Walgreens Coupons & Deals

$.12 Lady Speedstick Stainguard

by Christie Bisbee on July 15, 2010

You can get a great deal on 2 Lady Speedstick Stainguard deodorants if your store carries these in the travel size section. There is a $.75/1 coupon that recently became available that will allow you to get these for just $.12 each! The coupon has no size restrictions, those are my favorite!

2 – Lady Speed Stick Stainguard 2/$1
1 – $.75/1 Lady Speedstick Stanguard Deodorant, Any PRINT
Total = $.25 or $.12 each!

The coupon does say 1 per household, otherwise buying (3) and using (2) coupons would be an even better deal. Remember in 95% of the cases you can’t get overage with a MQ at Walgreens, usually only with a Walgreens coupon. So that’s why you are buying (2).

I love having travel size items to take with me on vacation and $.12 works for me!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

mariam July 15, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Its crazy how the price varies by location. These are $1.09 at my store 🙁


Christie July 15, 2010 at 1:51 pm

So, they’ll be $.39 at your store, still a good deal! 🙂


Michal David July 15, 2010 at 3:29 pm

no coupons available for me 🙁


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