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MyCoke Rewards

Do you have an account to earn My Coke Rewards? It’s a great way to earn freebies! There is a really nice AMC Movie Night Offer which includes a 2 FREE Large Fountain Drink when you enter 10 codes, A FREE Large Popcorn when you enter 5 more codes and a 2 AMC Movie Tickets when you enter 20 more codes. Go HERE and click the tab labeled REWARDS above. After you enter ten, you’ll get your first email with the FREE Drinks, just keep entering them until you reach 35 codes. This deal runs thru 10/3/19, once you get the offer it expires 6/30/20. You’ll have lots of time to use them.

If you aren’t familiar with My Coke Rewards it’s a program that rewards you for purchasing Coke products. You enter your codes into the offer that you’d like to redeem. These offers vary and have different participation dates and at times have a total number offers available for people to claim, so if you see one you  like, be sure to enter your codes.


amc offer coke rewards

Do you have an account to earn My Coke Rewards? It’s a great way to earn freebies! There is a really nice AMC Movie Night Offer which includes a FREE Large Fountain Drink when you enter 5 codes, A FREE Large Popcorn when you enter 5 more codes and a FREE AMC Black Movie Ticket when you enter 10 codes. Go HERE and click the tab labeled REWARDS above. You can read more about the limitations on Black AMC Tickets HERE. So you’ll get all three for a total of 20 codes. After you enter five, you’ll get your first email with the FREE Drink, just keep entering them until you reach 20 codes. This deal runs thru 3/8/19, but one you get the offers, the fine print of the Terms and Conditions details read that these are good thru 6/30/20, but when I got my ticket, it reads that it does not expire.

If you aren’t familiar with My Coke Rewards it’s a program that rewards you for purchasing Coke products. You enter your codes into the offer that you’d like to redeem. These offers vary and have different participation dates and at times have a total number offers available for people to claim, so if you see one you  like, be sure to enter your codes.



$5 at Best Buy with MyCoke Rewards

by Christie Bisbee on January 11, 2011

For a limited time you can grab a $5 Best Buy Reward Certificate for 200 My Coke Rewards Points! That’s good at either Best Buy or BestBuy.com. I love it when they offer gift cards or rewards certificates.

Plus BestBuy.com has lots of Family DVDs for just $4.99 HERE. I spotted several DVDs including Snoopy, Scooby, Veggie Tales and more for just $4.99. So once you receive your $5 certificate you should be able to pick up a FREE DVD.


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