Woo Hoo! Here’s a nice deal where you won’t need to clip any coupons! I found the 100% Organic Ground Flaxseed priced at only $5.79 at my store, and there is a $5 Walgreens coupon in the October Book for Purelife Naturals Vitamins & Supplements. So, it’s just 79¢! Your price may vary slightly, but if you use this product, these are some great savings!
Although this item qualifies for the Health & Wellness Points, you will not earn any if your price is less than $1 after the Walgreens Coupon is applied since points are earned after this occurs. However if you buy more than one, the dollars will accumulate so you’ll be able to earn them. Just go HERE to make sure you are participating in this special event. After that, you’ll be signed up to receive these points on every qualifying transaction from now until 11/1/14.
Walgreens Deals (thru 11/1)
Buy (1) Purelife Naturals 100% Organic Ground Flaxseed, $5.79 Reg. Price
(1) $5/1 Purelife Vitamins & Supplements (5325), Walgreens October
Total = Just 79¢!

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