL. I guess I have coupon “Inserts” on the brain!


jennifer July 18, 2010 at 4:26 pm

Anyone know the if the Smooth my sole microfile is included…or even how much they cost?


Michal David July 18, 2010 at 4:36 pm

Got it thanks, make sense….:)


Sara P July 18, 2010 at 4:56 pm

FYI at my Walgreens (2 different stores) the arch supports and the rough skin cream is ringing up at 5.99 on sale. I am in the Austin, TX area. So if your store has them on sale you’ll have 1.02 for each coupon you use in overage to make up. I was surprised at the register and didn’t have enough to cover the overage. Nothing was marked in either store about the sale or the RR.


Gigi July 18, 2010 at 5:12 pm

I went to 2 different stores. I bought the hidden arch supports and no 5.00 RR. Im in Missouri.


Stephanie July 18, 2010 at 5:35 pm

So I spent the morning as well trying to figure out what “messaging gel” was and we also came to the conclusion that only what is pictured in the photograph on the coupon is what the coupon works on. To my surprise though, the $2/1 printable coupon for insoles actually worked on the eraser cream. I’m in San Antonio, TX.


Elisa July 18, 2010 at 6:23 pm

Don’t forget about the $2/1 Dr. Scholls for her product that came with the facebook insole sample from a few months back! Worked for the Eraser Cream since it specified any Dr. Scholls for Her product! 🙂


jacky July 18, 2010 at 6:41 pm

How does the $5 IVC coupon takes off $10?


Erica @ eeendeavors July 18, 2010 at 7:22 pm

Christie, there is specifically a coupon for $2 off any pain relief orthotic (which would include most all Dr. Scholl’s products). I used it on the eraser this morning. You can get it here: http://goo.gl/fb/85m6w


Katie July 18, 2010 at 8:30 pm

In Tampa, Fl area. The inserts are $7.49 instead of $6.99. Paid .98 after q’s. Still a good deal though :)$4.02 MM


Katie July 18, 2010 at 8:34 pm

Ahhh, 4 prints for me too 🙂 🙂


Julie July 19, 2010 at 1:04 am

In my SW WA wags they were $7.49, I got the same deal as katie! Still a money maker!! Thanks!


Maria July 19, 2010 at 1:46 am

Sara P.: You’re right $5.99 for me too in TX, the coupons scanned well and I have a lot more items to cover the overage, but I forgot the Wag’s coupon (I can’t believe what I did!!). Thanks God the manager on charge was OK, an didn’t say anything, but I can see that he wasn’t happy about giving me $10 back. Anyway I walked out with my MM deal. 🙂


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 5:10 am

So has anyone tried to buy a massaing gel product? I found a $2 off coupon for Dr. Scholl’s Masaging Gel Insoles here:http://www.drscholls.com/drscholls/massaginggel.jsp
and on the Wagreens website it has Dr. Scholl’s Men’s Massaging Gel Heel Cushions for $6.99. Just wondering if the Walgreens $5 coupon would work for these or not and if we would get a RR for them. To me they seem to be alot likethe Hidden Arch Supports for Her so I would have thought they would have worked.


maria July 19, 2010 at 8:21 am

the Dr. Scholl’s for Her Hidden Arch Inserts over here (the woodlands, texas) are 7.49, so we will really be paying a dollar, so its not really free. But it is a four dollar money maker, so I guess I can’t complain 😉


Tiffany July 19, 2010 at 8:52 am

I am not very fimiliar with RR. Is there a way that you could do three Dr Scholls senierios and get RR for each one? Also, can you use one of the RR from Dr Scholls to pay the total of the other Dr. Scholls?


Christie July 19, 2010 at 10:43 am

Tiffany – no you’d have to do 3 transactions to get the 3 RR because they are the same RR deal.

Sarah – I tried the Walgreens coupon on EVERY Massaging gel product in my store (about 11 of them) and NONE of them worked with the $5 coupon except the items pictured.


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 11:36 am

Attempting this morning with my three kids…sure hope it’s worth the trip!!


