Walgreens Coupons & Deals

johnson coupons


New Johnson’s Baby Coupons!

by Christie- on April 10, 2020

New Johnson’s Baby and Kids products coupons have popped up! I haven’t seen Johnson’s coupons available to print in a while. These have an expiration date of 5/9, so you’ll have some time to use them.

$2.50 OFF any TWO (2) JOHNSON’S Products (excluding Kids Haircare, trial & travel sizes and giftsets)
$1.00 off any ONE (1) JOHNSON’S Kids Haircare Products (excluding trial & travel sizes and giftsets)
$1.00 OFF any ONE (1) JOHNSON’S Product (excluding Kids Haircare, trial & travel sizes and giftsets)


johnson's baby (7)4wGreat news! The Johnson’s Baby Intense Moisture Cream is included in the 2/$6 sale! This product is regularly priced around $6. Remember that you have to buy two items in order to get the price to drop down to $3 each.

Also, Johnson & Johnson has limitations on their coupons, but you can buy two different Johnson’s Baby or Desitin products to get the drop down price and still use two different coupons…

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/10)
(1) Johnson’s Baby Intense Moisture Cream, 2/$6 Sale Price
(1) Desitin Diaper Rash Original Paste or Rapid Relief Diaper Rash Cream, 2 oz, 2/$6 Sale Price
(1) $0.75 on any DESITIN Diaper Rash Product (exc 1 oz)
(1) $1/1 Johnson’s Baby Product, exp. 6/7/14 (SS 04/13/14 R)
Total = $4.25
= Just $2.13 EACH!

Here is another coupon you can use:
$0.50/1 Johnson’s Baby Product or Desitin Product, exp. 6/7/14 (SS 04/13/14)



Johnson’s Baby Just $1.99 at Walgreens

by Christie- on January 21, 2014

johnsons panorama3-5wYou can get some nice deals on baby products this week. Johnson’s Baby Oil and Johnson’s no more tangles shampoo are both included in the buy one get one 50% off sale this week. We still have a couple of printable coupons available for a great deal!

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/25)
Buy (1) Johnson’s Baby Oil, 14 oz, $3.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Johnson’s no more tangles shampoo, 13 oz $3.99 B1G1 50% off
(1)  SAVE $1.00 on any JOHNSON’S® Baby Oil product (excluding sizes 1 oz. to 4 oz.)
(1) SAVE $1.00 on any JOHNSON’S® Baby NO MORE TANGLES® or Extra Conditioning Hair Care product (excludes sizes 1 oz to 4 oz)
Total = $3.98 or $1.99 EACH!



Johnson’s Baby Just $1.94!

by Christie- on January 11, 2014

Johnson baby panorama3-5w

If you need to keep your baby pampered, check out the deals on Johnson’s Baby Oil and Johnson’s no more tangles shampoo.  Johnson’s Baby products are buy one get one 50% off, and you can use the printable coupons available for a great deal! Please note that the baby oil products will be B1G1 50% thru 1/25, but the shampoo is only on sale thru 1/11.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/11)
Buy (1) Johnson’s Baby Oil, 14 oz, $3.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Johnson’s no more tangles shampoo, 13 oz $3.79 B1G1 50% off
(1)  SAVE $1.00 on any JOHNSON’S® Baby Oil product (excluding sizes 1 oz. to 4 oz.)
(1) SAVE $1.00 on any JOHNSON’S® Baby NO MORE TANGLES® or Extra Conditioning Hair Care product (excludes sizes 1 oz to 4 oz)
Total = $3.88 or $1.94 EACH!



NEW Johnson’s Baby Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on April 15, 2012

We have two new Johnson’s Baby coupons today. One for powder and the other for any product excluding trial sizes. Johnson’s Baby products are B1G1 50% off this week at Walgreens and remember you can use two coupons.

$1.00 off any JOHNSON’S Baby Powder product (exc. 1-9oz)
$0.50 off any JOHNSON’S Baby product (exc. 1-3oz)

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