Walgreens Coupons & Deals

skin care

The new Palmers Shimmer Radiance Body Gloss is on sale for $9.59 thru 11/2, plus right now there is a $3 ibotta. A coupon is not allowed with it.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 11/2 or until ibotta remains)
Buy (1) Palmers Shimmer Radiance Body Gloss $9.59 Sale Price
Total = $9.59, Get back 9¢ cash rewards
$3/1 Palmers Shimmer Radiance Body Gloss  or Body Oil ibotta deposit limit 2 (NO COUPONS)
= $6.50



Botanics Skin Care As Low As $2.15 (Reg. $6.99)

by Christie- on May 20, 2022

Botanics skin care is on sale 40% off this month thru 5/28. Plus there is a $2 Clip2card coupon. My store was out of the All bright toner, but it’s a great deal. Here are some ideas for you…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/28)
Buy (1) Botanics All  Bright Cleansing Toner, $4.19 Sale Price
$2/1 Botanics Product (Excludes Face Masks and Wipes) Exp. 5/28/22 Clip2card
Total = $2.19, Get back 4¢ cash rewards
= $2.15

Buy (1) Botanics All  Bright Scrub, $4.49 Sale Price
$2/1 Botanics Product (Excludes Face Masks and Wipes) Exp. 5/28/22 Clip2card
Total = $2.49, Get back 4¢ cash rewards
= $2.45

The Botanics Sheet Masks are just $2.39. The coupon EXCLUDES these, but online it shows the coupon applies to them.



Your Good Skin – Up To 63% Off Regular Prices!

by Christie- on October 21, 2021

If  you’re a fan of Your Good Skin, now is the time to grab these products! They are on sale B1G1 Free, plus they are a part of the RR deal to earn $5 Good on skinc are when you spend $20.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 10/23)
Buy (2) Your Good Skin Face Wash or other product priced at $7.49 B1G1 Free
Buy (2) Your Good Skin Lip Balm, $4.49 B1G1 Free
Buy (2) Your Good Skin Facial Scrub or other product priced at $8.49 B1G1 Free
Total = $20.47, Get back 20¢ cash rewards
+ $5 RR good on skin care for spending $20 on Skin Care
= $15.27 or $2.55 per item or like saving 63% off the regular prices!

Buy (2) Your Good Skin Face Wash or other product priced at $7.49 B1G1 Free
Buy (2) Your Good Overnight Cream or other product priced at $12.99 B1G1 Free
Total = $20.48, Get back 20¢ cash rewards
+ $5 RR good on skin care for spending $20 on Skin Care
= $15.27 or $3.82 per item!



Ambi Cleansing Bars Just 19¢ (Reg. $2.19)!

by Christie- on February 18, 2015

Ambi Cleansing bars Just 19¢!A rare, new coupon popped up this morning for any Ambi Skincare product.  It prints with an expiration date of 3/20/15.

Ambi Skin Care is 25% off at Walgreens, but the only exclusion in this coupon is the trial sizes. You can use it on the bars,which are regularly priced at $2.19. Here’s a tip for you: don’t use your Balance Rewards Card, ad the bar will ring up at $2.19, so then you can use the coupon to grab it for just 19¢!

Walgreens Deals
Buy (1) Ambi SkinCare Complexion Cleansing Bar, 3.5oz, $2.19 (Price Without Reward Card)
(1) $2.00 OFF Any AMBI Product* (68130)
Total  = Just 19¢!

However, if you are interested in the other products below, you can save up to 54% off the regular price. I live in Florida and the sun is relentless. I had a dermatologist recommend these to me for getting rid of those little freckles that appear from too much sun. You’ll be saving 55% off the regular price on the Fade cream after sale and coupon!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/28)
Buy (1) Ambi Fade Cream, 2oz, $4.86 Sale Price (25% off $6.49)
(1)  $2.00 OFF Any AMBI Product* (68130)
Total = Just  $2.86!

Buy (1) Ambi SkinCare Foaming Cleanser or Exfoliating Wash, $5.84 Sale Price (25% off $7.79)
(1) $2.00 OFF Any AMBI Product* (68130)
Total  = Just 2.84!



Ambi Skin Care As Low As $2.36 (Reg. $6.49)!

by Christie- on November 23, 2014

ambi4Ambi Skin Care products are on sale thru 11/26 for 25% off. Selection varies by store, but I found these as low as $4.86 for the Fade Cream at my store. There were high value coupons in the Smartsource insert from October. Check to see if you got them! You can get the fade cream for just $2.36 which is over 60% off the regular price.

I live in Florida and the sun is relentless. I had a dermatologist recommend these to me for getting rid of those little freckles that appear from too much sun.

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/26)
Buy (2) Ambi Fade Cream, $4.86 Sale Price (Reg. $6.49)
(1) $5/2 Ambi Product excl. bar soap, (SS 10/19/14 R)
= $2.36 EACH!

If you’ve never used Ambi products and would like to try one first, you can just buy one to see if you like it.

Buy (1) Ambi Fade Cream, $4.86 Sale Price (Reg. $6.49)
(1) $2/1 Ambi Product excl bar soap, (SS 10/19/14 R)
Total = $2.86!



Sarna Coupons = Anti Itch Lotion Over 50% off!

by Christie- on March 26, 2014

Sarna5wI found the Sarna Anti-Itch products on sale all month for $7.99 at my store. We have a couple of available Sarna coupons for, $2.00 off any ONE (1) Sarna® Anti-Itch Lotion.

If this is something you use you may want to add it to your list. You’ll be almost $8 toward your $30 threshold for Happy Cash and you’ll be saving over 50% off the regular price.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/29)
Buy (1) Sarna Anti Itch Original or Sensitive, $7.99
(1) $2/1 Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion, exp. 3/31/14 (RP 01/26/14 R)  OR USE
(1) $2.00 off any (1) Sarna Anti-Itch Lotion
Total = $5.99 or over 50% off!



New Printable for Dermarest Shampoo!

by Christie- on February 21, 2014

Dermarest-l2wIf you have a scalp condition and use Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner, we have a new coupon available to print, SAVE $1.00 on any Dermarest® product (zip 77477). This is on sale thru 2/22 for $7.99, so you’ll save 30% off thru Saturday.

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/22)
Buy (1) Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo + Conditioner, $7.99
(1) SAVE $1.00 on any Dermarest® product (zip 77477)
Total = $6.99

Drugstore Savings Tip: Also a CVS Shopper? If you use Dermarest Eczema for your skin, you can use this same coupon, which is good on any Dermarest product, there this week. Check out my post HERE.



New Carmex Skin Care Coupon Available!

by Christie- on October 8, 2013

Carmex Hydrating LotionWe have a new Carmex coupon available to print today:

We don’t have a sale on these right now, but it’s a good coupon to print and keep on hand for any sales that might pop up. You can print this coupon twice (or more if you have access to multiple computers). Hurry and print yours now before they’re all gone!

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St. Ives Apricot Scrub Just $0.84 EACH (7/21)!

July 18, 2013

Here’s a really sweet deal on St. Ives Apricot Scrub you can grab next week. Walgreens will have these on sale for 25% OFF with 2,000 Balance Rewards Points WYB 2. Plus, we have a nice $1/1 St. Ives Product coupon available in the Walgreens Center for Sensitive Skin coupon booklet that we can use […]

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Walgreens Center for SensitiveSkin Booklet

April 24, 2013

Here’s another Walgreens Coupon Booklet that you should be able to find at your local store. You can normally find these booklets near the pharmacy counter or in the isles by the types of products the booklet is geared towards. If you don’t find it, ask someone at the pharmacy counter because sometimes they have […]

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