Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Revlon coupons


Revlon Super Lustrous Lip $1.92 Each

by Christie- on September 18, 2023

This month Revlon cosmetics are buy two and get one free, plus there are new coupons available to clip to your card, and check your binder for coupons. Remember these are limit one identical. Here’s a scenario…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 9/23 or until ibotta remains)
Buy (3) Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick  $10.99 B2G1
$3/1 Revlon Lip Cosmetics excl Kiss Balm, exp. 9/23/23 (Save 9/10/23)
$4/1 Revlon LIp product exp. 9/30/23 Clip2card
Total = $14.98, Get back 21¢ cash rewards
+ $9 (Three $3/1 Revlon lip Cosmetics excl kiss balm ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $1.92 each

Keep in mind the Revlon lip Clip2card coupon does not exclude the Kiss balm, if you’d like to grab one of these, here is a scenario. Remember  you can mix or match brands

Buy (1) Revlon Kiss Balm $6.49 B2G1
Buy (1) Covergirl Professional Remarkable Mascara, $5.99 B2G1
Buy (1) Cosmetic from participating brands priced at $5.98 or less, B2G1
$4/1 Revlon LIp product exp. 9/30/23 Clip2card
$3/1 CoverGirl Eye Product (excluding 1-kit shadows, accessories and trial/travel size), exp. 9/23/2023 (Save 9/10/23)
Total = $5.48, Get back 12¢ cash rewards
= $1.79 each



Revlon Eyeliners Cosmetics 93¢ Each

by Christie- on September 6, 2023

This month Revlon cosmetics are buy two and get one free, plus there are ibottas and coupons available to clip to your card. Here’s a scenario…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 9/30 or until ibotta remains)
Buy (1) Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick  $10.99 B2G1
Buy (2) Revlon  Colorstay Eyeliner Pencils, $8.99 B2G1
$4/1 Revlon Eye exp. 9/16/23 Clip2card
$4/1 Revlon Lip exp. 9/16/23 Clipcard
Total = $11.98, Get back 19¢ cash rewards
+ $6 (Two $3/1 Revlon Eye Cosmetics incl Liner, Brow, Mascara & Shadow ibotta deposit (limit 5)
+ $3/1 Revlon Eye Cosmetics incl Liner, Brow, Mascara & Shadow ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= 93¢ each!



Revlon Eye Cosmetics $2.94 Each

by Christie- on July 11, 2023

This month you’ll earn $8 RR for spending $20 on Revlon, plus right now there are ibottas. Here’s a scenario for eye cosmetics. Since Regular Prices vary, do add your transaction to make sure you’ve reached $20.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 7/29 — or until ibotta remains)
Buy (1) Revlon So Fierce Vinyl Eyeliner, $10.79 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Revlon Colorstay Eyeshadow Quad, $9.29 Reg. Price
Total = $20.08, Get back 20¢ cash rewards
+ $8 RR for spending $20
+ $6 (Two $3/1 Revlon Eye Cosmetics incl Liner, Brow, Mascara & Shadow ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $2.94 each


This month you’ll earn $8 RR for spending $20 on Revlon, but you’ll want to grab this deal as soon as possible. The Revlon coupon expires 5/20. There’s a great deal for the Illuminance Skin Caring Foundation since there is also an ibotta to redeem! Here’s a scenario.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/20 — or until ibotta remains)
Buy (1) Revlon IlluminanceSkin Caring Foundation, $17.99 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Revlon Nail Clipper, $3.29 Reg. Prie
$4/1 Revlon Illuminance Skin-Caring Foundation Only, exp. 5/20/23 (Save 5/7/23)
Total = $17.28, Get back 21¢ cash rewards
+ $8 RR for spending $20
+ $8/1 Revlon Illuminance Skin Caring Foundation ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= 54¢  per item!



Nice Deal on Revlon!

by Christie- on April 11, 2023

If you got this awesome $7 WYB $25 Clip2card coupon good for Cosmetics and have not used it, here’s a scenario for Revlon. New Revlon Coupons were in the Save insert for most of you.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 4/15 — when the coupons expire)
Buy (1) Revlon HD Lip, $12.49 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Revlon Blot Matt Setting Powder, $10.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner Pencil, $7.49 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
$3/1 Revlon Eye Cosmetic, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
$3/1 Revlon Face Cosmetic, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
$3/1 Revlon Lip Cosmetics, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
Total = $16.37, Get back 25¢ cash rewards
+ $7 cash rewards for spending $25
= $2.96 each



Almay Money Maker for Some!

by Christie- on April 2, 2023

If you got this awesome $7 WYB $25 Clip2card coupon good for Cosmetics and have not used it, here’s a scenario for Almay. New Almay coupons were in the Save insert for most of you, plus there are awesome ibottas to redeem! Select Almay Face or Eye Cosmetics are B1G1 50% off this week. Not everything is included so be sure to keep an eye out at the register to make sure you’ve selected items on sale.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 4/8)
Buy (2) Almay All the Benefits Mascara, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Almay Eyeshadows psa, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(4) $3/1 Almay Eye Product, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
Total = $17.36, Get back 29¢ cash rewards
+ $7 cash rewards for spending $25
+ $12 (Two $3/1 Almay Eye Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= All free + $1.93 Money maker!

