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Show the World You Care!

by Christie Bisbee on June 30, 2010

Have a cause you care deeply about? You can let the world know with a FREE download available for you HERE that lets you customize your Facebook page with the cause you care about most.

You can add a pre-designed background layout or create your own. They have pre-designed layouts supporting many different causes including breast cancer, diabetes, the Livestrong Foundation, Earth Day, the ASPCA, Autism and many others.

They also offer layouts with holiday, music and movie themes. You can change your layout as often as you like (maybe a 4th of July theme for this week)! For more info and how this free software works you can check out Page Rage HERE.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Sophie June 30, 2010 at 1:51 pm

In the Jewel-Osco 4 Day Sales flyer (June 27th thru June 30th) there is a manufacturers coupon on the last page for $5 off any three L’Oreal cosmetics. It expires today. It does have the Jewel-Osco logo on it and I know that some cashiers FREAK when you hand them a coupon with a store logo. It also state “select sizes and varieties” but doesn’t go into any further detail. I wonder if this would work with the L’Oreal sale at Walgreens…talk about a SWEET deal! You could buy 4 cosmetics, use the $5 coupon on 3, a $1 coupon on the fourth, and top it off with the Wags coupon!


Sophie June 30, 2010 at 1:52 pm

Oooops! Totally posted this in the wrong place. Sorry!


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