Walgreens Coupons & Deals

nexcare products


First Aid Deals- Nexcare & Well at Walgreens!

by Christie- on May 6, 2014

nexcare b1g1 --7-2wNexcare is on sale B1G1 Free all month! There were coupons of varying value in the Smartsource insert from 4/6. You’ll get a better deal if your area received the $1/2 coupon. There is a limit on one coupon per day, so if you received, the 55¢/1, you won’t be able to use two coupons on this deal even though Walgreens policy allows for that.

W panorama3wWe also have an awesome deal this month buy 2 first aid products and receive a free Walgreens First Aid Bag. Be sure to select the Walgreens bag pictured here (and not the J&J brand bag). The bag automatically comes off free when you scan the two qualifying products. Some of the signage is old at the stores and reads you must purchase 3, but look for the tags dated 5/31 which note you only have to buy 2 items. This deal is also advertised in the, May Coupon Book. Plus be sure to look for specially marked bags that note there are $10 worth of coupons inside!

WAG RECPT1.5Walgreens Deals (thru 5/31)
Buy (2) Nexcare bandages, psa $3.19
Buy (1) Walgreens First Aid Bag, FREE with purchase of two items
(1) $1/2 Nexcare Bandages, exp. 5/31/14 (SS 04/06/14 R)
Total = $2.19
= 73¢ per item!

Buy (2) Nexcare bandages, psa $3.19
Buy (1) Walgreens First Aid Bag, FREE with purchase of two items
(1) $0.55/1 Nexcare Bandages, exp. 5/31/14 (SS 04/06/14)
Total = $2.69
= 90¢ per item!

Here are the Instant Value Coupons found in the First Aid Guide & Savings Book. I have not used these, but they should take off the amount of every item in your transaction, since they are Walgreens coupons (like the monthly book or in-ad coupons).

well at walgreens hydrogen peroxide2w50¢/1 Walgreens Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%, 32 oz (2366)
50¢/1 Walgreens 91% Isopropyl Alcohol, 32 oz (2367)
50¢/1 Walgreens Epsom Salt, 3 lbs (2368)
50¢/1 Walgreens Gauze Pads, 2″ x 2″, 25 pk (2369)
$1/1 Walgreens Vinyl Gloves, 50 pk (2370)
$1/1 Walgreens Triple Antibiotic Ointment, 2 oz (2371)
$1/1 Walgreens Hydrocortisone Cream, 1%+ 12 moisturizers 2 oz (2372)
$1/1 Walgreens First Aid Antiseptic Spray, 5 oz (2373)
$1/1 Walgreens Antibacterial Bandage Assortment, 200 pk (2374)
$1/1 Walgreens Wal-Dryl Itch Relief Continuous Spray, 3 oz (2375)
$1/1 Walgreens Pain Free Wrap, 2″ x 2.3  yds (2376)
$1/1 Walgreens Cloth Tape, 1″ x 10 yds (2377)

If you find the bag with the coupons inside, you may want to do this deal. The Hydrogen Peroxide, 32 oz, is on monthly sale at 2/$3, plus this week it’s on sale B1G1 50% off. It is actually ringing up $1.50, then 75¢ for the second one.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/10)
Buy (2) Hydrogen Peroxide, 32 oz, 2/$3 + B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Walgreens First Aid Bag, FREE with purchase of two items
(1) 50¢/1 Walgreens Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%, 32 oz (2366) [-$1]
Total = $1.25
= Just 42¢ per item!



Nexcare Bandages Just $1.45 EACH!

by Christie Bisbee on August 16, 2013

nexcareHere’s a nice Nexcare monthly deal you can grab at Walgreens. Nexcare Bandaids are on sale for BOGO FREE. These are priced at $3.99. Plus, we have a $0.55/1 coupon and a $ coupon we can use that will make these $1.45 EACH!

Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Nexcare Spider Man Waterproof Bandages, $3.99 (BOGO FREE)
(1) $0.55/1 Nexcare Bandages printable
(1) $0.55/1 Nexcare Bandages printable
Total = $2.89 ($1.45 EACH)!



Nexcare: Over the Top Coupon Restrictions?

by Christie Bisbee on July 3, 2012

I was excited to see that Walgreens had various Nexcare products on a Buy One Get One FREE sale for the month of July. So when I came home I searched my inserts for my Nexcare coupon and much to my dismay I found that in bold print the coupon had a restriction of…ONE COUPON PER DAY. I mean seriously?!

As you all know, I’m all for reasonable restrictions on coupons. 95% of the time the limits of 4 that P&G, Unilever and other companies are using has no negative impact on my plans. Yes, occasionally you have to buy (5) for a deal but it’s not common. For the most part, a limit of 4 is going to allow smart shoppers to get great deals AND limit people who store toothpaste in their ovens. However, one coupon per day (in my humble opinion) is just silly.

If the purpose of coupons are to motivate shoppers to make actual purchases, why would you put a restriction on a coupon that makes a shopper less likely to purchase more than ONE of your product? If I really need bandages, I’m not going to buy one box today and come back tomorrow for another one! I’ll just buy a different brand without these restriction so I can get the number of boxes I need. Or what if Bobby wants Spiderman and Sally wants Strawberry Shortcake?

I’m sure this decision was a knee jerk reaction to the whole “extreme couponing” phenomenon but in my opinion, a bad choice. Hopefully 3M, the makers of Nexcare, will ultimately decide on more reasonable coupon restrictions.

If you are in need of bandages, here’s the deal you can get at Walgreens with the one coupon…

Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Nexcare Waterproof Bandages 20ct B1 @ $3.99 G1 FREE
(1) $0.55/1 Nexcare Product, exp. 7/31/12 (SS 06/03/12)
TOTAL = $1.72 each

So, what do you all think? Is ONE COUPON A DAY reasonable or too restricting? Let us know what you think! 🙂


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