Lizette Y July 19, 2010 at 11:37 am

Same thing here. The insoles were marked down to 5.99 at my store as well which was a nice surprise for me. I got two of the arch insoles with the 2-$2 off. And I also got two head and shoulders with the B1G1 coupon in last weeks inserts. Paid 1.98 oop and walked away with my initial colgate 3.50 RR (which I planned to cover the head and shoulders) plus $5.00 RR for the Dr Sholls and $1.00RR for the head and shoulders.


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 11:44 am

I was thinking of doing head & shoulders and colgate too…Hope the insoles are 5.99 at mine too!


Allison July 19, 2010 at 12:27 pm

arch supports worked for me. Tried on the massaging gel heel and wouldn’t go but my FAV cashier (that thankfully just returned from vacation) was kind enough to p u s h it thru…


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Wow- there are two Sarah Bs! I have three kids also and was heading out this morning with all three kids to try to attempt some stuff! Hope your attempts worked and mine will too!


claire July 19, 2010 at 1:03 pm

Does this coupon actually include the arch supports? It says insoles and when looking at the picture of the supports they don’t say insoles, where as the others on Dr. Scholl’s.com do . Just wondering???


WB July 19, 2010 at 1:18 pm

I am with Jacky in that I don’t understand how the $5 IVC coupon takes off $10?
Are you all using to IVc coupons? I have yet to find a Walgreens that will let me do that.


Christie July 19, 2010 at 3:18 pm

WB – If you buy 1 item it will take off $5, if you buy 2 it will take off $10, if you buy 3 items it will take off $15.


Clyde July 19, 2010 at 1:29 pm

I had one cashier override the Massaging Gel Insole for Her beep on the IVC for $5 and let me use the MQ $2 & received my RR. Same store different cashier had to call manger because it beeped and according to MGR the IVC didn’t have a picture of the Massaging Gel on it so they were not included. The Lotrimin isn’t pictured either but it is listed? He couldn’t answer that one! YMMV is so true with Wags. The Hidden Arch supports do not have Massaging Gel on them anywhere! I’ll try another store today.


Alex July 19, 2010 at 2:32 pm

At my Walgreens in Austin, TX got the hidden insoles with $1 overage, but no RR are printing out for those.


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 2:47 pm

well, that didn’t work..Went to 2 different walgreens and they didn’t have them 🙁


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 2:58 pm

ok so this is pretty cool…I wasn’t able to do the foot thing but I did get the Colgate & the Head & Shoulders..I was looking through my RR and had an invitation to take a survey. I qualified for it and they are sending me a 5 dollar Walgreens gift card! Not too shabby! So, technically still a money maker..hehe


Sarah B July 19, 2010 at 3:12 pm

and to the other Sarah B – I barely survived! Good thing I had one of those free smoothie coupons for Mcdonalds to bribe them with! haha


praznow July 19, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Went to 3 diffrent walgreens. Parking lots full and shelves empty. The hidden arch insoles priced at $6.79 (richnond,va) still empty handed. This is a month long deal right?


Christie July 19, 2010 at 4:51 pm

Praz – The $5 RR is this week only. The $5 coupon is good all month.


Kari July 20, 2010 at 12:54 am

ha ha
I am hoping that some couponers in my area quit… ha ahahahaha
the 4 Wags in my area are always depleated BY MONDAY of any RR deals by Sunday Shoppers and the stores don’t re stock…
kinda a bummer…
but, oh well…
I keep trying!


Paola July 20, 2010 at 1:22 pm

The manager didn’t let me use the manuf. coupon with the booklet coupon, he said that the coupons in the Walgreens booklet are manuf. and I can’t use any other with them.
He wasn’t nice at all, he point me to read the small letters on the booklet coupons.
I don’t understand, because in the same transaction I use both coupons for pilot pens and did work, but I didn’t want to tell him 🙂
Anybody can tell me if he was right? or there anything that I can do to prove him that I can use both?


Sarah B July 20, 2010 at 1:39 pm

Paola – I just did three separate transactions – each time using 2 manuf dr scholls coupons and then she scanned the coupon book and it took off ten dollars each transaction. It didn’t beep or anything. I used the Colgate toothpaste as a filler item so I got that back in register rewards too – so made 15 today plus the 3.50 each transaction back for the toothpaste. Took me three walgreens between yesterday & today to do it but I think it was worth it! Only issue is, somehow I’m missing one of the toothpaste register rewards. Not sure if I confused the checker and she put it in the “scanned coupons” stack or what but I’m going to email the catalina people to see if I can get one sent to me. No way I’m bringing the kids back there…way too intense! lol


Paola July 20, 2010 at 1:54 pm

Thanks Sarah, but the problem was that the manager said that I can’t use manufacture coupon and the Walgreens booklet coupon for one product, because the booklet coupon is a manufacture coupon and NOT a Walgreens coupon.
I think he is wrong but I want to prove him that..HOW!!


