The first of the Walgreens Mobile coupons arrived today. This one is for $5/1 Merry-Okee, which is a Hallmark Christmas Karaoke microphone that will make your voice sound like an elf while singing along to 6 different songs. The regular retail for this item is about $20.
I have to admit, it’s not the kind of coupon I was hoping for but if you are in the market for a Christmas Karaoke Microphone, I guess it would be helpful.
If you happen to live in an area where Walgreens price matches (most areas do not but some, like where I live, do), you can price match this to the CVS Black Friday ad. There it’s $11.99, so that would make it just $6.99 after the coupon.
If you haven’t downloaded the app to your phone you can download it to your iPhone or your Android device HERE.
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