Walgreens Coupons & Deals

candy deals

HI-CHEW Candy Bags 99¢ Each Thru Wednesday!

December 18, 2017

Need stocking stuffers? You can pick up a nice deal on HI-CHEW candy bags. These are on a monthly sale for $1.79 each or 2 for $3. Plus, there is a Checkout 51 offer for 50¢ cash back on one bag. The limit on this Checkout is 5! It’s good only  on the varieties pictured […]

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Free Theater Box Candy – Trolli, JujyFruits & More!

July 29, 2017

I’m really excited about this awesome candy deal starting tomorrow. You’ll earn $1 Register Reward when you buy one Trolli, Jujyfruits, Red hots, Boston Baked Beans or Lemonheads Theater Box Candy, These 3.5 to 5 oz boxes will be on sale for $1, so you’ll grab your choice completely free! No coupons needed for this […]

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Free Now & Later, Trolli or Black Forest!

May 31, 2017

Woo Hoo! Here’s an easy freebie to grab this week at Walgreens! You’ll earn $2 Register Reward for buying one Black Forest, Trolli or Now & Later Candy bag from 7 to 9oz. These are on sale for $2. It’s a great way to use points. Just ask cashier to press other options to use $2 […]

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Sugar Free Red Vines Just 99¢ Each

January 28, 2016

If you want to stick to those new years resolutions, here’s an idea for a sugar free treat. Thru Saturday, you’ll earn $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy two Red Vines Sugar Free Licorice candies. These are sale priced $2.29 each or two for $3. They are the 5oz bags, which equal about […]

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Brach’s Candy Just $1.23 a Bag

November 17, 2015

Yay, theBrach’s Coupon is back. We have a really nice deal good thru 11/28 on Brach’s Sugar Free candies at Walgreens. These are on sale for 2/$4 so after the Brach’s Coupon that makes these bags just $1.23 each. These make nice treats or stocking stuffers, especially for anyone trying to eat less sugar or on a sugar restricted […]

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Brach’s Candy Just $1.23 a Bag!

November 8, 2015

We have a really nice deal good thru 11/28 on Brach’s Sugar Free candies at Walgreens. These are on sale for 2/$4 and we have a nice Brach’s Coupon available to print. That makes these bags just $1.23 each. These make nice treats or stocking stuffers, especially for anyone trying to eat less sugar or […]

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Altoid Smalls Just 16¢ Each

July 17, 2015

Here’s a nice deal you can pick up today or tomorrow. Altoids Smalls tins are just 16¢ each at Walgreens after coupons and sales. These are on sale 3/$2 and we have an insert coupon we can use on them, brining the price to only 16 cents a piece. These are perfect to keep in […]

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Reese’s Pumpkins Just 34¢ Each This Week

October 17, 2014

Here’s a fabulous deal you can grab on Reese’s Halloween pumpkins this week! These are on sale for just 59¢ each, plus we have a $1/4 Walgreens coupon in the October Book we can use to grab these for only 34¢ each! The coupon is good thru 10/31 but the sale price is this week only. Walgreens […]

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New Sour Patch/Swedish Fish Coupon for $1 Candies This Week!

May 15, 2014

The 8 oz bags of Sour Patch and Swedish Fish are on sale this week 2/$3, plus a new coupon just popped up for these,  Save $1.00 on any TWO (2) Packages of SOUR PATCH Kids or SWEDISH FISH Candy (6.35 oz. or larger, any variety). If you are planning on visiting the store by […]

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Starburst Jelly Beans Just $1

April 12, 2014

Another great Easter candy deal you can grab today – the Starburst stack! There was an insert coupon in last month’s Redplum, and we have an IVC in the April Coupon Book. These are on sale 2/$4 this week, so you can grab Starburst jelly beans for just $1 per bag! Walgreens Deals (thru 4/12) Buy […]

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