Sarah B July 20, 2010 at 2:02 pm

I just did it. I used the dr scholl’s manuf coupon that I printed from the internet & I had them scan the coupon book. It didn’t beep at all. I would go again when that manager isn’t working or something…Everywhere I’ve read online, they can definitely take both coupons. From what I can tell though, there is no official coupon policy released from Walgreens anywhere.


Sarah B July 20, 2010 at 2:05 pm

oooooooh I think I know why my Colgate register reward didn’t print. I just read that if you use a RR that you received for that same item to buy another of the same item, it won’t print. It’s called rolling them. who knew? haha I used a Colgate RR to buy another Colgate. Blast! lol Oh well, I emailed the Catalina people..hopefully they will have mercy on me!!


Paola July 20, 2010 at 2:05 pm

Thanks Sarah, I will try it again today in an other Walgreens.


wylene July 20, 2010 at 4:11 pm

So I tried this deal today but it turns out the partcular Walgreens I went to had the hidden insoles on sale for $5.99. I didn’t realize this until I was at the register. I handed over my coupons (2 $2 mfg and the IVC $5 coupon), and the IVC book only took off $5 once. I added in filler items to reach over $5 to see if that would take $5 for both insoles and it didn’t. The cashier told me it didn’t work that way. She said I could use the IVC only once for the two insoles I was trying to purchase. Then the manager came over and told me I had to spend $25 to use the $5 IVC. I was so frustrated. I asked if the cashier could just cancel my transaction. As I was walking out the door, the cashier shouted, “I told you it wouldn’t work!”. Geez, what a trip.


Sarah B July 20, 2010 at 4:27 pm

wow…I love that you never know what you are getting yourself into when you go shopping. How can each Walgreens have such a different idea of things??? I would go to the Walgreens website and email them a complaint. I don’t understand how you could do the exact same thing as I did and have a completely different result..


wylene July 20, 2010 at 5:01 pm

Yeah, I’m thinking if in the first place I had enough items to cover the $2.02 overage, the IVC would have taken off $10. Or, if the cashier had voided out the coupon and tried again – perhaps that would have worked? Seems like that’s how my favorite cashier at my usual Walgreens handles things. Or now that I think about it, I could have just used 1 $2 off coupon. I totally agree with you Sarah in that you never know what you’re getting into when going shopping. For me, some trips will be smoother than others, and I’m super appreciate of the ones that go well….but I just wish ALL Walgreen’s stores had the same idea on how things worked!


Sarah B July 20, 2010 at 10:39 pm

Wow! my manager at Walgreens is very nice! I went in to buy the hidden arch and do the deal, but they didn’t have the hidden arch and I guess I grabbed the Ball Foot cushions, my manager let me use the $5 Walgreens coupon for both of them even though it wasn’t part of the coupon! I didn’t get the RR so I went back in and talked to the manager because they just rang my items up at $1.99 so it didn’t show that I had spent $10 in products and give me the reward. That is when we noticed I had the Ball of Foot instead of the Hidden Arch. Manager told me I probably didn’t get the RR since I used the coupons, but then I explained to him that the RR is triggered before the coupon and I told him how the RR and coupons worked, he then gave me the ball of foot instead of the Hidden Arch since they were out, let me use the $5 store coupon even though it wasn’t for the Ball of foot and then made the register ring up my RR! I really like this Walgreens! The night manager there also told me on another trip that he and his girlfriend do the whole coupon thing to! So nice to have managers that are ok with coupons and willing to give you the product for free after coupons!!


Trisha July 20, 2010 at 10:50 pm

My Walgreen’s now refuses to take any IP. I wrote to corporate tonight. They said in their back room they have a sign that they can’t take them. Would be nice if they put that sign on the register. Plus, they were out all of the product 🙁 not shopping there anymore. Not worth the hassle.


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