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Alarm systems


SimpliSafe Alarm System – Giveaway & Review!

by Christie Bisbee on August 28, 2013

SimpliSafe ReviewIf you are looking for a way to keep your family safe without breaking the bank, you’ll really want to consider SimpliSafe Home Security Systems. I recently installed one (yes you heard right – I installed it :)) and I am thrilled! I had been with a big name traditional alarm company for years and I felt like I was being held hostage by them. Plus the monitoring was expensive, I had to have home phone service and they charged outrageous fees for service calls.

Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 4.44.31 PMSimpliSafe was the solution to my home security dilema! It’s easy to use and I love that it alerts me via text and e-mail when the alarm has been turned on or off or I lose power.  And because it runs off cellular I can turn the alarm on or off from my cell phone using their app. It’s AWESOME!

Plus if you choose monitoring (which I did) there’s no contract and you can cancel at anytime. It’s a great way to keep your family protected! Plus they have a Love it…Or Return it for a full refund guarantee.

Here are some of my favorite features:

*Battery LifeSimpliSafe Sensors run on lithium batteries, ensuring your security system is running even when the electricity grid fails – up to two days. Plus you don’t have to think about replacing them for 5 years and you can buy them at Walgreens!

*Portable – You can take it with you when you move! You can even order extra sensors if you move into a larger home.

*Installation – You install it yourself! I was able to do it easily and all in under 30 minutes.

*Multiple Users – You can have multiple codes – so each family member can have their own and you can track activity on your cell or your computer. Plus you can give one to the pet sitter, cleaning person or anyone else that needs to access your home. You’ll know exactly when they turned the alarm on or off.

*Alert Only Mode – You can set sensors to “alert only” so it will let you know via text or e-mail when a sensor was triggered without setting off the alarm. You can use it to alert you if certain parts of your home are accessed like medicine cabinets, file drawers or cookie jars. 😉

SimplisafeGIVEAWAY: One lucky Wild for Wags reader will win a  SimpliSafe Economy package, that includes 3 Entry Sensors, 1 Motion Sensor, 1 Keypad, 1 Basestation, 1 Yard Sign and 1 Free Month of Interactive Monitoring. That’s over a $290 value! Plus you can use the promotional code “SAFENOW” to save 5% off any total purchase.

HOW TO ENTER: You can enter UP to (3) times.
1) Leave a comment letting us know how a security system would help your family.
2) Follow Simplisafe on Facebook or Twitter.
3) Follow Wildforwags on Facebook or Twitter.

I’ll pick the lucky winner on Tuesday, September 3rd at midnight. Good Luck! 🙂

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