Walgreens Coupons & Deals

FREE or Cheap Clearance Eyeshadow Deals

by Christie Bisbee on January 18, 2012

I spotted a couple of nice clearance eyeshadow deals at my store. Clearance does vary from store to store but next time you are at Walgreens you may want to lookout for these.

I found clearance Neutrogena Eyeshadow quads that were reduced to $5.19 and ringing up B1G1 50% OFF.

Buy (2) Clearance Neutrogena Eyeshadow Quads $5.19 B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $7.78
(2) -$3/1 Neutrogena Cosmetics, exp. 2/18/12 (ALL YOU Dec ’11)
(1) -$2/1 Neutrogena Lip & Eye Cosmetics, exp. 1/28 (Walgreens, Jan) (Takes off for both)

If you don’t have the All You coupon, use two of the -$1/1 Neutrogena lip or eye makeup product (ets), exp. 03/31/12 (SS 01/08/12 #2) and it will still be super cheap.

I also spotted some Almay Clearance eyeshadow that also is ringing up B1G1 50% OFF.

Buy (2) Almay Intense i color Eyeshadow $2.19 B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $3.28
(2) -$2/1 Almay Cosmetic Product, exp. 2/12/12 (SS 01/01/12)

The second coupon will have to be adjusted (which is Walgreens coupon policy) but if your store has an issue or doesn’t know how, then you might just want to buy the single eyeshadow for $.19 after the coupon. Hassle and beep-free! 🙂

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Rebekah F January 18, 2012 at 11:36 am

FYI – I did a similar deal last week with the Neutrogena Eyeshadow, and the register took the 50% off AFTER applying the $2 Walgreens coupon. Still a good deal though, and you can use it towards the Neutrogena rebate.


Mary January 18, 2012 at 4:28 pm

I called the 800# for Neutrogena Rebate info and they informed me that the purchase amount counted toward the rebate is AFTER ALL DISCOUNTS, including store and mfr coupons. She said ‘only what is paid out of pocket’. Purchases above would not apply since nothing was paid oop.

If anyone has actually received a rebate where ‘purchases’ were figured BEFORE COUPONS, please let me know. I quit keeping track of my receipts because I am using all my coupons on Free Neutrogena cosmetics anyway.


Rebekah F January 19, 2012 at 4:59 pm

Sorry; you’re right. The rebate form says “Purchase requirement calculated before taxes and after other discounts have been applied.” Thanks for clearing that up!


Ashley January 18, 2012 at 12:49 pm

Almay was clearance at my store last week they didnt let me both coupons but i still only paid .19 cents for one


D January 18, 2012 at 1:07 pm

Thanks for posting these Makeup deals. I’ve been couponing for awhile, mostly annoying my wife with weekly trips to Walgreens, but I brought her last week and got her all the makeup she needed for just a few bucks.

It made her happy and it made me happy because I had no idea how much money that stuff was actually costing her!

She said she normally spends $8 just for the eyeshadow, and we got her a couple different colors, plus some lip glosses and other things that I have no idea what they are for just a fraction of the “regular” cost.


Eileen Burke January 18, 2012 at 1:28 pm

woo hoo! thank you going to try this one today!


Susan McCandless January 18, 2012 at 1:51 pm

I am just wondering how you can use 2 manufacture coupons on the eyeshadow? I thought it was one walgreens coupon and one manufacturer. Can you please explain that to me?


Christie January 18, 2012 at 2:37 pm

Hi Susan – it’s because you are buying (2) items. So when you buy (2) items you can use (2) coupons towards each item. A MQ and a store coupon.


Nancy January 18, 2012 at 1:59 pm

i thought on the orange stickers it usually says clearance is not eligible or included in sale such as buy one get one 50% off or is that incorrect? i know i have definitely seen that at CVS


Christie January 18, 2012 at 2:35 pm

No, not necessarily, it really depends on the item. I have clearance stuff ring up B1G1 50 or B1G1 FREE all the time. Just have them scan it to see if it says BGLP after the item. If it does you are good. 🙂


Mary January 18, 2012 at 4:59 pm

I have seen those signs at CVS, and some ads won’t say it excludes clearance items. I learned the hard way not to purchase my clearance makeup there ever again!!! Sally Hansen was included in the giftcard deal and was advertised for B1G1 50% off last week, so I used all my SH nail polish coupons on them and it didn’t count towards gc nor did it give me the B1G1 50%off. If you do get the advertised discounts then it’s because cashier/manager applied them or was a fluke which they tend to ‘fix’ as soon as they see their customers clearing the shelves.


Amy January 18, 2012 at 5:23 pm

I just purchased two eye shadows and the BOGO did not apply.

I am wondering? Do the Jan. booklet coupons count as a WAG coupon or a Man. Q?


Heather L. January 19, 2012 at 12:28 am

FYI: makeup not on clearance at Cheyenne, WY wags off Lincoln Way. 🙁
All still at normal prices.


Samantha January 22, 2012 at 12:20 pm

i work for walgreens and really like this site!!! any questions you guys have just ask!!!:)


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