Walgreens Coupons & Deals

John Frieda Hair Colour $3.59 or Less!

by Christie Bisbee on November 12, 2011

There’s a NEW high value $3/1 coupon for John Frieda Hair Colour available! These are on clearance at all the stores in my area for $6.59 or less, so you can grab these for $3.59 or less if you find the same at your store!

Buy (1) John Frieda Foam Hair Colour $6.59
-$3/1 John Frieda Foam Hair Colour (30303)
= $3.59 EACH!

Also, I saw these on clearance for about $4 at the store near my office, but I can’t find the picture. So, you may find an even better deal at your store.

Also, although the image of the coupon says “available at Walmart”, this coupon does NOT print with any mention of Walmart anywhere on it! So print it while you can! 🙂

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Tom November 12, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Last week in Pembroke pines they had these for $3.24, needless to say, they didn’t last but a few hours, saw them at 12PM, and went back at 3PM, they were all gone, even the L’oreal, which were priced at $6.00. I work in the area.


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