July 1, 2017Even though it’s a holiday weekend, we will have our P&G insert. We’ll see coupons for Charmin, Crest, Pampers, Gillette and many more. If you need to order past coupon inserts, I personally use Sunday Coupon Inserts. They have various insert options to choose from, so you can find the one that best meets your needs. […]
Read the full article → June 24, 2017This weekend we’ll have two inserts. A RedPlum and a SmartSource insert. We’ll see coupons for Ben & Jerry’s, Kellogg’s, Vanity Fair, Huggies and many more. If you need to order past coupon inserts, I personally use Sunday Coupon Inserts. They have various insert options to choose from, so you can find the one that best […]
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