If you’ve already used your Cosmetics booster…

Buy (2) Almay All the Benefits Mascara, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Almay Eyeshadows psa, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(4) $3/1 Almay Eye Product, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
Total = $17.36, Get back 29¢ cash rewards
+ $12 (Two $3/1 Almay Eye Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $1.27 per item

Here’s another idea…

Buy (1) Almay All the Benefits Mascara, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Eye Pencil, $9.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Makeup Remover Pads 120ct, $8.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Makeup Remover Pads 80ct, $5.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) $3/1 Almay Eye Product, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
(1) $2/2 Almay Makeup Remover (excluding trial/travel size), exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
Total = $18.86, Get back 27¢ cash rewards
+ $7 cash rewards for spending $25
+$6 (Two  $3/1 Almay Eye Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
$2/2 Almay Makeup Removers Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= 90¢ per item

Buy (1) Almay All the Benefits Mascara, $9.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Eye Pencil, $9.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Makeup Remover Pads 120ct, $8.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Almay Makeup Remover Pads 80ct, $5.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) $3/1 Almay Eye Product, exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
(1) $2/2 Almay Makeup Remover (excluding trial/travel size), exp. 4/15/23 (SS 4/2/23)
Total = $18.86, Get back 27¢ cash rewards
+ $6 (Two $3/1 Almay Eye Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
$2/2 Almay Makeup Removers Cosmetics any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $2.65 per item



Revlon Tweezers $2.09 Each

by Christie- on February 8, 2023

This month thru 2/25 you’ll earn $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics or Beauty Tools. Plus there is a $3/2 Revlon tools coupon available to send to your card. Here’s a scenario but be sure to add your transactions. Regular prices vary by store, and you must reach $10.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 2/25)
Buy (1) Revlon Slant Tip Deluxe Tweezer, $4.29 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Revlon Slant Tip Perfect Tweezer , $5.99 Reg. Price
(1) $3/2 Revlon tools (excluding clearance and emory boards exp. 3/4/23 Clip2card
Total = $7.28, Get  back 10¢ cash rewards
+ $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics
=$2.09 each

Or you can grab an nice deal on a product priced at $10 or a little bit more.

Buy (1) Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick, $10.49 REg. Price
$3/1 Revlon Lip Cosmetics, exp. 2/18/23 (Save 2/5/23)
Total = $7.49, Get back 10¢ cash rewards
+ $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics



Revlon Tweezers $1.59 Each

by Christie- on January 21, 2023

This week and next week you’ll earn $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics or Beauty Tools. In addition there is a monthly RR deal to earn $5 for spending $15 on select eye cosmetics or false eyelashes. The Revlon RR is a regular Register Reward. The $5 RR is a store coupon that can only be used on eye cosmetics. But the great news is that these will  both work on Revlon. Here’s a scenariobut be sure to add your transactions. Regular prices vary by store, and you must reach $10. Remember ibottas can be removed without notice. Check right before you buy, and add the offer to your list before you make your purchase.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 1/28 or until ibotta remains)
Buy (1) Revlon Slant Tip Deluxe Tweezer, $4.29 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Revlon Slant Tip Perfect Tweezer , $5.99 Reg. Price
(1) $2/2 Revlon tools (excluding clearance and emory boards exp. 2/4/23 Clip2card
Total = $8.28, Get  back 10¢ cash rewards
+ $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics
+$2 ($1/1 Revlon Eye tools any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
=$1.59 each


Overlapping Register Reward Deals on Revlon Eye Cosmetics!

January 3, 2023

This week you’ll earn $3 RR for spending $10 on Revlon Cosmetics or Beauty Tools. In addition there is a monthly RR deal to earn $5 for spending $15 on select eye cosmetics or false eyelashes. The Revlon RR is a regular Register Reward. The $5 RR is a store coupon that can only be […]

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Revlon Slant Tweezer 69¢ Each!

October 25, 2022

This week Revlon tools are on sale B1G1 50% off. Check your Walgreens coupons for a tools coupon. Keep in mind it won’t work on everything.  Check your Walgreens account for a $5/2 coupon. If you are placing an order online, you can use this coupon on other items that are cheaper online than in-store. […]

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