Walgreens Coupons & Deals



Premier Protein Shakes 4pk $2.99 (Reg. $8.99)!

by Christie- on April 9, 2015

premier more (2)5wDo you regularly use Protein shakes? Grab the Premier Protein at a great price this month at Walgreens. These are on a monthly sale price for just $6.99.

We have a high value Premier Protein Shake coupon available to print. It  prints with an expiration of 5/7, so you’ll have thru 4/25 to grab this deal below. Be sure and grab the coupon in case it disappears. I found chocolate and vanilla at my store!

Walgreens Deals (thru 4/25)
Buy (1) Premier Protein Shake 4pk, $6.99
(1) $4/1 Premier Protein Shake 4 pack
Total = $2.99 or just 75¢ per shake!



Ensure Active 4pks Just 49¢ Each!

by Christie- on February 3, 2015

Ensure Active 49¢ Each 4pk!There is a really good deal for Ensure Active Shakes this week! You’ll earn $2 Register Reward when you buy two multipacks of Ensure, which are on sale B1G1 50% off. Check your inserts for $3 off coupons on Ensure Active from a few weeks ago or one was in this weekend’s Smartsource. You can stack these with the Answers at Walgreens: Nutritional Drinks booklet. The 8 or 10 oz  4 packs are $7.99 at my store though it is possible your price will vary slightly. Put this all together and you’ll end up paying just 49¢ for each 4 pack or around 13¢ per bottle!

Ensure Active 4pk Just 49¢Walgreens Deals (thru 2/7)
Buy (2) Ensure Active Nutrition Drinks, 8 or 10oz, $7.99 B1G1 50% off
Total = $11.98
(2) $3/1 Ensure Active Multipack, exp. 3/8/15 (SS 01/11/15)
OR $3/1 Ensure Active Multipack, exp. 3/29/15 (SS 02/01/15)
(1) $3/2 Ensure Shake, 4 or 6pk (5819), Answers at Walgreens: Nutritional Drinks booklet
Total =$2.98, Get Back $2 RR
= 49¢ EACH!



Premier Protein Shakes Just 50¢ Per Bottle!

by Christie- on January 24, 2015

premier 43jpgIf you like to get your protein in liquid form, be sure and check your binders for the $4 coupon for Premier Protein shakes. This week (ending today 1/24) the 11 oz four pack of shakes is sale for $5.99. After the coupon, you’ll pay just $1.99 for the four pack or 50¢ per bottle. The regular price on this item is $7.99, so you’re saving 75% off the regular price.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/24)
Buy (4) Premier Shakes, 11 oz 4 pack, $5.99 Sale Price
(1) $4/1 Premier Protein Shake 11oz 4ct or Smoothie 4pk, exp. 4/6/15 (SS 01/04/15 R) 
Total = $1.99
= Just 50¢ PER SHAKE!



Level Life Bars — Just 49¢ for One 4pk!

by Christie- on December 10, 2014

Level Life Bars Just 49¢!Check the price of the Level bars at your store! My store increased the regular price from $4.99 to $5.49. Now you’ll rarely hear me say that’s a good thing, but in this case it is! The higher price works better for our coupon stack! 😉

There is a $4 manufacturer’s coupon for these in the Holiday/Winter edition of Diabetes & You Magazine. Plus, there is a Walgreens Coupon in the Answers at Walgreens: Diabetes Care. These are on sale B1G1 50% off this week, but it works out better if you just buy one box. Using two manufacturer coupons would make this deal negative.

Walgreens Deals (thru 12/31)
Buy (1) Level Life bars, 4 pk, $5.49 Reg. Price (This week B1G1 50%, but just buy one!)
(1) $1/1 Level Life Protein Bars or Shakes, 4pk (5818), exp. 10/1/15 Answers at Walgreens: Diabetes Care
(1) $4/1 Level Life 4 pk bars or shakes,Diabetes & You Holiday 2014/Winter 2015
Total = Just 49¢!



