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Get $400 in Offers from Similac StrongMoms

by Christie Bisbee on February 20, 2017

SimilacIf you have a little one or are expecting, you can join Similac® StrongMoms® Rewards for FREE and receive lots of great benefits including nutritional guidance, weekly emails, plus up to $400 in special offers! I loved the free gifts from Similac and the emails with information tailored to my little one.

Just go HERE and fill out the short form to sign up with Similac StrongMoms Rewards. Then check your inbox for customized weekly emails, featuring nutritional guidance and baby development information. Be sure and enter the Beyond the Bump Giveaway too while you’re there, for a chance to win a grand prize worth over $4,000! Plus, you can play the instant win game daily for a chance at winning one of hundreds of instant giveaways.