Walgreens Coupons & Deals



Sweet ‘N Low Less Than A Penny Per Packet!

by Christie- on July 24, 2015

Sweet 'N Low Less Than A Penny Per Packet!If you use sugar substitutes, be sure and grab this deal Sweet ‘N Low this week. The 120ct box is on sale for $2.79 or 2 for $3. There is also a Sweet ‘N Low coupon you can print from HERE. Scroll to the bottom and click on Sweet Savings.

Remember that you must buy two boxes in order to get the price to drop down. You’ll pay less than one penny per packet!

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/25)
Buy (2) Sweet ‘N Low. 120ct,  $2.79 ea or 2/$3 Sale Price
(2) $0.50/1 Sweet’N Low Packet
Total = $2, Get Back 30 Everyday Points
= 99¢ each


Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna In Water Just 44¢!Here’s a super nice deal AND excellent filler for this week! The Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in Water is on sale this week for 69¢ with in-ad coupon. Plus, there’s a Walgreens Coupon in the March book for 50¢ off 2. The Walgreens Coupon policy allows the use of applicable Walgreens coupon(s) on one item. You may find your tuna priced at $1.09 or $1.19. I tried this purchase in two separate transactions, and changed the order the coupons were scanned, the price drop downed to 44¢ per can. Also, you don’t have to buy them in pairs. If you just buy one can, the March Book coupon will auto adjust to take off just 25¢ for one can.

Chicken of the Sea ReceiptWalgreens Deals (thru 3/28)
Buy (2) Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in Water, 5oz, $1.09-$1.19 Reg. Price
In-Ad Coupon for 69¢ Chicken of the Seat Chunk Light Tuna (1807), p. 3 [ -$1 or -80¢, depending on your price]
$0.50/2 Chicken of the Sea Tuna, Sardines, or Pink Salmon (Walgreens, Mar) [-50¢]
Total =88¢
= Just 44¢ EACH!



Dean’s Dip Just 49¢ Each!

by Christie- on October 29, 2014

Dean's Dip Just 49¢ Each!There’s a great deal on Dean’s Dip this week. We have a coupon available to print for $1 off 2, and these are on sale for 99¢. There is no size restriction on this coupon, so you can use it on the 8 oz containers that are on sale. I was able to print two coupons last week in preparation for this sale, and I able to print again this week. If you’ve recently printed it, go ahead and check to see if it reset for you too!

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/1)
Buy (2) Dean’s Dip French Onion Dip, 8oz, 99¢ Sale Price
(1) $1/2 Dean’s Dip Products printable
Total = 98¢
= 49¢ EACH!



Yakisoba Noodles 50¢ Each Thru 8/30

by Christie- on August 23, 2014

yakisobared4Here’s a monthly sale price you can take advantage of thru 8/30. The Maruchan Yakisoba Japanese Style noodles are on sale $1.09 or 2/$2. Check your Smartsource insert from 8/17. There were coupons for $1 off two or 50¢ off 1. You can grab these for just 50¢ each and have a quick meal ready for when your schedule gets cramped 😉 !

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/30)
Buy (2) Maruchan Yakisoba, $1.09 or 2/$2
(1) $1/2 Maruchan Yakisoba Product, exp. 10/15/14 (SS 08/17/14 R)
OR (2) $0.50/1 Maruchan Yakisoba Product, exp. 10/15/14 (SS 08/17/14)
Total = $1
= Just 50¢ EACH!



Fla-Vor-Ice Just 58¢ Each Thru Thursday!

by Christie- on July 30, 2014

Flavorice red7-5You can get a great deal on Fla-vor-ice thru Thursday! These are really nice treats for this hot weather. These are regularly priced at $1 each, plus there is an insert coupon for buy two and get 1 free. Plus we also have a Saving Star offer for 25¢. Put these all together and you’ll end up paying 58¢ for each box. All of the boxes at my store were specially marked boxes with a code inside. You’ll be able to create an account and download a free song with this code!

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/31)
Buy (3) Fla-Vor-Ice, $1 Reg. Price
Total = $3
(1) B2G1 Fla-Vor-Ice Items, exp. 7/31/14 (SS 05/18/14 R)
Total =$2, Get Back 25¢ SavingStar deposit
= $1.75 or 58¢ EACH BOX!

