Looking for more coupon inserts? SundayCouponInserts.com will be offering FREE Shipping with a $10 minimum thru tomorrow 10/17, 8pm EST! It’s a great time to stock up on inserts for a great price with no shipping! I know that they have all three inserts from last week available (including that hot $2 Suave coupon).
They offer whole, uncut inserts delivered right to your door. You can order single packs or combo packs depending on what you are looking for. All orders received by 11 a.m. are shipped that very same day, via USPS priority mail! This means you will usually receive your inserts in 2-3 business days. So take advantage of this free shipping offer, just visit Sunday Coupon Inserts HERE to check it out!
The Giveaway
(3) Lucky Winners each will receive a 6-Pack Combo of the 10/14 coupon inserts (That’s 6 RedPlum, Smart Source and P&Gs for a total of 18 inserts!)
Here’s your Sunday Coupon Preview. We have three inserts coming our way this weekend, a P&G, a RedPlum and a SmartSource insert. You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE.
If you see some coupons you’d like clipped, try MyCouponHunter, she ships quickly and always has good prices. If you want entire inserts you can get visit Sunday Coupon Inserts HERE and you can also find coupons on eBay HERE.
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER DEALS If you are looking for a deal on your newspaper, or looking for additional newspaper subscriptions, checkout Discounted Papers HERE.
Just enter you zip to check on the discounted newspaper deals in your area. They have deals for newspapers across the country. It only takes a few seconds to see what’s available in your area.
Here’s your Sunday Coupon Preview. We have two inserts coming our way this weekend, a RedPlum and a SmartSource insert. You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE. We have coupons for Suave, L’Oreal, Vanity Fair, Degree and more.
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER DEALS If you are looking for a deal on your newspaper, or looking for additional newspaper subscriptions, checkout Discounted Papers HERE.
You can check to see the discounted newspaper deals in your area by entering your zip. They have deals for newspapers across the country. It only takes a few seconds to see what’s available in your area.
Here’s your Sunday Coupon Preview. We have three inserts coming our way this weekend, a RedPlum, a SmartSource insert AND a bonus P&G! You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE. I plan on grabbing 4 papers this weekend.
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER DEALS If you are looking for a more affordable way to get your newspaper, or looking for additional subscriptions, checkout Discounted Papers HERE.
You can check to see the discounted newspaper deals available in your area by putting in your zip code. They have deals for newspapers across the country and it’s a nice way to save.
Looking for more coupon inserts? I’ve got a great giveaway for you, courtesy of Sunday Coupon Inserts. They offer whole, uncut inserts delivered right to your door. You can order single packs or combo packs depending on what you are looking for. All orders received by 11 a.m. are shipped that very same day, via USPS priority mail! This means you will usually receive your inserts in 2-3 business days. Visit Sunday Coupon Inserts HERE to check it out!
I know some of you will be looking for the Walgreens baby coupons that are appearing regionally in the Smart Source insert for today 5/6. This is a great chance to win some, along with many more coupons!
The Giveaway
(5) Lucky Winners each will receive a 6-Pack Combo of the 5/6 coupon inserts (which is 6 SS and 6 RP – a total of 12 inserts per winner). Walgreens coupons included!
We have 4 Walgreens baby coupons coming in our SmartSource insert on Sunday. We should be able to see some nice deals with these!
We can get up to $6 off Pediasure, depending on what coupons you have. We should also see some nice deals on Playtex cups! These will be B1G1 50% starting Sunday plus we have a manufacturer’s coupon to stack and some of you also have a Walgreens coupon from the Your Baby Coupon book.
These are regional but here are the Walgreens Baby Coupons many of you will see…
$2/2 Playtex Cups, Any (5018) exp. 6/10 (SS 05/06/12) -$1 off any one Playtex Baby item (5953) Your Baby Walgreens Coupon -$1/1 Playtex Cup or Mealtime Product, exp. 6/3/12 (SS 04/22/12)
We have a great deal all month long on Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner. These are $2.99 and they are on sale B1G1 FREE from now until 5/26. You can use the $1/2 coupon to get these for just $1 each! The insert coupons expire 5/16 so you have some time to do this deal.
If you are looking for a cheaper way to get your newspaper, or looking for additional subscriptions, checkout Discounted Papers HERE. They offer deals that include up to 75% off or free weeks, depending on your paper.
You can check to see the discounted newspaper deals available in your area by just entering your zip code. The deals vary by area but it’s really easy to check and you might find something that works for you.
ORLANDO AREA DEAL I wanted to let my Orlando, Florida area readers know about another HOT Orlando Sentinel Deal. You can get 13 weeks of the Wednesday – Sunday paper for $14.67 plus get a $10 Publix gift card.
That’s like getting 13 weeks for just $4.67! That’s like paying .36 for the Sunday paper and getting Wed – Friday free! You can have a maximum of 4 Orlando Sentinel subscriptions. You can check it out HERE.
Here’s your Sunday Coupons Sneak Peek! We have just one insert coming our way this weekend, a SmartSource insert. You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE. If you see some coupons you’d like clipped, one of my favorite sites is MyCouponHunter. You can also find coupons on eBay HERE. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER DEALS If […]
Here’s your Sunday Coupons Sneak Peek! We have three inserts coming our way this weekend, a RedPlum and two SmartSource inserts. We have coupons for L’Oreal, Ban, Maybelline, Nivea, Lysol, Airwick, Visine, Keebler and more. You can see some of the upcoming coupons HERE. It looks like a good week for inserts so I’d definitely […]