Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Coupon Database


NEW Coupon Database Feature!

by Christie Bisbee on March 22, 2011

I wanted to let you know about a nifty new feature I just added! I’ve now got a Coupon Database that you can easily access from a button in my sidebar.  This should prove useful when planning your shops, since you may need to pick up something that isn’t included in the ad (and of course you’d want to know if there’s a coupon available for it).

It’s really easy to use, just type the product you are looking for into the search box and hit the search button directly underneath. You also can limit your searches to just coupons in inserts or just printable coupons. You can even search for Walgreens IVC coupons.

If the coupon is printable, just click on it to print. You’ll also see direct links to Coupons.com, RedPlum and SmartSource just above the Coupon Database button. Hopefully this will make your visits to Wild For Wags even more productive and helpful. Enjoy! 🙂


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