If you don’t have the B2G1 coupon or you can’t get to the store by Thursday, you can do this deal until the SavingStar offer expires on 8/20.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/20)
Buy (1) Fla-Vor-Ice, $1 Reg. Price
Total =$1, Get Back 25¢ SavingStar deposit
= Just 75¢!



Bic Razors & Eos Lip — Just 96¢ each!

by Christie- on July 9, 2014

Check Out Scenario for Bic & Eos Lip -- Just 96¢!The Bic Points monthly deal includes other products: Eos, select kotex or U kotex. Here is an idea for Bic Razors and Eos lip. There is a 20% back on any 1 Eos Smooth Sphere Lip Balm from Shopmium

EOSWalgreens Deals (thru 7/26)
Buy (4) Bic Silky Touch, 10 ct, $3.79 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) EOS lip, 2/$6 Sale Price
Total = $17.36
(4) $2/1 Bic Disposable Razor, exp. 7/26/14 (SS 06/29/14)
Total = $9.36, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) + 60¢ from Shopmium for Eos
= Just 96¢ Each!

Not familiar with Shopmium? Go HERE to learn more. Just use referral code: GMCUYFWA + get a FREE Lindt Chocolate Bar when you sign up.



Money Maker on Naked Juice This Week!

by Christie- on July 9, 2014

Money Maker on Naked Juice!The Naked Juice is on sale this week for 2/$5 with in-ad coupon. We also have an ibotta offer for any Naked Juice, an offer from Shopmium and also a printable coupon you can stack HERE. There are three other Naked Juice ibotta offers, but I wasn’t able to find these newer products at my store. I only found Green Machine, Blue Machine, Protein Zone and Mighty Mango. Since this is an in-ad coupon, if you buy one and have the coupon scanned, it will ring up at $2.50. So you’ll only need to buy one!

Coupon Printing Tip: This coupon prints with a large ad around the coupon so you may want to print it in gray scale. 

Walgreens Deals (thru 7/12)
Buy (1) Naked Juice, 15.2 oz, 2/$5 with In-ad Coupon
In-ad Coupon for 2/$5 Naked Juice (1701) p. 2
(1) $1/1 Naked Juice 15.2 oz printable
Total = $1.50 + $1/1 ibotta deposit + $1/1 Shopmium
= FREE + 50¢ Money Maker!

If you don’t use Shopmiumyou can do this…

Buy (2) Naked Juice, 15.2 oz, 2/$5 Sale Price
In-ad Coupon for 2/$5 Naked Juice (1701) p. 2
(1) $1/1 Naked Juice 15.2 oz printable
Total = $1.50 + $1/1 ibotta deposit 
= Just 50¢!

Not familiar with Shopmium? Go HERE to learn more. Plus when you use referral code: GMCUYFWA you’ll get a FREE Lindt Chocolate Bar!

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Yakisoba Japanese Noodles Just 38¢ Each!

by Christie- on June 27, 2014

yakisoba red3-5The Yakisoba Japanese Noodles are on sale thru 6/28 at 2 for $1.75. There were a couple of coupons in the May 18 Smartsource insert that you can use. Some areas got a $1/2 or a 50¢ off 1. Be sure to purchase two in order for the price to drop down. Then, you can grab them for around 38¢ each.

Walgreens Deals (thru 6/28)
Buy (2) Yakisoba, 2/$1.75
(1) $1/2 Maruchan Yakisoba (SS 05/18/14 R)
OR (2) $0.50/1 Maruchan Yakisoba (SS 05/18/14)
Total = 75¢
= Just 38¢ each!


Naked Juice Stack for Next Week’s Sale!

June 20, 2014

Next week, the Naked Juices will be on sale at Walgreens at $2.99 or 2/$5. We also have an ibotta offer for any Naked Juice and three other offers for new products. I wasn’t able to find the new products at my store. I only found Green Machine, Blue Machine, Protein Zone and Mighty Mango. There […]

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Nice Deal on Sun-Maid Raisins with Checkout51!

May 15, 2014

The Sun Maid Raisins 13 oz are on sale 2/$4 with in-ad Coupon this week. We also an offer for $.50 on any ONE (1) Sun-Maid raisins 12 oz or more from Checkout51.Because this is an in-ad coupon, your price will drop to $2 when you have it scanned without needing to purchase two! Walgreens Deals (thru […]

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