Ensure Active Protein Drink — $1.49 a 4 pk!

by Christie- on November 8, 2014

ensure (4)red7wIf you take nutritional drinks or if you’d like to try them for the first time, here’s a great deal for you this week. The best deal is for the Ensure Active Protein 4 pack of 10 oz bottles is on sale 2/$15.98, plus get back $2 Register Reward. There was a high value coupon with a short expiration date in the Smartsource insert and we have a Walgreens Coupon that you can stack in the Answers at Walgreens: Nutritional Drinks booklet. Be sure to select the 10 oz bottle 4pk (and not the 14oz) which will be more expensive.

nutritional booklet1-w

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/8)
Buy (2) Ensure Active Clear Nutrition Drink, 4pk 10 oz each, 2/$15.98
$3/2 Ensure Shake, 4 or 6pk (5819)
(2) $4/1 Ensure Active Protein Drink Multipack, exp. 11/16/14 (SS 11/02/14)
Total = $4.98, Get Back $2 RR
= $1.49 each multipack or 75¢ per shake!

Here are other coupons:



Level Life Bars — Just 29¢ for 4pk!

by Christie- on November 4, 2014

level bars27wWowza! Be on the lookout for the new Holiday/Winter edition of Diabetes & You Magazine. There is another $4 coupon inside for the Level Life 4pk bars! Plus, these are on sale thru 11/26 for just $4.29, which means you’ll pay just 29¢ for the box! This makes each bar just 7¢.

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/26)
Buy (1) Level Life bars, 4 pk, $4.29 Sale Price
(1) $4/1 Level Life 4 pk bars or 4 pk shakes, exp. 12/31/2014, Diabetes & You Holiday 2014/Winter 2015
Total = Just 29¢!



*Reset* Coupon for Zone Bars & Deals!

by Christie- on October 16, 2014

*Reset* Coupon for Zone Bars & Deals!You can get a great deal on protein bars at Walgreens right now. This  Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars coupon that popped up last week has just reset! Zone Perfect, Balance Bars and Pure Protein bars are on sale $1.29 each or 5/$5. I bought Zone Perfect and Pure Protein bars on Sunday and the price dropped down to $1 each! This is great news since the Zone Perfect coupon has a limit of two. The Balance Bar & Pure Protein insert coupons have a limit of 1.

In addition, these nutritional items qualify for the Health & Wellness Points. Just go HERE to make sure you are participating in this special event. After that, you’ll be signed up to receive these points on every qualifying transaction from now until 11/1/14.

This is what I bought on Sunday…

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/1)
Buy (4) Zone Perfect Bars, $1.29 each or 5/$5 Sale Price
Buy (2) Pure Protein Bars, $1.29 each or 5/$5 Sale Price
Total = $6
(2) $0.50 on any two (2) ZonePerfect bars (68130)
(1) $1/2 Pure Protein Single Bars, exp. 11/14/14 (RP 09/14/14)
Total = $4
Extra 300 Points for the Health & Wellness Points
= Just 62¢ EACH!

Here’s another coupon:
$1/2 Balance Bar Singles, exp. 10/31/14 (RP 08/03/14)



New Zone Perfect Coupon = Just 80¢ Each!

by Christie- on October 8, 2014

New Coupon for Zone Perfect Bars -- Just 80¢ Each!If you are a fan of Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars or have been meaning to try them, grab this new coupon that just popped up! It’s good on any two single bars and it prints with an expiration date of 11/7.

New Coupon for Zone Perfect Bars -- Just 80¢ Each!

You’ll be able to use it right away. The single Zone Perfect Bars are on sale for $1.29 each or 5/$5 thru 11/1. There’s a limit of two identical coupons per shopping trip on it, but you’ll still get an awesome deal. You’ll have to buy 5 in order for the price to drop down, and use two coupons. Keep in mind this is a monthly deal. You can print your coupons now and grab these next week with your Points Booster Transaction! You’ll get a better deal then since you’ll be earning $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) when you spend $25 from Sunday thru Tuesday!

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/1)
Buy (5) Zone Perfect Bars, $1.29 each or 5/$5 Sale Price
(2) $0.50 on any two (2) ZonePerfect bars (68130)
Total = $4
= Just 80¢ EACH


Level Life Bars — Just 99¢ for 4pk!

September 21, 2014

Be on the lookout for the new Diabetes & You Magazine, and the Level Life 4 4pk bars! There is a $4 off coupon inside the magazine good on the bars, and I found these tagged at my store for just $4.99. The label does not have a date, but be sure to look thru […]

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NEW Walgreens Vitamins and Supplements Booklet

June 3, 2012

Time to toss out your old Walgreens Vitamins and Supplements Booklet because there is now a new one with an expiration date of 5/1/13! I love how far out that expiration date is because, with all the sales between now and then, you’re bound to save a lot. Next time you’re out shopping, look for […]

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