Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Snickers Ice cream coupons


Snickers Ice Cream Bars Just $1.99 3pk (12/29)

by Christie- on December 27, 2013

Snickers ice cream-lIf you’d like to celebrate New Year’s with ice cream, grab this coupon now,  $1.00 off (1) SNICKERS, TWIX, M&M’S, DOVEBAR or MILKY WAY Ice Cream (3 – 6 ct). Next week the Snicker’s Ice Cream Bars will be on sale for $2.99.

Walgreens Deals (starting 12/29)
Buy (1) Snicker’s Ice Cream Bars, 5 pk, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) $1.00 off (1) SNICKERS, TWIX, M&M’S, DOVEBAR or MILKY WAY Ice Cream (3 – 6 ct)
Total = $1.99
= 40¢ per bar! What a Yummy Deal! 😉



New Coupons: Snickers, Quaker, Beneful & More

by Christie Bisbee on December 4, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 7.10.41 PMWe have quite a few new coupons today, including a new coupon for Snickers, Twix, M&M, Dove or Milky Way Ice Cream, yum!

$1.00 off (1) SNICKERS, TWIX, M&M’S, DOVEBAR or MILKY WAY Ice Cream (3 – 6 ct)
$1.00 when you buy any two (2) Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal
$1.00 when you buy one (1) box of Real Medleys Bars
$0.35 on any One (1) package of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish seasonal crackers (6.6oz or larger)
$1.50 one (1) box of Beneful Baked Delights
$1.00 OFF any (1) Lipton K-Cups (zip 20002)
$1.00 OFF any (1) Lipton Tea & Honey Diet Powder Iced Tea Mix (zip 20002)
$1.00 OFF any (1) Lipton Natural Energy (zip 20002)
$3.00 on the purchase of any size of Cosamin Joint Health Supplement (zip 35007)
$1.00 on FOUR (4) Boxes of SCOTTIES (zip 32073)
$2.00 On Any One (1) 22oz. Package of MamaMancini’s Turkey Meatballs and Slow Cooked Italian Sauce (zip 32073)
$0.55 off ONE (1) Hillshire Farm Cocktail Links(zip 10009)
$3 on ONE (1) Dial Hello Kitty Body Wash Gift Pack Redeemable at Walgreens
$1.50 Off any 1 (one) got2b hair styling products (ets)
$3.00 Off any 2 (two) got2b hair styling products (ets)


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