Walgreens Coupons & Deals

NEW Barilla Pasta Coupon + Possible Clearance

by Christie Bisbee on March 22, 2015

Barilla Pasta CouponsWe have a new Barilla Blue Box Pasta coupon available to print today! This one is good thru 4/21, so you have plenty of time to use it. It does print with a large ad above it, so select another coupon to go with it to save your ink.

Barilla Clearance DealsPlus checkout this clearance Barilla pasta Harriet found at her store for 44¢ a box. Clearance does vary from store to store, but always be sure to check your clearance section – you never know what goodies you might find!

Walgreens Clearance Deals
Buy (4) Barilla Pasta 44¢ Clearance Price
Total = $1.76
$1.00 off (4) boxes of Barilla Blue Box Pasta
= Just 19¢ Each!

Savings Tip: Snap by Groupon is offering many new members $1 cash back on any pasta, so if you are new to Snap, you may want to add that to your deal to save even more!

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