Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Breathe Right Strips


New Breathe Right Nasal Strips Coupons!

by Christie- on March 28, 2013

Breathe Right Nasal Strips

We have a new Breathe Right Nasal Strips coupon available! Plus you’ll be able to stack it with an upcoming coupon in the Walgreens book starting March 31st.

We don’t have any deals right now but make sure you get your coupons now. You can stack these coupons and use them to save $3.50 and we should see some great deals come out of this!



$.09 Breathe Right Strips!

by Christie Bisbee on February 6, 2011

You can get a GREAT deal on the 2pk trial sized Breathe Right strips. You can use the $1.50/1 Breathe Right coupon on these to grab a deal.

If your store will adjust the coupon down, than you can just get them FREE. However, the reality is that although their policy says they do this, 99.9% of the stores don’t. And remember, you can’t get overage with just a manufacturer coupons at Walgreens. You’d have a big old beepfest.  So, here’s how to get a great deal and a headache free, beepless transaction 🙂 …

5 – Breathe Right Strips 2pk $.99 EACH
Total = $4.95
(3) – $1.50/1 Breathe Right 12ct or Smaller PRINT or 01-30-11 RP
= $.45, or $.09 EACH!

If your store carries them, these would either be in your travel section or up towards the front register.

(Thanks eeendeavors)