Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Free Rimmel


Free Rimmel Nail Polish at Walgreens!

by Christie- on March 11, 2014

Rimmel nail7wWoo Hoo! This week you can grab some free Rimmel London 60 seconds nail polish. Select Rimmel products are 50% off all month, but this week, it looks like all Rimmel is included. I found the nail polishes regularly priced at $1.69 ringing up at 84¢! The value of the insert coupon is greater than the price of the product, so the cashier will have to adjust the value of the coupon, or the value of the item. My store prefers to change the price of item up so coupon scans.

rimmel receiptWalgreens Deals (thru 3/15)
Buy (1) Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish, 84¢ Sale Price
(1) $1/1 Rimmel London Product, exp. 4/30/14 (RP 02/09/14)
Total = FREE!

If you have a difficult store, like I know some of you do, you can buy 4 nail polishes and use three coupons.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/15)
Buy (4) Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish, 84¢
(3) $1/1 Rimmel London Product, exp. 4/30/14 (RP 02/09/14)
Total = 36¢ or 9¢ EACH!


The Rimmel Stay Matte is one of the products that is on sale thru 3/29, and you can pick it up for just $1.74.

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/29)
Buy (1) Rimmel Stay Matte, $2.74 Sale Price
(1) $1/1 Rimmel London Product, exp. 4/30/14 (RP 02/09/14)
= $1.74!

But you can also do this deal this week, if you have trouble getting your coupons adjusted at your store:

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/15)
Buy (1) Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish, 84¢ Sale Price
Buy (1) Rimmel Stay Matte, $2.74 Sale Price
(2) $1/1 Rimmel London Product, exp. 4/30/14 (RP 02/09/14)
= $1.58 for both items!