Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Money Making L’Oreal Lip Gloss!

by Christie Bisbee on June 29, 2010

I also found this really sweet deal on the L’Oreal Hip Lip products! They were marked down to $2.49 at both of the stores I stopped in. L’Oreal products are B1G1 50% this week and the clearance L’Oreal products are ringing up that way!

If you find the same at your store combine that with a $1/1 L’Oreal Manuf. Coupon and the $1/1 Any L’Oreal cosmetic in the July coupon book for a Money Maker!  Here are two possible scenarios for you depending on your store…

2 – L’Oreal HIP Lip Gloss $2.49 Each B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $3.73
Use (2) of the following MQ in blue & the Walgreens Coupon
– $1/1 L’Oreal Paris Cosmetic, any – 06-20-10 RP or 04-25-10 RP
-$1/1 L’Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara OR Cosmetic Product, Any – 05-23-10 RP
-$1/1 L’Oreal Cosmetic Product PRINT or PRINT

-$1/1 L’Oreal Entire Cosmetics Line (5733) Walgreens July Coupon Book (takes off $2)

Remember to buy these with something else to absorb the overage.

If you have difficulty using both the MQ & the Walgreens Booklet coupon this is still a FABULOUS deal. You could…

2 – L’Oreal HIP Lip Gloss $2.49 Each B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $3.73
Use (2) of the following MQ in blue OR the Walgreens Coupon
– $1/1 L’Oreal Paris Cosmetic, any – 06-20-10 RP or 04-25-10 RP
-$1/1 L’Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara OR Cosmetic Product, Any – 05-23-10 RP
-$1/1 L’Oreal Cosmetic Product PRINT or PRINT

-$1/1 L’Oreal Entire Cosmetics Line (5733) Walgreens July Coupon Book (takes off $2)
TOTAL = $1.73 or $.87 EACH!

I would never pay $9.79 for these but I’m very happy getting paid $.27 to give them a try!

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

silvia June 29, 2010 at 1:06 pm

total $3.73 can I use the july coupon book to take off $2.00 then use only one mq takes off $1.00 so I would pay only $.73 for both?


Christie June 29, 2010 at 1:10 pm

Sure, you could do that too if you wanted to.


Holly B June 29, 2010 at 1:47 pm

Another great makeup find! Thanks, Christie. I got two today for my donation bag 🙂


Anna June 29, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Just a heads up for those in the South Dakota area, I grabbed some of the HIP gloss this morning, however it was clearanced at $4.49 in our store….BUT….when I rang up it came up $1.49! YIPEE!!!

Thanks for all you do on this site! Keep up the great work!


jeri June 29, 2010 at 4:38 pm

Thank you so much! I just did this deal and blogged about it! Thank you for always sharing the deals! I’ve gotten so many great deals because of you!


April M June 29, 2010 at 4:51 pm

Thanks very much! My Walgreens ran out of the HIP lip gloss but they had a bunch of Loreal mascara on clearance for 2.29 so I was able to get two. Thanks again!


Teresa June 29, 2010 at 5:46 pm

Thanks so much for this find, along with the deal on the HIP lipgloss!

My usual Wags had all of these on clearance last week, but the clearance stickers mysteriously disappeared in time for the L’Oreal sale. I found these on clearance at a store 15 minutes away–totally worth the drive!!

Thanks again for helping us navigate all the deals!!


Stacey June 29, 2010 at 8:04 pm

Just stopped and grabbed 2 – thanks for all the great deals…..


Megan June 30, 2010 at 4:05 pm

Just went to take advantage of this today… I didn’t even try to use the Wags Q, only used the manufacturer coupons and one of my coupons beeped. The cashier pushed it through anyways and when I looked over my receipt they didn’t ring up at B1G1 50% off… they rang as B1G1 FREE! Wooohoo! 😀


Allison July 1, 2010 at 3:31 pm

just got 1 powder and 1 lip gloss-the only 2 in the store.
had to add 3 reese’s (make the cashier happy) subtotal was $.03, w/tax was $.51. total savings 27.14 I so rock!! and am happy w/ my new makeup!!!
thanks Christie!!!!!!!!!!


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