Walgreens Coupons & Deals

My Private 4 Day Sale

by Christie Bisbee on July 1, 2010

Yesterday morning I opened the local paper fully expecting to find the 4 day ad inside. After all, I knew my area was participating and Walgreens will usually have the ad inside the paper. Well, no ad there.  So I go on-line to see if Walgreens has included the 4 day ad on line under my zip code. Nope, no 4 day ad there.

So I get in my car and drive out to one of my local stores, (not my favorite store but it was on the way), again NO 4 day ad.  There are tons of razors, deodorant, Crest and everything else on the shelves (but no socks of course). I decide for fun to ask one of the employees if they know of a 4 day sale. No, they have no idea. I do my thing, the cashier is amazed at the Register Rewards that pour out of the machine and I’m on my way.

On my way back from running a few errands I drive past a 2nd Walgreens, (again not my usual store) I stop in. Again no 4 day ad there (and no socks). I ask an employee there, again no idea. I buy some more stuff and enjoy a more abundant selection of sale items than I’m used to finding and am on my way.

Although I appreciate having my own personal 4 day sale, I have to wonder… how are people supposed to shop a sale that’s kept a secret? So if you can’t find any evidence of a 4 day ad in your area, I suggest you do a price check on one of the items from that ad. If you find that something from the ad, like the Noxzema razors run up the sale price ($3.99), there’s a chance your area is participating (even if it’s a secret 😉 ).

{ 29 comments… read them below or add one }

Amy July 1, 2010 at 8:51 am

When I went in, no one knew anything about it at my store either. I got the manager to come out and he knew nothing, no ads etc

Finally he called around and found out that it was advertised on a page inside our newspaper (not a separate ad, just a page in the paper)

Do they not want people to shop during these 4 days???


Teresa July 1, 2010 at 8:59 am

I was thinking the same thing! I went to my usual Wags totally expecting the flyer for the 4 Day sale, but there were none. And no signs on the sale items.

So I did purchase a Sure deodorant that is on sale for 1.99, but was supposed to generate a $1 RR during the 4 Day sale (I had a $1.50 Q expiring). I was shocked when it actually printed!! I think it’s odd that they don’t want their customers to know what’s on sale.


Mir July 1, 2010 at 9:12 am

Same thing here! Went in, there was a sale (“save more green” or sth like that) on some of the items that were supposed to be in the 4 day sale but no signs for RR, no ad in the baskets in the front. Got home, checked online and found the ad for my area. Called Walgreens and a really nice guy on the line told me that they did not informed about it!! They found out from a customer and were just working on it after that. He assured me that the RR were working nevertheless and also said they did not have the 4 day sale ads and told me to bring one if I had it. Told him that I only had the online one – he told me to just write down the codes of the products I wanted. It turned out the only ads they had were the ones that were in the local newspaper they sell. Nothing for the store itself!

Someone somewhere messed up big time this week.


Mir July 1, 2010 at 9:14 am

typing too fast, fingers getting ahead of thoughts … meant to say of course that the guy told me that they had not been informed about the sale


Gery July 1, 2010 at 9:43 am

Hi, I am in Miami and @ my local Wags there was no ad and they were not to sure abt the sale. I went to another Wags and they had a stack full of the 4 day sale ads and my RR printed just fine. I have to go back to my Wags to see what happens there….


michelle July 1, 2010 at 9:50 am

hhmm, makes me wonder if it will work in my wags??? worst case i need to return something, hehe


susan coleman July 1, 2010 at 10:01 am

No ads and no deals reg. price and rr’s did not print.


Bessie July 1, 2010 at 10:19 am

Stopped at the Oak Ridge, Tn store yesterday. They had copies of the 4 day ad and signs for the rrs.


Rebecca July 1, 2010 at 10:21 am

I went and SCORED big time!! I loved having the items in stock! As a matter of fact, I visited 2 locations and did 2 transactions at each. LOVE the Crest deal!


Lynn in MD July 1, 2010 at 10:44 am

hhmmm… interesting. I should have checked prices while I was there yesterday. Bummer!


Joan July 1, 2010 at 10:55 am

My Wags didn’t know about the sale either until I asked about it. The RR and sales worked fine; boy were the clerks surprised! (South central Tennessee)


adri July 1, 2010 at 11:04 am

holy cow! lunchtime can’t come fast enough, must go test an item!


Sara July 1, 2010 at 11:13 am

I went to two separate stores in Canton, Georgia and they had everything marked for the four day sale. I didn’t check for any ads at the front of the stores since I already had printed the list off of here. That’s so weird that so many other stores are clueless about the sale!


R July 1, 2010 at 11:15 am

Went to 3 stores in SW Michigan yesterday. Only 1 had the 4 day sale ad. The other 2 stores knew nothing and did not have the ads, even when I asked and they checked their stockroom-none. But at all the stores the items rang up on sale and the RR printed. If you find a store with the ads make sure to grab a couple in case you need the in ad Qs! I got the Renolds foil and it was the 25 sq. feet, not the 20 as listed in the in ad coupon but it still rang up right. 🙂 It was my filler to get to use my old RRs up.


