Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens ad for Raid in Smart Source

by Christie Bisbee on May 24, 2010

I had another ad in my Smart Source insert this week encouraging me to use a Manufacturer coupon from the insert AND a coupon from the Monthly IVC booklet, listed in this ad as “Additional In-Store Walgreens Coupon“.

I’m not kidding when I tell you I’m keeping all of these ads nicely filled in my binder for all eternity! For those of you who have issues using both MQ and IVC Monthly coupon booklet coupons, look to see if this is in your Smart Source insert too!

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Ana May 25, 2010 at 11:55 am

I have an advertisement that says Noxema Disposable Razors Walgreens sale price BOGO free of equal or lesser price Less Mfg. Coupon in this insert – $2.
It doesn’t give me a total but it is telling to go out and buy the razors and use the 2.00 Q. it’s pretty cool huh! I’m in Texas!


Christie May 25, 2010 at 12:39 pm



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