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Readers Digest Magazine


Reader’s Digest Only $4.95 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on December 5, 2017

Readers-Digest-U-S-Edition-3We have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest, the world’s most widely read magazine! Right now subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $4.95 for a year. Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. It has useful and practical advice on saving money, staying healthy, having fun and living your best life!

This offer expires at Wednesday 12/06/17 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Reader’s Digest Only $9.99 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on October 5, 2016

Readers-Digest-U-S-Edition-3We have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest, the world’s most widely read magazine! Thru Thursday, 10/6 only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $9.99 for a year! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. It has useful and practical advice on saving money, staying healthy, having fun and living your best life!

This offer expires at Thursday 10/06/16 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Reader’s Digest Only $10.99 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on May 7, 2015

Readers-Digest-U-S-Edition-3We have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest, the world’s most widely read magazine! Thru Friday, 5/8 only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $10.99 per year! You can order up to 4 years at this price. Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. It has useful and practical advice on saving money, staying healthy, having fun and living your best life!

This offer expires at Friday 05/08/15 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Reader’s Digest Only $4.50 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on August 13, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-08-12 at 8.22.12 PMWe have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest, the world’s most widely read magazine! Today only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for only $4.50 per year! You can order up to 4 years at this price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. It has useful and practical advice on saving money, staying healthy, having fun and living your best life!

This offer expires at Tuesday 08/13/13 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $4.50 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on June 11, 2013

Readers DigestWe have a nice deal today on Reader’s Digest magazine! Today only, you can subscribe to Reader’s Digest for only $4.50 a year! You can order up to 4 years at this price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most widely read magazine with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration! This offer expires at Tuesday 06/11/13 11:59 PM EST.

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $4.50 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on June 2, 2013

Readers DigestWe have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest! Today only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $4.50 per year! You can order up to 4 years at this super low price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout to grab this deal.

Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most widely read magazine with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration!

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. This offer expires today 6/2/13 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $4.50 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on May 16, 2013

Readers DigestWe have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest! Today only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $4.50 per year! You can order up to 4 years at this low price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout.

Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most popular monthly magazine, with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration!

Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. This offer expires at Thursday 05/16/13 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!



Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $4.50 A Year!

by Christie Bisbee on April 26, 2013

Readers DigestWe have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest! Today only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for just $4.50 per year! You can order up to 4 years at this low price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout.

Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most popular monthly magazine, with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration! Each issue of Reader’s Digest includes favorite features like Word Power and Laughter, The Best Medicine. This offer expires at Friday 04/26/13 11:59 PM EST. Remember the coupon code: WILDFORWAGS can earn you 20% off most magazine titles at DiscountMags!


Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $4.79 A Year!

April 23, 2013

We have a deal today on Reader’s Digest magazine! Today, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for only $4.79 per year! You can order up to 3 years at this price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout. Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most widely read monthly magazine, with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration! Each issue of […]

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Discountmags: Reader’s Digest $3.99 A Year!

February 24, 2013

We have a great deal today on Reader’s Digest magazine! Today only, subscribe to Reader’s Digest for only $3.99 per year (73% off)! You can order up to 3 years at this price! Just use the magazine coupon code WILDFORWAGS at checkout. Readers Digest Magazine is the world’s most popular monthly magazine, with useful advice, entertainment, and inspiration! […]

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