Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Vanity Fair Coffee Cups $1.45 a Pack

by Christie Bisbee on June 29, 2010

You can get a good deal on these Vanity Fair Insulated cups. They are perfect for coffee and other hot drinks and are actually quite attractive. There is a Register Reward deal for these and all the packages I saw all had $55/1 peelies on them.

If you find the same you can pick them up for $1.45 a package! Sometimes I have a lot of people over it’s easier to use disposable cups, no clean up. These are made in part from recycled paper and I’ll be recycling them again. 😉

2 – Vanity Fair Insulated Cups 2/$5
2 – $.55/1 Vanity Fair Cup Peelies
Total = $3.90, Get Back $1 RR
= $2.90 for both or $1.45 Each!

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