Christie July 1, 2010 at 11:19 am

For those of you who can’t find the ad and want some of the in ad q items. Here are the codes… I suggest saying “oh I forgot my 4 day ad sale flyer at home, can you just check if this is the right code?”
Dove – 1803
Reynolds Wrap – 1801
Nips – 1850
V05 Shampoo or Conditioner – 1805

They don’t need the coupon, if your store has the coupons programmed to work they just need the last 4 digits. Good Luck! 🙂


Brian July 1, 2010 at 11:27 am

Our wag here in columbia heights mn have the ad and they even have a sign that says ” there’s two ads available today”.


Alexandria July 1, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Bahahaha this is too funny! I haven’t been to Wags since the sale started, but my area has the online ad. I find it highly amusing that they didn’t advertise OR tell the store associates/managers. HILARIOUS.


Heather July 1, 2010 at 12:18 pm

I went to my usual Wags and found they had a stack of the 4 day sale ad, but they had tossed the weekly ad to make room. I guess we can not have both of them at the same time.


adri July 1, 2010 at 12:23 pm

no sale for me 🙁 boo.


Brandi July 1, 2010 at 12:59 pm

I had a similar issued at my Walgreens in Northern Indiana. When I went in I saw they had put a new ad up and I went around to get what I knew was already on sale. I started to look at the ad right when a manager walked by and read on the top that it was next week sale’s ad! I told the manager and he was very quick to rush it out of my hand as well as the other ads they had put up. It took them a long time to locate the correct ad but by the time I had left they had the problem fixed.


Cris July 1, 2010 at 1:59 pm

MOnei had the add but not always the rr tags bellow the products. They hadn’t gotten the pineapple yet.


Christy July 1, 2010 at 2:53 pm

Wild!! Unadvertised 4 Day sale: 2 pack Oral B Advantage (Medium only) on Sale for $3 with $3RR. Kicking myself for not taking a picture!!! (Maybe if I return tonight?)
In CA I’ve seen no ads (nor knowledge of the sale) but about half the stuff is marked.

No Celcius tea in site – boo hoo, that was my big moneymaker after running out of my 3 razor coupons.

Anyone know what is triggering the Crest catalina?? I had one, but I think I bought Reach toothbrushes? When does that Reach RR deal start??


Christy July 1, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Oops – typo before (site instead of sight)

Also, the razor and sure RR’s are printing with no “sponsor” on the bottom left corner – does that mean they’ll roll?? Too scared to try – my cashiers are not that RR friendly unless I find my 1 favorite.


Ana July 1, 2010 at 3:22 pm

I went to the Wags here in Texas I found the 4 day ad, I bought some Dr. Scholls Rough skin eraser, my store had signs every where advertising them for .99 so I handed over my 2.00 q and the cashier let me get 2 for 1 coupon! so 2 free yay! I got 4 and let her have my other 3 Q’s for herself! and I didn’t find any socks at 2 different stores either!


Kristyn July 1, 2010 at 4:29 pm

My aunt went in our local Walgreens yesterday morning. No 4 day ad sales paper. While she was there, the mailmain delivered there ads for the sale. But they didn’t have signs on anything and weren’t prepared for it.


Gina July 1, 2010 at 5:25 pm

The sale is advertised in WI. When I went yesterday, they had 1 ad in the store. And when I was checking out (2 transactions) a lady came up behind me in line (cosmetics) and my mouth dropped. Her cart was FULL of the RR items from the 4 day ad. Now the cashier was like “how many transactions are you going to do?” the lady with all the items said 10! Well the manager ended up being called over and she was limited to 2 transactions. I have never witnessed such shelf clearing in all the time that I have been a couponer. I do understand that there is quite a bit of debate over shelf clearing, but that was ridiculous! I was so upset over that, but I was proud that the manager limited her to just 2. Sorry for the rant!


Christie July 1, 2010 at 5:41 pm

Gina – When I got to one of my stores who didn’t know about the ad, the first thing one of my favorite cashiers said was “There are no more socks, she took them all”. Everyone at my stores know that I’ll do at most 2 items per store. However, I have an evil nemesis who will come in and clear the shelves and apparently makes quite a scene if they try to limit her. I’m not joking that she almost knocked me over once as I leaned over to grab some FREE Halls cough drops. I’m not kidding, SOOOO uncool.


jill July 1, 2010 at 8:36 pm

sorry, now i see this post. Going to have to try without the flyer tomorrow and see if my store is “secretly” participating!


Barbara July 1, 2010 at 10:45 pm

I was so busy yesterday that I could go. I went today and my favorite checker was saying that first thing yesterday morning people were asking about the sale. They had no fliers out. They went in the back and found some the flyers for the sale so they were out today. BTW, this week has been weird many items don’t have signs on the products but ring up the right price at the register. So I have not had a problem with out of stock product! PS. I am also wearing my aloe infused socks right now, I have not taken them off. I wonder if I can wash them????


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